Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Maybe if we get lucky they'll throw a few small rockets at empty Golan Heights. Iran has no credibility like Hezbollah. They always make threats and never act on them.

Dude I tell you this if the Iranian government/military doesn’t retaliate on an epic scale and we are not talking about hitting cargo ships in the Indian or Red Sea but something substantial they’re going to start looking like a dog that barks with no teeth. IAF has been operating in Syrian and Lebanese airspace with near impunity killing off and destroying Iranian assets for years it’s now or never they wish to go head to head with Israel this is their excuse to do that let’s see if their missiles live up to the hype and can take out a few iAf and idf bases
Netanyahoo the nazi, his top priority now seems to make life in gaza so unbearable, so painful that the people will somehow push to leave and go else where. Now where only that lunatic knows because Joran and Egypt have been clear they wont be taking in any refugee's. That leaves the sea which leaves this genocial maniac to probably use.

This is clear genocide and ethnic cleasing, shame on all supporters of these vile actions. May the curse of Allah be upon you as well.
From the above article I just posted, here is long term implication:

"Zaltz emphasized the difficulty of persuading residents to return after the war. "If Hezbollah retains its missiles and murderous intent, honed over a decade of fighting in the Syrian civil war, along with a force five times that of Hamas in Gaza, and precise weaponry – people will refuse to return to live on the border," he said. "They aren’t naïve or foolish. Zionism has its limits. Without communities along the border, the frontier would inevitably shift further south.""

Is Iran and Hezbollah playing the longer game in the middle east?

Just to add, that would be at the expense of the Gazans, but makes Israel potentially more untenable.
Dude I tell you this if the Iranian government/military doesn’t retaliate on an epic scale and we are not talking about hitting cargo ships in the Indian or Red Sea but something substantial they’re going to start looking like a dog that barks with no teeth. IAF has been operating in Syrian and Lebanese airspace with near impunity killing off and destroying Iranian assets for years it’s now or never they wish to go head to head with Israel this is their excuse to do that let’s see if their missiles live up to the hype and can take out a few iAf and idf bases
You're not familiar enough with them. They won't even do a token strike against Israel. When Qassem Soleimani got killed, they informed US of a strike with 5 short range missiles on a US base in Iraq which is largely non-operational at that point. When they should have attacked Israel. Everyone knows Trump doesn't care who controls the US (the Jews) and only cares for his fame and glory. Trump grew up with Hollywood macho culture, the Jews in Pentagon goaded him into killing the Iranian general to prevent a token strike on a US asset in Iraq.

Of course with brainwashed Americans brainwashed by Hollywood for decades, he approached it like a existential crisis and wanted to be a movie hero, which the Jews know very well. And the Jews are playing the Americans so badly I don't know whether to laugh or cry anymore. That's why Iran should've responded by firing rockets at Israel, maybe through Syria and Lebanon. If they didn't do the right thing then, they won't do anything now. Iran's deterrence is based on its geography and economic interest in its resources/industry. It's a large nation with difficult geography. It's not the Iranian gov't that is deterring anyone as the Iranian gov't has next to no credibility when it comes to Israel.
For those that aren't familiar with what's happening in the north with Hezbollah:

Hezbollah has to do something to avoid scandalous-levels of scrutiny from the general public in Lebanon and the region. Hezbollah has opted to conduct token strikes. People say they gave up 100 martyrs. I will explain why:

Hezbollah is not in their actual battle formation nor fully mobilized for a full-scale war or anything near it. They sent squads of a few men to vulnerable positions to conduct token strikes with anti-tank missiles on pillars/targets on the border. So they can say they are doing something for Gaza.

Sending squads in this manner is dangerous for the squads and intentionally places them in vulnerable positions where it is easy to track them above the ground. This is NOT the battle formation of Hezbollah. Their actual battle formation can allow them to level all those military bases on the border from fortified underground tunnel systems and positions. Using their rocket/mortar arsenal. They're choosing NOT to go into their actual battle formation and activate that mode of offense.
Is Iran and Hezbollah playing the longer game in the middle east?
No. They aren't preparing for a kill-hit on Israel. Not now. Not 20 years from now. The only way to do so is join the Palestinians in their resistance against Israel and activate multiple fronts. Iran is playing the long game for nuclear weapons. Not to dismantle Israel or even change the status-quo in Israel.
Now where only that lunatic knows because Joran and Egypt have been clear they wont be taking in any refugee's. That leaves the sea which leaves this genocial maniac to probably use.
Egypt is resisting the transfer to Sinai and even Israelis have not spoken about the 'Camp City' in Sinai for several weeks. Who knows what's going to happen? I doubt even Israelis have a clear idea. I did see an Israeli source say to push the Gazans toward the coastal areas and then herd them onto ships to take them to other countries--some suggested were in Africa and Latin America--with the EU/Americans providing some financial help in that effort.
Is Iran and Hezbollah playing the longer game in the middle east?
Just to add, that would be at the expense of the Gazans, but makes Israel potentially more untenable.

