Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Once again, regime change and transfer of security control is not genocide. Regardless of what 'commentators' think. You stated Hamas started a genocidal war against the Jews of Israel and that pro-Palestine folks should not complain if Israel commits a genocide back. But you lied about this. Hamas provided the stated objective/reasons of its military operation against Israel, none of which includes genocide nor intent of genocide:

The operation was launched by Mohammad al-Deif the General Commander of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, in response to the Israeli crimes against Palestinians and its repeated incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The political change or regime change, is only acceptable and justifiable when pursued through peaceful, democratic, and lawful means. International norms and principles advocate for the resolution of political disputes through dialogue, negotiations, and democratic processes.

Not through war, more over by suppressing and suspending people's (of Israelian) right.

The regime changed by foreign government will not be sustainable without oppression and genocide and not only will invite international condemn but also military sanctions.

This is by assuming you have military power that is capable to change the Israel government. :geek:
Nope. I am telling that prosecuting is his expertise and tendency of a prosecutor.
He's come to a accurate and legal conclusion of how to describe what's happening in Gaza. And it's not only him:

The interpretation of this resolution, including the question of Israel's withdrawal from the West Bank, has been a subject of debate and negotiation for decades.
You clearly are some hasbara-paid shill. Same protocols I see, haven't changed for over 15 years. There is no debate. The resolution is clear. Israel rejects the resolution and you use Israel's rejection to suggest there is a global debate on the subject matter, when there isn't.

And you show us you don't even respect integrity of UN resolutions and work by doing this.
I show you solid rock evidence, even the Hamas charter.
No you don't. First of all, Hamas has a updated charter. And second, regime change and transfer of security control is not genocide. I gave evidence Hamas had no intent to commit genocide of Jews in this operation. You evaded and ran away as you used that false projection as justification for the genocide in Gaza. It also can stand as admission to genocide and intent of genocide in Gaza. Otherwise you wouldn't be trying to justify it in that manner.

The regime changed by foreign government will not be sustainable without oppression and genocide and not only will invite international condemn but also military sanctions.
Great, so Israel's committing oppression and genocide in Gaza as it's a foreign government trying to achieve regime change in Gaza.
He's come to a accurate and legal conclusion of how to describe what's happening in Gaza. And it's not only him:

Yes. But the wording of "genocide" is not genuine from the intended speaker.

You clearly are some hasbara-paid shill. Same protocols I see, haven't changed for over 15 years. There is no debate. The resolution is clear. Israel rejects the resolution and you use Israel's rejection to suggest there is a global debate on the subject matter, when there isn't. And you show us you don't even respect integrity of UN resolutions and work by doing this.

I never say it changed. The resolution 242 remains the same, the difference is on the interpretations from Palestine vs from Israel.

No you don't. First of all, Hamas has a updated charter.

Hamas never change/withdraw the statement about their intention to exterminate Israel as their ultimate mission. Even in the newer charter.

And second, regime change and transfer of security control is not genocide. I gave evidence Hamas had no intent to commit genocide of Jews in this operation. You evaded and ran away as you used that false projection as justification for the genocide in Gaza. It also can stand as admission to genocide and intent of genocide in Gaza. Otherwise you wouldn't be trying to justify it in that manner.

Your evidence is only saying the intention for the 4 day operation Tofan al Aqsa instead of mission of Hamas. So you are dishonest here.

It is highly doubtful that the Regime transfer by arab foreign power over the jewish state will not involve genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Great, so Israel's committing oppression and genocide in Gaza as it's a foreign government trying to achieve regime change in Gaza.

Does Israel intend so?

Is Hamas governance based on democracy purely portraying Palestinian will?
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You are evading my evidence.

How could Hamas intention => "the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.[4][5][6 " won't involve genocide of jewish there?

How could the extermination of Israel is not genocidal?

On November 17, 2023, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, announced a policy change, stating that users who use terms like "decolonization" and "from the river to the sea," or similar expressions would be suspended. He claimed these terms were used as euphemisms for extreme violence or genocide.[50]

ADL regional director Jonah Steinberg stated that from the time of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and thereafter “there was a catchphrase of ‘pushing the Jews into the sea’ and the phrase, ‘from the river to the sea’ echoes that trope in a menacing way.”[76]

When someone is so concerned about a “chant” which they feel call about the annihilation of Israel while they are completely fine with Israel’s ongoing annihilation of Palestine makes me go bonkers.
Just be realistic, if you want war then expect what the war will bring to you. If you want to genocide jews because according to you they occupy your land then don't complain if they genocide you back.

Before waging war, make sure in the first place that your military power is capable to defend your people and defeat your enemy.

What you are claiming now might be no longer your house but somebody else houses because their ancestors have purchased legally from your ancestors.

Is Europe or Are Europeans going to decide where they move to next? Which land belongs to them... how their theology changes or even if they're atheist but it is convenient?
What if Herzl had decided on Madagascar or Uganda?
Religious cover was only a matter of convenience.

Break it down for your reader, Anton!
When someone is so concerned about a “chant” which they feel call about the annihilation of Israel while they are completely fine with Israel’s ongoing annihilation of Palestine makes me go bonkers.

Israel is not nuking Gaza yet.. they are after Hamas who are hiding behind civilians.

