Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You clearly do not understand military tactics and battlefield scenarios,
Yes I do. You don't.
usual emotional rants,
That's what you're doing.
I already explained to you before lemme reiterate it for you again, Hezbollah in their full battle formation (if fully mobilized in the Israeli northern border) would get wiped out by Israeli Airforce and drones, Hezbollah is not a regular infantry force with tanks and artillery which can run over enemy defense lines and seize large number of territory. Hezbollah is a GUERELLA Army and a good one, and guerella forces have their best bet in defensive warfare.
Do you not see the contradiction here? Hezbollah in its battle formation as a guerilla/asymmetric force is the opposite of exposed to Israeli air force. What they're doing now, the token strikes with few ATGM squads, is getting them wiped out by Israeli drones and air force. Their actual battle formation (which is mostly underground and involves artillery) does not expose them. But, it would lead to a real skirmish which is outside the token strike rules of engagement Hezbollah is observing.
Talking about Hezbollah rockets, if Hezbollah launches a fair share of their rocket barrage on any Israeli city (assuming it overuns Iron dome), what you think Israel would do? Yes! they would level Beirut.
So? Israel will attack Lebanon and people will die. This is a given. Why are you using this as a excuse to not join the brothers in Hamas in the struggle against the Israeli terrorist? Isn't Hezbollah a mujahid/Islamic resistance movement?
War of attrition is the only way to bring Israel to the negotiating table, starting a full fledge war would be suicical for Lebanon.
There is no war of attrition. It's solidarity strikes for Gaza. The only negotiating table right now is what restricted to Gaza's situation and Hezbollah has no part in it and isn't swaying the negotiations one way or another.

The fanatic right wing Israelis have been giving out arms and raising militias which left wing Israelis fear will be used against them. Leading to an Israeli Civil war.

The fanatic right wing Israelis have been giving out arms and raising militias which left wing Israelis fear will be used against them. Leading to an Israeli Civil war.
The internal fissures in Israel are never discussed but are a real issue.

As I understand it the mizrahi Jews are outnumbering the European Jews and are far more belligerent in their zeal for Zionism.

They also culturally and morally oppose the more liberal European Jews and are known to be a net drain on the Israel economy.

They are also gaining more political power.

This demographic trend will have consequences how the country is socially balanced or imbalanced.
I remember in the older PDF, a certain Trench Broom was cheering such images, saying that's the language the Arabs understand: Humiliation, making the the prisoners strip to underpants. But such images and videos will only make Israel looks even worse than it is already perceived and hardened opposition against Israel not only in the Arab/Muslim minds but also among those who are not blind Zionists. The days of the 'Amalek' ended thousands of years ago and humanity is not going to look kindly at such images.
Israelis don't know what they are sowing.

Believe them when they say it. They want to execute a Holocaust against civilians. Which is only possible if the US continues to resupply them and Hezbollah/Iran frauds continue to turn a blind eye to what's happening in Gaza.

Believe them when they say it. They want to execute a Holocaust against civilians. Which is only possible if the US continues to resupply them and Hezbollah/Iran frauds continue to turn a blind eye to what's happening in Gaza.
Why do you single out Hezbollah and Iran? Kindly avoid such sectarian double standards.
Why do you single out Hezbollah and Iran? Kindly avoid such sectarian double standards.
HGV is that you? Still pulling the sectarian card when Hamas's allies are called to action? If you choose to only see criticism directed at Hamas's allies in my posts, than that's a conscious bias you're making. My posts have been critical of everyone, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. I expect more from Hamas's allies. As should everyone. When they spent the past five six years building up the unity of fronts doctrine and advertising it to the domestic public. Only for it to not manifest in a meaningful way.

really ???
Yes, this is in the West Bank. An Israeli settler stormed a church and did this.
If you choose to only see criticism directed at Hamas's allies in my posts, than that's a conscious bias you're making. My posts have been critical of everyone, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.
Your post put the responsibility for averting a genocide ONLY at Iran and Hezbollah, without mentioning a single Arab/Muslim state: "Which is only possible if the US continues to resupply them and Hezbollah/Iran frauds continue to turn a blind eye to what's happening in Gaza".

That is clear double standards and such double standards are inadvisable. Do better.

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