It's definitely a longer game. I even saw a report that during the recent Iranian President's visit to Moscow, Putin advised the Iranians to exercise 'strategic patience'.
But who really knows?? We are all speculating here. Eventually, some kind of negotiated peace will come but how that would look like will be determined by what's going on in Gaza... If Gazans can't take too much attrition then also to be noted that Israelis can't take too much attrition and shutting down of their economy.
A wild card--the Houthis--has entered the conflict with very unpredictable consequences!! Unlike Hezbollah, the Houthis don't have much political considerations--they are truly free to act. There are even reports of 20,000 Houthis getting ready to get into Gaza somehow.
Who knows for sure!
Death by a thousand cuts, war of attrition, war of nerves, psychological war... however you put it, Israel is not better placed than its opponents to sustain a long multifront conflict.

As war rages on, northern communities ravaged and uncertainty abounds​

Some 100,000 residents evacuated from Lebanon border region amid Hezbollah fire as communities turn to military bases; local leaders struggle to estimate scope of damage, length of war and whether residents would ever choose to return.​

The devastation is widespread in the communities along the northern border with Lebanon. Residents evacuated two and a half months ago, but since then, their homes have been burned, roads ruined and infrastructure shattered by incoming fire from Hezbollah and, equally, by the tanks, APCs and other IDF hardware that transformed these communities into frontline outposts.
"We are living in a crazy reality," said Giora Zaltz, head of the Upper Galilee Regional Council. "The government has established a security zone inside Israel rather than in Lebanon. The military operates from the border communities, and when a Merkava tank fires from within a newly built neighborhood, the shockwave demolishes doors and shatters windows."

Here is the worst part about this mandate of Heaven.

Not only that the namesake zionists aren't all Jews... the subsequent generations and immigrants won't be either... aloof, unconcerned and disconnected from what is happening and it's underpinnings.

It will be Thais(east asians), Indians and eastern Europeans of disparate backgrounds inhabiting what is and was a settled community upended by European infatuation with violence, colonization capture of resources and trade routes.

Exactly how it is now in former colonized lands and it's recent immigrants.

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You're not familiar enough with them. They won't even do a token strike against Israel. When Qassem Soleimani got killed, they informed US of a strike with 5 short range missiles on a US base in Iraq which is largely non-operational at that point. When they should have attacked Israel. Everyone knows Trump doesn't care who controls the US (the Jews) and only cares for his fame and glory. Trump grew up with Hollywood macho culture, the Jews in Pentagon goaded him into killing the Iranian general to prevent a token strike on a US asset in Iraq.

Of course with brainwashed Americans brainwashed by Hollywood for decades, he approached it like an existential crisis and wanted to be a movie hero, which the Jews know very well. And the Jews are playing the Americans so badly I don't know whether to laugh or cry anymore. That's why Iran should've responded by firing rockets at Israel, maybe through Syria and Lebanon. If they didn't do the right thing then, they won't do anything now. Iran's deterrence is based on its geography and economic interest in its resources/industry. It's a large nation with difficult geography. It's not the Iranian gov't that is deterring anyone as the Iranian gov't has next to no credibility when it comes to Israel.
I am familiar with them I know they gave American forces a huge notice that is why I say if iran doesn’t do something substantial they are going to look increasingly silly in their speeches, like I said it’s do or die time you don’t think the Allie’s of iran are watching if they don’t do something iran is just going to start looking totally irrelevant.
No. They aren't preparing for a kill-hit on Israel. Not now. Not 20 years from now. The only way to do so is join the Palestinians in their resistance against Israel and activate multiple fronts. Iran is playing the long game for nuclear weapons. Not to dismantle Israel or even change the status-quo in Israel.

Makes sense, it seems like literally most of the world is terrified of Israel.

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