Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This responsibility falls on all sides involved in the conflict, not just some of them. ALL of them. And their people.
Indeed. Attempts to put all responsibility on one country 1000km away and one non-state actor are rather odd.

Stop quoting me, HGV.
I will continue to call out your sectarian-driven rhetoric when necessary, especially considering your track record of extremist sectarian rhetoric and beliefs. Those screenshots don't lie, and there is a lot of evidence that you haven't changed your views, so we must be extra vigilant to counter such extremism.
Indeed. Attempts to put all responsibility on one country 1000km away and one non-state actor are rather odd.

I will continue to call out your sectarian-driven rhetoric when necessary, especially considering your track record of extremist sectarian rhetoric and beliefs. Those screenshots don't lie, and there is a lot of evidence that you haven't changed your views, so we must be extra vigilant to counter such extremism.

Agreed 100%.
You clearly do not understand military tactics and battlefield scenarios, usual emotional rants, I already explained to you before lemme reiterate it for you again, Hezbollah in their full battle formation (if fully mobilized in the Israeli northern border) would get wiped out by Israeli Airforce and drones, Hezbollah is not a regular infantry force with tanks and artillery which can run over enemy defense lines and seize large number of territory. Hezbollah is a GUERELLA Army and a good one, and guerella forces have their best bet in defensive warfare.

Talking about Hezbollah rockets, if Hezbollah launches a fair share of their rocket barrage on any Israeli city (assuming it overuns Iron dome), what you think Israel would do? Yes! they would level Beirut.

War of attrition is the only way to bring Israel to the negotiating table, starting a full fledge war would be suicical for Lebanon.
It is obvious after Gaza , Lebanon and Hizbos would be next. It would be stupid for Lebanon to think Beirut isn't going to be leveled, as we have seen evil Zionist Nazi regime will show no mercy and are cold blooded murders. Best for Lebanon to fight now while the Israeli army is divided, same goes for Amaan too. With the US elections coming next year the democrats won't want to show too much involvement and certainly won't want US soldiers returning inbody bags but after the elections anything is possible. Show no mercy and obey no rules of decency is Israel's moto these days.

Very suprising Iran or its proxies haven't knocked out the oil pipeline to Israel, if Israel can kil Iranian Generals why doesn't Iran hit back?-

Israeli air strike in Syria kills top Iranian military adviser​

Sayyed Razi Mousavi was responsible for coordinating the military alliance between Syria and Iran.

IRGC adviser

Video Duration 03 minutes 21 seconds03:21
Published On 25 Dec 202325 Dec 2023
6 hours ago

An Israeli air strike outside the Syrian capital of Damascus has killed a senior adviser in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), according to reports from Iranian state media.
Sayyed Razi Mousavi, one of the top IRGC commanders in Syria, was killed on Monday.


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He was responsible for coordinating the military alliance between Syria and Iran, an important part of Iran’s regional network of allies and proxies known as the “Axis of Resistance”.
Mousavi “was killed during an attack by the Zionist regime a few hours ago in Zeinabiyah district in the suburbs of Damascus,” Iran’s official IRNA news agency reported, using a different name for Sayyida Zeinab south of the Syrian capital.
In a statement read on state TV, the IRGC said that the “usurper and savage Zionist regime will pay for this crime”.

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Video Duration 03 minutes 21 seconds03:21

Iran’s state television interrupted its regular news broadcast to announce that Mousavi had been killed, describing him as one of the most experienced IRGC advisers in Syria.
The strike comes amid fears that Israel’s war with the Palestinian armed group Hamas in Gaza could expand into a wider regional conflict, pulling in Iran-backed groups such as Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

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“Mousavi is one of the oldest IRGC commanders in Syria and Lebanon, he’s been functioning in this area since the 80s,” Al Jazeera correspondent Ali Hashem reported from southern Lebanon.

