Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Why should and would China step into a conflict like this. The USA are being stripped naked financially by Russia and Israel so why should China get its hands dirty?
Should just focus on economy and home strength - something alt of other nations could learn from

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake, as a certain French Dictator once said.
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billboards in Tehran and other big cities writing in Hebrew & Persian languages: [you zionists] 'prepare your coffins!'​
Americans benefit from the wars in Eurasia. Look at how much weaponry being sold to the GCC Arab countries--something they can't effectively use to crush even the Houthis. The Russia-Ukraine war is damaging to Europe and beneficial to American interests. Keeping Taiwan to needle China distracts China and causes military expenditures. Even Pakistan can be used against India should India stray. Israel can be used to make the neighboring countries behave. Libya be bombed and destroyed--the refugees would end up on the shores of Europe. And on and on!

A certain segment of the American ruling class has figured out how to make big bucks: Exploiting the fault-lines in Eurasia and when, like in case of Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, it gets nasty, simply go back to the safe distance of North America.

That vicious business model must be broken and the Neo Cons to be destroyed!!
It was the model of UK empire, thanks to be an island.

And it's the model of USA empire, because de facto they are an island too, protected by two oceans.

Europe and USA had common interests decades ago, due to the fear of USSR communism.

But now that is over, and cheap energy and raw materials start to run out.

So Europe richness is unnecessary for USA and a problem to be solved.

I guess the same will happen to GCC richness.

Iraq and Libya are the new model of empire domination in the middle chaos and destruction, low internal resources consumption, cheaper domination, through electronic espionage and drone killings.
Look at the joy of these pigs as they dress up as dinosaurs and kill civilians. These people take joy in their genocide. Hypocrisy of the west knows no boundaries, anyone who helped fund this genocide needs to be tried with war crimes along with Israel.

America seems to be losing patience with Israel, any person with any insight could enlighten me if there is a chance that America can stop supporting Israel in near future as Israel refuses to listen to anything America tell them to do??

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