There are much more civilian died in Ukraine than in Gaza.
Yes. But the wording of "genocide" is not genuine from the intended speaker.
More word salad because you have nothing to counter and we certainly don't see a paid-hasbara shill as more credible than a the former Chief ICC Prosecutor. He's right and you're wrong. Period.
I never say it changed. The resolution 242 remains the same, the difference is on the interpretations from Palestine vs from Israel.
Stop the hasbara. The UN resolution explicitly calls on Israel to withdraw from occupied territories, there is no debate on it.
Hamas never change/withdraw the statement about their intention to exterminate Israel as their ultimate mission. Even in the newer charter.
There is no such thing in the first place. Regime change and transfer of security control is not genocide.
Your evidence is only saying the intention for the 4 day operation Tofan al Aqsa instead of mission of Hamas. So you are dishonest here.
Day 4 of the website's coverage of the conflict. Which you know. But Hasbara-paid shill guidelines tell you to deflect and evade. So once again, here is the objective/reason Hamas gave for the operation(on day 1), which does not include genocide or genocidal intent, as you falsely claimed:
The operation was launched by Mohammad al-Deif the General Commander of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, in response to the Israeli crimes against Palestinians and its repeated incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It is highly doubtful that the Regime transfer by arab foreign power over the jewish state will not involve genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Does Israel intend so?
You told us it's impossible to complete regime change without committing genocide. Israel has pledged to complete regime change in Gaza. So, according your logic, Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. End of discussion. You can't make up your mind because you lie so much your lies contradict your previous lies. Keep up the hasbara and you will be permabanned from the forum soon.
Is Europe or Are Europeans going to decide where they move to next? Which land belongs to them... how their theology changes or even if they're atheist but it is convenient?
What if Herzl had decided on Madagascar or Uganda?
Religious cover was only a matter of convenience.

Break it down for your reader, Anton!

None state is allowed to annex land belong to other state, except during war when the state is being attacked.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, adopted in the aftermath of the Six-Day War in 1967, calls for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied during that conflict. The resolution emphasizes the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war" and stresses the need for achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

The specific wording of Resolution 242 has been subject to different interpretations over the years, and the implementation of its provisions has been a matter of ongoing discussion and negotiation. Some key points related to Resolution 242 include:

  1. Withdrawal from Territories:
    • The resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied during the Six-Day War. However, it does not specify a complete withdrawal from all territories, and the wording has been a source of interpretation and negotiation.
  2. Negotiations for Peace:
    • Resolution 242 also emphasizes the need for negotiations to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. The resolution envisions the establishment of secure and recognized boundaries for all states in the region, along with the recognition of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of every state.
  3. Land for Peace Principle:
    • The concept of "land for peace" has been associated with Resolution 242, implying that Israel would exchange territory for the achievement of peace with its neighbors. The principle recognizes the need for mutual compromises to resolve the Israeli-Arab conflict.
The interpretation and application of Resolution 242 have been central to diplomatic efforts and peace processes in the region. Various negotiations and peace initiatives have been based on the principles outlined in this resolution.
Israel is not nuking Gaza yet.. they are after Hamas who are hiding behind civilians.
Israel does not need to nuke Gaza in order for it to be categorized and recognized as a genocide.
There are much more civilian died in Ukraine than in Gaza.
Another lie. Post your sources or get permabanned. Israel killed double the amount of civilians in Gaza in 2 months than how many civilians were killed in the Ukraine conflict in 22 months:

GENEVA, Nov 21 (Reuters) - More than 10,000 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since Russia invaded in February 2022, with about half of recent deaths occurring far behind the front lines, the U.N. Human Rights Office said on Tuesday.

None state is allowed to annex land belong to other state, except during war when the state is being attacked.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, adopted in the aftermath of the Six-Day War in 1967, calls for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied during that conflict. The resolution emphasizes the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war" and stresses the need for achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

The specific wording of Resolution 242 has been subject to different interpretations over the years, and the implementation of its provisions has been a matter of ongoing discussion and negotiation. Some key points related to Resolution 242 include:

  1. Withdrawal from Territories:
    • The resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied during the Six-Day War. However, it does not specify a complete withdrawal from all territories, and the wording has been a source of interpretation and negotiation.
  2. Negotiations for Peace:
    • Resolution 242 also emphasizes the need for negotiations to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. The resolution envisions the establishment of secure and recognized boundaries for all states in the region, along with the recognition of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of every state.
  3. Land for Peace Principle:
    • The concept of "land for peace" has been associated with Resolution 242, implying that Israel would exchange territory for the achievement of peace with its neighbors. The principle recognizes the need for mutual compromises to resolve the Israeli-Arab conflict.
The interpretation and application of Resolution 242 have been central to diplomatic efforts and peace processes in the region. Various negotiations and peace initiatives have been based on the principles outlined in this resolution.

So, how would you reconcile Herzl's idea of Zion?
Is that grandfathered in?
Why would they start moving to Palestine?
Why once Britain takes over the land from Ottomans, allocates it to Zionists and issues Balfour declaration?
Why second world war further aids the zionist cause and hesitant or indecisive jews start heading to the holy land?
Terrorism for achieving a state and then a coincidence... UN grants the immigrants a state!!!
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