Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Your post put the responsibility for averting a genocide ONLY at Iran and Hezbollah, without mentioning a single Arab/Muslim state: "Which is only possible if the US continues to resupply them and Hezbollah/Iran frauds continue to turn a blind eye to what's happening in Gaza".

That is clear double standards and such double standards are inadvisable. Do better.

This responsibility falls on all sides involved in the conflict, not just some of them. ALL of them. And their people.
Your post put the responsibility for averting a genocide ONLY at Iran and Hezbollah, without mentioning a single Arab/Muslim state: "Which is only possible if the US continues to resupply them and Hezbollah/Iran frauds continue to turn a blind eye to what's happening in Gaza".

That is clear double standards and such double standards are inadvisable. Do better.
Stop quoting me, HGV. If I wasn't here showing the nature of the Axis-of-frauds, you'd be making it look like they've launched sophisticated and wide scale attacks on Israel. Hamas expects a lot more from it's allies, rightfully so. The general public does too, when you spend 6 years promoting a unity of fronts doctrine which turned out to be empty rhetoric.
The internal fissures in Israel are never discussed but are a real issue.

As I understand it the mizrahi Jews are outnumbering the European Jews and are far more belligerent in their zeal for Zionism.

They also culturally and morally oppose the more liberal European Jews and are known to be a net drain on the Israel economy.

They are also gaining more political power.

This demographic trend will have consequences how the country is socially balanced or imbalanced.

Weren’t the Mizrahi the ones that lived in the Middle East prior to 1948, seemly living side by side with Muslim and Christians for centuries. What explains this fanaticism? If I’m not mistaken, outside of the Hasidum, they are ones for the high birth rates in Israeli society, bring the overall birth rate to an average of around 3 per woman. They are probably counted under “Religious” in the following graphic. Hasidum are a sub-sect of Haredi.



I don’t think they are gaining, they have already gained power with this government and this war.
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No one really thought of how the Gaza war would unravel and how it adversely it would affect the global system in multiple aspects. The daring attacks by Hamas freedom fighters on 7th of October targeting a large number of Israeli military installations certainly took the whole world with a surprise. Many regarded these Hamas attacks, which shattered the so-meticulously created perception of Israeli military's invincibility, as purely a suicidal action by Hamas and thought that Hamas would be soon smashed in a matter of weeks, if not days, by the Israeli military. Shocked to the core and completely thrown into shambles, Israeli state furiously started launched fierce attack on Gaza with an aim of wipe it out with or without any Palestinian left alive in the name of crushing Hamas. It is on record now that every Israeli, starting from commoners to retired generals, ministers and politicians, claimed that Palestine was a thing of the past. Some sick-minded retired Zionist generals and officials even asked Netanyahu to burn the whole Gaza along with all its Palestinian population. All that shows how much Zionists are sick minded having a fascist criminal mentality. Israel dropped more than tens of thousands of tons of munitions/bombs on the small Gaza strip intentionally targeting residential buildings, schools, mosques, and hospitals as a means of collective punishment. These Zionist war criminals have no value for human life. Filthy slaves of Zionists (i.e. American and European leaders) fully and actively supported their war criminal Zionist masters in killing tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians, majority of them being babies and children.

After almost three months of continuous aerial bombing and numerous ground attacks, Zionist war criminals are still getting a daily bloody nose from Hamas fighters without any military victory visible at all. In the process, Zionists have received thousands of casualties that they have never experienced before. Hamas freedom fighters are killing these coward terrorists like stray dogs having hundreds of them being lured and buried under the rubble of buildings in Gaza that these Zionst terrorists tried to use for attacking positions against Palestinians. Israeli war criminal military might be slowly advancing on Gaza but the price they are paying in terms of men and material is extremely high and not many military observers believe that Israeli war criminals can continue paying such a heavy price for much longer. Even some retired Zionist generals are crying. For example:

Israeli media: Former Deputy Chief of Staff Yair Golan ( 24 Dec 2023):
Golan said in radio statements published by the Hebrew newspaper Maariv on Sunday that Israel waging a war “in which its best sons are sacrificed without military objectives is shocking.” Stressing that "the problem with the ground operation is that the political level does not clarify the goals of the war."

