Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Allahu Akbar Qassam Brigades, the whole Israel/NATO intelligence was unable to recover a single prisoner alive:

Member of the occupation war council, Benny Gantz, participates in the demonstrations of the families of Israeli prisoners who are demanding a deal to return their guys from Gaza!

Obviously Hamas and the supporter don't want peace, do they?
Obviously Hamas and the supporter don't want peace, do they?
Your only reply is Khamas khamas khamas.

Hamas was born out of Israeli oppression and occupation which occurred long before Hamas . Hamas has every right to resist their colonizers in any means possible.

Hamas like i explain before does not give you an excuse to commit genocide. This is nothing new since you have been killing Palestinians for the past 75 years.

You expect them to hand you flowers?
You are not debating , you deny the carpet bombing of Gaza and keep calling us collateral damage along with your Zionist buddies. You are just excusing genocide trying to get a reaction.

OK. The truth and fact must be according to your opinion, those who doesn't agree is clown ... sure.
Your only reply is Khamas khamas khamas.

Hamas was born out of Israeli oppression and occupation which occurred long before Hamas . Hamas has every right to resist their colonizers in any means possible.

Hamas like i explain before does not give you an excuse to commit genocide. This is nothing new since you have been killing Palestinians for the past 75 years.

You expect them to hand you flowers?

Thanks for confirming that they and you dont really want peace.
OK. The truth and fact must be according to your opinion ... sure.
Well you are the one on trial at The Hague. The same country that you supported apartheid in took you to The Hague for genocide.
You do remember Israel supported apartheid South Africa? Yes, I’m sure you are well aware of that since you are one yourself. Supporting your own fascists.
Nope. It was Israel. Israel was bombing the courtyards and vicinities of every hospital:

The Post also found that the Israeli military has conducted repeated and widespread airstrikes in proximity to hospitals, which are supposed to receive special protection under the laws of war. Satellite imagery reviewed by Post reporters revealed dozens of apparent craters near 17 of the 28 hospitals in northern Gaza, where the bombing and fighting were most intense during the first two months of war, including 10 craters that suggested the use of bombs weighing 2,000 pounds, the largest in regular use.


Nope. It was a Israeli airstrike. You are focusing on a single massacre. We don't need to as Israeli is commiting a collective Holocaust against the Palestinians which is what led to a genocide case being filed against Israel in the ICJ. Your Israeli handlers need to brush up on their practices. You are ones that invested so much energy and effort trying to defend this massacre when Israel officials carpet bombed Gaza and made genocidal statements for weeks on end and took actions that amount to genocide, thus having no leg to stand on.

Your argument now is you concede Israel is committing a genocide and Holocaust in Gaza and are trying to justify it. Unsuccessfully, of course.

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View attachment 11173

There is a reason why your Wapo article isn't talking about that specofic bomb blast in hospital parking lot , because it was Hamas rocket that killed 400 Hundred of Gazans in the parking lot .
People die by the hands of Both sides in collateral of war.

The analysis of that and other videos, in addition to expert review of imagery of the blast site, provides circumstantial evidence that could bolster the contention by Israel and the U.S. government that a stray rocket launched by a Palestinian armed group was responsible for the Oct. 17 explosion.
No, dont conflate that with my peoples right to resist our oppressors and colonizers. You dream of greater Israel and everyday you are committing genocide to reach your goal.

Israel want their citizen that you kept as hostage to be returned to them alive, but you dont want and support that they keep them as hostage.
It is not a sign for someone who want peace, whatever reason/judgement you make.
Israel want their citizen that you kept as hostage to be returned to them alive, but you dont want and support that they keep them as hostage.
It is not a sign for someone who want peace, whatever reason/judgement you make.
lol ok, what about the thousands of Palestinian hostages you call prisoners in Israeli jails?

Yes, carpet bombing them will bring them home in body bags. Good job. You even murdered 3 of your own who managed to escape with no shirts or weapons. This proves you just want to kill anyone you see even if it’s your own.

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