Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Really? who said that?

You talk as if Palestine land had been always 100% arab population from the beginning till the 1948.

Palestinian Jews or Jewish Palestinians were the Jewish inhabitants of the Palestine region (known in Hebrew as Eretz Yisrael, lit. 'Land of Israel') prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.​
The common term used to refer to the Jewish communities of Ottoman Syria during the 19th century[1] and British Palestine prior to the 1948 establishment of the State of Israel[1] is Yishuv (lit. 'settlement'). A distinction is drawn between the "New Yishuv", which was largely composed of and descended from Jewish immigrants who arrived in the Levant during the First Aliyah (1881–1903), and the "Old Yishuv", which was the pre-existing Jewish community of Palestine prior to the consolidation of Zionism and the First Aliyah.​

In fact Palestinian Jews has been existant since Rome empire rule Palestine (Judea & Samaria) 19 centuries ago.

You can't push your (false) rhetoric as reality to people.
More Israeli lies?
It is obvious after Gaza , Lebanon and Hizbos would be next. It would be stupid for Lebanon to think Beirut isn't going to be leveled, as we have seen evil Zionist Nazi regime will show no mercy and are cold blooded murders. Best for Lebanon to fight now while the Israeli army is divided, same goes for Amaan too. With the US elections coming next year the democrats won't want to show too much involvement and certainly won't want US soldiers returning inbody bags but after the elections anything is possible. Show no mercy and obey no rules of decency is Israel's moto these days.
Why would Amaan be flattened? They have been a good Satrap all this time.

*The Al-Nahal Brigade, one of the elite forces operationally affiliated with the Gaza Division, lost in the first hours of the October 7 attack the entire leadership hierarchy, including the brigade commander, his staff, a battalion commander, a deputy battalion commander, and the commander of one of the brigade’s companies, in addition to 14 soldiers.

*In subsequent operations, the brigade lost 35% of its strength and its classification declined from an elite force to a unit under reorganization. All of its members are now either new recruits or a mixture of mercenaries. During the past week, it has suffered heavy losses and is now being withdrawn for reorganization. If this is the case, What is the condition of the elite units? What is the condition of the border guard companies that were brought in hastily from the Negev desert on the Egyptian and Jordanian borders and the area south of Beersheba??Note: The land borders between the Zionist entity, Egypt and Jordan are considered weak areas that are not fully protected after the withdrawal of most of the border guard units to compensate for the withdrawal of the destroyed elite brigades on the Gaza front and to throw the border guards and mercenaries into the hell of battle.
Could you show me statistic from 2000 years period which showing none jews population at all in Palestine?

At the end of the day, it can hardly be contested that a citizen of the UK promised land away that wasn't theirs to give to another race of people. When that people moved in to this newly promised land, they pushed out the people that were already living there. They were massacred, horrible things happened for generations and continues to this day because one person's home was violated and given to another. I don't think that's something you ever get over. This story sounds VERY VERY familiar to what happened in the west and the americas. The most revealing part is that in both cases it was the same types/groups of people that did the displacing (Europe, UK) any one else pick up on that?
Could you show me statistic from 2000 years period which showing none jews population at all in Palestine?
Here you are:-

Khansaheebs stats:
Population of Palestine 2000BC to Present:- 100% Palestinian*
*Palestinian= People living in the land of Palestine
At the end of the day, it can hardly be contested that a citizen of the UK promised land away that wasn't theirs to give to another race of people. When that people moved in to this newly promised land, they pushed out the people that were already living there. They were massacred, horrible things happened for generations and continues to this day because one person's home was violated and given to another. I don't think that's something you ever get over. This story sounds VERY VERY familiar to what happened in the west and the americas. The most revealing part is that in both cases it was the same types/groups of people that did the displacing (Europe, UK) any one else pick up on that?
Even worse Israel won't allow genetic testing which would prove their origin is not from Palestine. These immigrant Israelis are just opportunistic free land and housing grabbers:-

"It isn't banned in İsrael but genetics are, in fact, irrelevant (lol) to Jewish identity- it's a non-issue. Less than half of all İsraeli Jews have any connection with Europe in any case, as the majority are descended from immigrants from the MENA region (more lies). The reason DNA tests are restricted is actually for security reasons (hahaha)."
At the end of the day, it can hardly be contested that a citizen of the UK promised land away that wasn't theirs to give to another race of people. When that people moved in to this newly promised land, they pushed out the people that were already living there. They were massacred, horrible things happened for generations and continues to this day because one person's home was violated and given to another. I don't think that's something you ever get over. This story sounds VERY VERY familiar to what happened in the west and the americas. The most revealing part is that in both cases it was the same types/groups of people that did the displacing (Europe, UK) any one else pick up on that?