“According to our sources, Mousavi was the target of several assassination attempts by Israel. However, this was the time when the assassination attempt succeeded. The Israelis accuse him of being an instrumental figure within the network of arms smuggling from Iran to Syria, to Iraq to Syria, and to end with Hezbollah in Lebanon, and also as very influential within what Iran calls the Axis of Resistance,” Hashem added.
Reports from IRNA said that Mousavi was “among those accompanying Qassem Soleimani,” the head of the IRGC’s elite Quds Force, who was killed in a United States drone attack in Iraq in 2020. Soleimani had played a central role in the coordination of Iran’s regional activities.
Iranian media reported that President Ebrahim Raisi called the strike “a sign of the Zionist regime’s frustration and weakness in the region for which it will certainly pay the price”.
There was no immediate comment from Israel’s military, but Barak Ravid, a reporter for US news site Axios, quotes an unnamed Israeli official who says that Israel is preparing for retaliation that could include rocket fire from Syria and Lebanon.
The US and Israel have for years carried out attacks against what they describe as Iran-linked targets in Syria, where Tehran’s influence has grown since it backed President Bashar al-Assad in the war that erupted in Syria in 2011.

Earlier this month, Iran said Israeli strikes had killed two IRGC members in Syria who had served as military advisers there.

The world minded people of the UN must form a coalition and send peace keepers to enforce peace in Palestine.

Israel is losing this war ⚠️

The article in the American magazine The Nation, from which I quote one paragraph, is worth reading in full. 📖

"Hamas's concept of military victory is based on achieving long-term political results. Hamas does not see victory in one year or five years, but rather by engaging in decades of struggle that increases Palestinian solidarity and increases Israel's isolation. In this scenario, Hamas angrily rallies Gazans around it and helps collapse the PA government, by ensuring that Palestinians view it as a weak subordinate of Israeli military authority. Meanwhile, Arab countries are moving forcefully away from normalization, the Global South is firmly siding with the Palestinian issue, Europe is pushing back against the excesses of the Israeli military, and an American debate over Israel is erupting, destroying the bipartisan support Israel has enjoyed since the early 1970s."
Indeed. Attempts to put all responsibility on one country 1000km away and one non-state actor are rather odd.

I will continue to call out your sectarian-driven rhetoric when necessary, especially considering your track record of extremist sectarian rhetoric and beliefs. Those screenshots don't lie, and there is a lot of evidence that you haven't changed your views, so we must be extra vigilant to counter such extremism.
You should allow viewpoints conducive to discussion be aired and not let your prejudices interfere. But crude sectarian-driven rhetoric should be called out.
There was NOTHING legal about Aliya plan. You are talking rubbish as usual. Early part of 20th century because so many Jews were moving to Palestine the British put a quota and limited the immigration. In the 1930s up until the creation of the aparthied state over 100,000 jews entered Palestine ILLEGALLY. Again this is documented.

Which laws that aliya had been breaking? as you said it is illegal.

Please dont tell me your view/ideality/ideology/hearth/feeling/sort of as the law.

Im talking about the arabs living in Palestine, they had every right to decide whether they will give their land or not. In 1944 only 30% of the population was Jew, 70% was Arab or other groups. Why should a 70% population give up more than half of their land what twisted logic are you using.

Because of Aliya that increasing jews population dramatically and war that made many arab Palestine flee.

80 years ago majority of Singapore population was Malay, then in recent decades the majority has been Chinese due to immigration, does it have to mean that Singapore government has already done illegal and evil things because of that?

You are either trolling, seriously ill informed or delusional.

Lets HAMMER it home for you. The Below links include UN experts, Israeli officials even International jurists all saying Israel is an aparthied state. You know why what they say is so compelling because its backed BY EVIDENCE.

Now if you want to stick your head in the sand I cant do anything about that, but you have been fully refuted. Your comeback should be a humble one to say, Thank you sir, you have educated me.

Israel’s occupation of Palestinian Territory is ‘apartheid’: UN rights expert

Another UN expert recognising Israeli aparthied

Human rights watch - Israeli aparthied

International commision of Jurists denounces Israeli aparthied

Ex Mosad chief - Israel imposing apartheid on Palestinians

Former Israeli Attorney-General: ‘My country is Now an Apartheid Regime’

Yes whatever aparthied appologist. Israeli policy is based on RACE so your examples dont work.

