Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Yes, they flee exit the border.

Make them... do it...

Isn't this the whole goal? Mileikowsky's premise...

Then why difficult to admit that you dont want peace?

Who said anything about peace with a belligerent? An occupier, a usurper...
In fact, I say in hindsight, it exposes the flawed leverage provided to the zionists... which allowed them the perch at the expense of Palestinians.

Now freedom isn't free...

Belligerent cannot be Appeased!
I can't definitively tell you whether the image you sent is the result of carpet bombing or not. Here's why:
  1. Limited context: The image alone doesn't provide enough context to determine the cause of the destruction. Knowing the location, date, and source of the image would be helpful in understanding the context.
  2. Multiple causes of destruction: Various events can cause large-scale destruction, including airstrikes, artillery fire, building demolitions, and natural disasters. Without additional information, it's impossible to pinpoint the exact cause in this case.
  3. Carpet bombing definition: Carpet bombing refers to an aerial bombing tactic that involves dropping a large number of bombs over a wide area to destroy as much as possible. While the image shows significant destruction, it's difficult to assess whether it meets the criteria of a carpet bombing based solely on the visual information.
Instead of relying solely on the image, I recommend seeking information from credible sources to understand the context and cause of the destruction depicted. Here are some suggestions:
  • News reports: Reputable news organizations often report on military conflicts and provide details about the types of weapons used and the targets struck.
  • Human rights organizations: These organizations often document human rights violations and may have information about specific incidents of destruction.
  • Expert analysis: Military analysts and other experts can provide insights into the tactics used in military conflicts and the likely causes of specific types of destruction.
By consulting these sources, you can gain a more informed understanding of the situation and avoid drawing conclusions based on limited information.
what about UN Reporter on occupied territories
I can't definitively tell you whether the image you sent is the result of carpet bombing or not. Here's why:
  1. Limited context: The image alone doesn't provide enough context to determine the cause of the destruction. Knowing the location, date, and source of the image would be helpful in understanding the context.
  2. Multiple causes of destruction: Various events can cause large-scale destruction, including airstrikes, artillery fire, building demolitions, and natural disasters. Without additional information, it's impossible to pinpoint the exact cause in this case.
  3. Carpet bombing definition: Carpet bombing refers to an aerial bombing tactic that involves dropping a large number of bombs over a wide area to destroy as much as possible. While the image shows significant destruction, it's difficult to assess whether it meets the criteria of a carpet bombing based solely on the visual information.
Instead of relying solely on the image, I recommend seeking information from credible sources to understand the context and cause of the destruction depicted. Here are some suggestions:
  • News reports: Reputable news organizations often report on military conflicts and provide details about the types of weapons used and the targets struck.
  • Human rights organizations: These organizations often document human rights violations and may have information about specific incidents of destruction.
  • Expert analysis: Military analysts and other experts can provide insights into the tactics used in military conflicts and the likely causes of specific types of destruction.
By consulting these sources, you can gain a more informed understanding of the situation and avoid drawing conclusions based on limited information.

In this case call it appendix A, and keep matching that with the rest of the strip... of course the rest of the world isn't willfully blind...

So this stays up so you can return to it every few hours...

Helps you digest better.
Why don't you complain to Egypt who has closed it's border with Gaza.
Israel has much more solid reason to close her border with Gaza than Egpyt.

Show your intention for peace, abolish intention to exterminate Israel, stop claiming Israel land as yours, then there will be little reason remain for Israel to close the border.
Is deflection and changing of topic all you do? We were talking about hostages and I was explaining to you the thousands of Palestinians hostages you have in Israeli jail. The hostages you used as an excuse for genocide.

What does Egypt have to do with this? By blaming Egypt, this is what you use to absolve yourself from the siege layed by you. I do not care for the corrupt Egyptian government installed by the West who overthrew Morsi to put Sisi. Flow of goods from Egypt were constantly flowing in before war alas strict control of goods. You however threatened to bomb the border crossing if any aid come in. It is you who is hampering the flow of aid by threatening to bomb anything that comes through without your ok. Egypt has been more than ready to send vital aid into Gaza.

Was Egypt working with Israeli government to put strict enforcement on goods and people coming into Gaza? Yes, like I said above that Egyptian leader is a puppet from the West who overthrew democratically elected president Morsi. You overthrow him because he was freely letting in goods or whatever Gaza needed. This is what you do, you bomb, overthrow, etc anyone who supports Palestine.
Totally agree.

Yes you can say there may be some benefits like sucking up to the Zionists and hence by extension getting on the good side of the Zionist controlled west, but there is not really much that India is getting now that they won't have got anyway. The harm to India's image will have far greater negative consequences in the end.

Modi's embrace of the Zionists in this genocide is another sign of how Hinduvta's are allowing hatred of Muslims take precedence over India's core strategic interests. Remember how Modi jumped to the side of Myanmar when they were carrying out the Rohingya genocide and was then forced to back-track after complaints from BD.

Not a single notable non-Muslim "Global South" government like China or Brazil is supporting the Zionists but we have India supporting the "fight against terrorism".

Bolded part. Indeed, that's part of the Indian strategy: Use the Israeli Lobbies, especially in America, to gain political ground at the expense of Pakistan and to promote the Indian interests. My position about foreign lobbies is that it is one thing to promote commercial/trade policies which would benefit both the host country and the lobbies' own countries. But it is another matter when they take hold of the political system to actually direct the host countries' foreign policy, as the Israelis are doing in America. Absolutely counter productive to American interests but patriotic Americans are helpless against these blackmailing leeches!!

These people don't even have 'dual loyalties': Their only loyalty is to Israel, damn be America!! They, being American dual citizens, can still get cushy govt jobs in America and yet can put on the Israeli military uniform and go and fight for Israel as it is happening now. WTH??!! Any American here listening? Per my observation, dual citizenship can deny even some ordinary govt jobs like in the USDA and here we have the leeching people in the Biden cabinet!!

Thank you about the Myanmar debacle by Modi. Sounds like the same debacle Modi did to embrace Israel shortly after October 7 but since then the Indian Foreign Ministry is backpaddling on that: India/Indians stood out in the Global South as the only major country with so vocal support for Israel. White American bloggers like Jackson Hinkle and Ben Norton noticed that quickly!!
what about UN Reporter on occupied territories

Did she eyewitness IDF dropping a large number of bombs in one strike over a wide area to destroy as much as possible? or it is just her opinion?

I think let military analyst from UN do the analysis to decide whether the destruction was really caused by carpet bombing or not or undeterminable.

An occupying force CANNOT forcibly displace the population of the occupied territory.

State practice also underlines the duty of parties to a conflict to prevent displacement caused by their own acts, at least those acts which are prohibited in and of themselves (e.g., terrorizing the civilian population or carrying out indiscriminate attacks). As stated in the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement:

All authorities and international actors shall respect and ensure respect for their obligations under international law, including human rights and humanitarian law, in all circumstances, so as to prevent and avoid conditions that might lead to displacement of persons.
Source: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, Principle 5 (cited in Vol. II, Ch. 38, § 34).

I also disagree with Israel for this point. I think Israel government need to give some compensation for them if she doesn't want to allow them to go back to Israel.
Did she eyewitness IDF dropping a large number of bombs in one strike over a wide area to destroy as much as possible? or it is just her opinion?

I think let military analyst from UN do the analysis to decide whether the destruction was really caused by carpet bombing or not or undeterminable.
she is UN reporter , she had access to UN personnel there and their testimonies

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