British was doing just what Roman empire, Rashidune Chalipate or Ottoman empire were doing when they allowed arab people migrate to Palestine land and push jews away from Palestine due to jizya and persecution then change the Palestine demographic gradually.

The difference: British didn't impose sort of jizya to arab Palestine and pushed out arab from Palestine.

The State of Israel was established in 1948, and its legitimacy is recognized by a significant number of UN member states. Israel is a member state of the United Nations and has diplomatic relations with many countries.

The right of Jews to immigrate to Israel is also affirmed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state and the right to leave any country, including one's own, and return to one's country.

The root cause of this problem is: because you reject the existence of Israel and keep waging war on them.

Here you are:-

Khansaheebs stats:
Population of Palestine 2000BC to Present:- 100% Palestinian*
*Palestinian= People living in the land of Palestine

He is wrong and doesn't speak reality.

There are 2 Palestinian: arab palestinian and jews palestinian which were 33% of total Palestine population in year 1947.

Even worse Israel won't allow genetic testing which would prove their origin is not from Palestine. These immigrant Israelis are just opportunistic free land and housing grabbers:-

"It isn't banned in İsrael but genetics are, in fact, irrelevant (lol) to Jewish identity- it's a non-issue. Less than half of all İsraeli Jews have any connection with Europe in any case, as the majority are descended from immigrants from the MENA region (more lies). The reason DNA tests are restricted is actually for security reasons (hahaha)."

Hehehe .. DNA. Tests illegal in Israel no need for testing them we know where most Zionist are arriving from.

They don't have to. Jews came from Europe and they look European than more than the Real

British was doing just what Roman empire, Rashidune Chalipate or Ottoman empire were doing when they allowed arab people migrate to Palestine land and push jews away from Palestine due to jizya and persecution then change the Palestine demographic gradually.

The difference: British didn't impose sort of jizya to arab Palestine and pushed out arab from Palestine.

The State of Israel was established in 1948, and its legitimacy is recognized by a significant number of UN member states. Israel is a member state of the United Nations and has diplomatic relations with many countries.

The right of Jews to immigrate to Israel is also affirmed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state and the right to leave any country, including one's own, and return to one's country.

The root cause of this problem is: because you reject the existence of Israel and keep waging war on them.

He is wrong and doesn't speak reality.

There are 2 Palestinian: arab palestinian and jews palestinian which were 33% of total Palestine population in year 1947.

What are you blabbering on about this time you are all over the place.

Wondering why the Arabs were expected to negotiate giving up their land because someone else wanted it. I know I wouldn't give up half my home because someone claimed they wanted it because their book said so.
The right of Jews to immigrate to Israel is also affirmed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state and the right to leave any country, including one's own, and return to one's country.
That's a lot of word salad to just say that the Jews believe it's their God-given land. No they do not have any such right to declare land God-given exclusively to them and colonize it. There is no such law in place.
@Waz @Hyde

Tempers are frayed. Bloodlust and desire for religious vengeance apparent.


For our forum it is imperative that we have genuine Jewish voices present here as well.

I tried scanning through the thread.

Completely one sided.

NO conflict is one sided.

Same situation at the WAB. Its so much better if we can have equal counterviews at one place.

Cheers, Doc
For our forum it is imperative that we have genuine Jewish voices present here as well.
They are here false-flagging. But also many of them are unable to defend the indefensible Holocaust that's being executing by their country in Gaza. No one is preventing them from contributing.

Palestinians and the Middle East have repeatedly wanted to destroy the Jews
and completely erase Israel from the world map.

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