The "Israeli" military commander stressed that "it is impossible to ignore that the war began with an overwhelming failure for Israel, even if we get Yahya Al-Sinwar (head of the political bureau of Hamas in Gaza)."

Golan called on the political leadership in the occupying state to "tell the truth and delay the elimination of Hamas." Adding: "It is inevitable to reach an agreement with Hamas and not with any other actor."

Middle East Observer:
- 27% of military deaths in war are officers.
- 3 brigade commanders, 4 battalion commanders, and other senior officers have fallen so far in the war.
- The Nahal Brigade patrol lost almost all of its leadership, while the 13th Battalion of the Golani Brigade also suffered a severe blow.

Hamas freedom fighters have beaten shit out of Zionist terrorist military (these cowards are only good at killing unarmed civilians, children, babies, and women) during the last 80 days. Even top-ranking Zionist brigades such as Golani and Givati brigade were beaten to bite the dust. A former Israeli general has revealed that the 'elite' Golani Brigade lost a quarter of its forces on just the first day of the war ( Coward Zionist soldiers of Golani brigade have been reported to celebrate after they were forced to disgracefully turn their tail from Gaza. Pulling their best brigade from the war front after getting a bloody beating from Hamas will certainly dump the morale of the rest of Zionist war criminals.

The front of this war is slowly expanding beyond Gaza. Hezbollah is actively fighting against Zionist war criminals from South Lebanon. Yemen has effectively imposed a sea blockage on Israel in the Red Sea. US efforts to forge a multinational naval alliance against Yemen has fallen flat on Biden's cursed face. Algiers is probably going to impose a sea blockade on Israel in the Strait of Gibraltar. And now Yemen has announced its intention of severing the seaborne Internet cables. Iran might be actively supporting all these activities. However, the disruption of Internet traffic and global trade crisis caused by the sea blockades will certainly push the world into uncharted waters.

Russia is apparently waiting for a point where US/NATO gets fully exhausted while supporting both Israel and Ukraine. For the US/NATO it's extremely crucial to save their war criminal Zionist masters while Ukraine’s defeat will be like a disaster for Europeans.

China, on the other hand, might find an opportunity to resolve the Taiwan issue militarily by conquering it. That will practically shrink the strategic global reach of the US.

No one really thought of all this and how the Gaza war will potentially cause global strategic upheaval. Zionist war criminals and their disgraced western slaves actively pursued a policy of genocide against Palestinians. They have so many blood stains of their filthy criminal hands. These sick minded war criminals thought they can continue with their crimes against humanity without any lash back. These disgraced war criminals planned to slowly eliminate or disperse the remaining Palestinians from Gaza and West Bank. They manipulated facts to spread massive falsehood and create wishful perceptions. The invincible Zionist military has proved to be the most coward and unprofessional military of this world (consisting of war criminal murderers of babies, children, and women) when faced with just a group of real fighters. The way these bloody criminals cry before their death or after becoming captive exposes them as one of the most coward idiots. Now the question is not if a real independent Palestinian state will emerge but rather if the war criminal Zionist state of Israel will be able to survive after this war.
Weren’t the Mizrahi the ones that lived in the Middle East prior to 1948, seemly living side by side with Muslim and Christians for centuries. What explains this fanaticism? If I’m not mistaken, outside of the Hasidum, they are ones for the high birth rates in Israeli society, bring the overall birth rate to an average of around 3 per woman.

I don’t think they are gaining, they have already gained power with this government and this war.

I understand it's because they have been side lined previously by the European descended Israelis and did not like their liberal ways, they now are starting to have power and representation to their numbers and I suppose are making their presence felt.

The medium term trajectory for Israel it seems will be to more insular and religiously driven, soon the constitution may be an entirely Jewish based one.
I understand it's because they have been side lined previously by the European descended Israelis and did not like their liberal ways, they now are starting to have power and representation to their numbers and I suppose are making their presence felt.

The medium term trajectory for Israel it seems will be to more insular and religiously driven, soon the constitution may be an entirely Jewish based one.
But what shaped this view. Was it like this from the start, or did their view harden due to certain leadership?
But what shaped this view. Was it like this from the start, or did their view harden due to certain leadership?
Rather than me, this fellow seems to be knowledgeable, credible and erudite in his explanation. Long video, though i think you will enjoy it.


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