Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Holocaust guilt is instilled early in German children and reinforced multiple times during schooling and throughout life.

They first learn about the Holocaust in grade 3 or 4, at a tender age 9 or 10. When older, they are taken to see concentration camps and other places. The guilt is constantly reinforced so they are emotionally incapable of judging Israel's actions objectively.
lol ok, what about the thousands of Palestinian hostages you call prisoners in Israeli jails?

Yes, carpet bombing them will bring them home in body bags. Good job. You even murdered 3 of your own who managed to escape with no shirts or weapons. This proves you just want to kill anyone you see even if it’s your own.

Why don't you complain to Egypt who has closed it's border with Gaza.
Israel has much more solid reason to close her border with Gaza than Egpyt.

Show your intention for peace, abolish intention to exterminate Israel, stop claiming Israel land as yours, then there will be little reason remain for Israel to close the border.
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The German, a well known genocidal country that was destroyed by allies for multiple times with their women killed and dishonored hence paying a heavy price for warmongering in WW2, representative in Hague court again shows the savage nature of this country and announces support for Israel.

Germany leaps to the defense of Israel at the International Court of Justice, rejects South Africa's accusation of Gaza genocide​

Germany is set to intervene on Israel's behalf at the Hague after South Africa instituted proceedings accusing Israel of genocide against Palestinians, per a press release by the German federal government.

South Africa officially instituted the case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on December 29. A two-day public hearing at the Hague's Peace Palace began on January 11.

A statement by Steffen Hebestreit, the spokesman for the German federal government, cited the Holocaust and the genocide of six million Jews by Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime.

"In view of Germany's history and the crime against humanity of the Shoah, the Federal Government sees itself as particularly committed to the Convention against Genocide. This convention is a central instrument of international law to implement "never again."
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its quite simple really

Germans are very upset over the loss in Ukraine and the much famed Leopard tanks are being wiped off the map by Russian Lancet drones

they are upset and angry and now need to vent that anger in some way

after killing 6 million Jews for fun they are trying to transfer their crimes to Palestinians and also transfer their guilt

Germans have a historical track record of being humiliated by Russia at least once each century

usually they wait till later in the century but seems like in 21st they are insisting on being humiliated early

Germany accusing the South Africa is like the armed bank robber accusing the cashier for mishandling the cash
Why don't you complain to Egypt who has closed it's border with Gaza.
Israel has much more solid reason to close her border with Gaza than Egpyt.

Show your intention for peace, abolish intention to exterminate Israel, stop claiming Israel land as yours, then there will be little reason remain for Israel to close the border.

because Egypt has leaders that have been installed by Western governments to control Gaza

Mubarak was overthrown by the people and was democratically elected by the Egyptian people

he was overthrown by US and Sisi was installed

if Morsi was in power there would be no Israel right now
No Basis for South Africa Claim


Source: Al Jazeera (Creative Commons Sharing permitted).
View attachment 10876

Egptian men might as well wear women's clothes, they have a genocide happening to their neighbour for which they are responsible, and they go about their daily lives as if nothing is happening. How sick can a society get?

Saudi, UAE, Egypt and Jordan being on this list is a JOKE

remember these were the states that vetoed joint OIC action against Israel

This is the very definition of having snakes in your midst

And you can bet your last dollar that these countries would be looking to get back to the Abraham accords as soon as they can because they are such trash
Can the UN general assembly vote to disband the UN security council? The security council seems to be the source of perpetuating all evil around the world. Do we have any UN experts here?

The League of Nations went into history as countries left it. The same can happen into the UN. Can the Global South create its own version of the UN ? Think we are heading into that direction.

The Israeli Genocide cause case is an acid test case of whether it can treat the needs and claims of the Global South at the same level at those the white privileged people of the west ...
I simply cannot believe that a member here has been glorying rape and not ONE member, many of whom I respect have reported that post.

Please be better!
i would but most of them on ignore for me, every israel apologetic here same like that or in hidden, it was not without base people request to restrict those cynical pscyhopats from the begining but mods had different approach.
Me personally i would ban every pro israel post and user from this thread, at least they should not spread here there murderous apologetic filth and depravity calling it justice and other convinient fancy words.

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