Yes, and as I've told you The United Nations has not formally declared Israel to be an apartheid state, and there are still many experts / schollars who doesn't agree to call Israel apartheid, which means it is still controversial.

Additional views​

Scholarly views​

In their 2005 book-length study Seeking Mandela: Peacemaking Between Israelis and Palestinians, Heribert Adam of Simon Fraser University and Kogila Moodley of the University of British Columbia wrote that controversy over use of the term arises because Israel as a state is unique in the region. They write that Israel is perceived as a Western democracy and is thus likely to be judged by the standards of such a state. Israel also claims to be a home for the worldwide Jewish diaspora.[121] Adam and Moodley note that Jewish historical suffering has imbued Zionism with a "subjective sense of moral validity" that the ruling white South Africans never had.[122] They also suggest that academic comparisons between Israel and apartheid South Africa that see both dominant groups as settler societies leave unanswered the question of "when and how settlers become indigenous", as well as failing to take into account that Israeli's Jewish immigrants view themselves as returning home.[123] Adam and Moodley write, "because people give meaning to their lives and interpret their worlds through these diverse ideological prisms, the perceptions are real and have to be taken seriously."[124]
Manfred Gerstenfeld quoted Gideon Shimoni, professor emeritus of Hebrew University, as saying in a 2007 interview that the analogy is defamatory and reflects a double standard when applied to Israel and not to neighboring Arab countries, whose policies towards their Palestinian minorities have been described as discriminatory.[125] Shimoni said that while apartheid was characterized by racially based legal inequality and exploitation of Black Africans by the dominant Whites within a common society, the Israel–Palestinian conflict reflects "separate nationalisms", as Israel refuses to exploit Palestinians, on the contrary seeking separation and "divorce" from Palestinians for legitimate self-defense reasons.[125][self-published source?]​
An August 2021 survey found that 65% of academic experts on the Middle East described Israel as a "one-state reality akin to apartheid". Seven months earlier, that percentage was 59%.[126] The increase in only seven months was potentially because of two notable events that occurred between the two surveys: the crisis in Israel following planned evictions of Palestinians in East Jerusalem pointing up the unequal treatment of Jews and Palestinians under Israeli control and the subsequent 2021 Israel-Palestine crisis, and the issue of two widely read reports by the Israeli-based B'Tselem and the US-based Human Rights Watch arguing respectively that there is an apartheid reality in Israel and the Palestinian territories and that Israel's behavior fits the legal definition of apartheid.[127]
On 14 April 2023, Foreign Policy released a feature-length piece, Israel's One-State Reality, co-authored by Michael Barnett, Nathan Brown, Marc Lynch, and Shibley Telhami. The authors wrote that the "illusion of a two-state solution" had been shattered by the return of Benjamin Netanyahu at the head of a far-right Israeli coalition and called on the US government to "stop shielding Israel in international organizations" when confronted by accusations of violations of international law. It concluded that "the one-state reality demands more. Looked at through that prism, Israel resembles an apartheid state."[128]

So hypothetically, if the United Nations were to issue a resolution characterizing Israel's policies as apartheid, what do you expect Israel must do now?
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Indeed. Attempts to put all responsibility on one country 1000km away and one non-state actor are rather odd.

I will continue to call out your sectarian-driven rhetoric when necessary, especially considering your track record of extremist sectarian rhetoric and beliefs. Those screenshots don't lie, and there is a lot of evidence that you haven't changed your views, so we must be extra vigilant to counter such extremism.
You can keep getting mad at criticism directed towards Hamas's purported allies. It doesn't make it sectarian nor extreme. It will be the same discussion over and over.
There was Never ever a Jewish Palestine stop lying Jew. Israel was established by the British Zionist who supplied and armed trained militant Jews to steal from the Palestinains by brute force and oppression. Palestinians were under Colonial British rule and were unarmed and left to the mercy of the joint colonial enterprise.

Really? who said that?

You talk as if Palestine land had been always 100% arab population from the beginning till the 1948.

Palestinian Jews or Jewish Palestinians were the Jewish inhabitants of the Palestine region (known in Hebrew as Eretz Yisrael, lit. 'Land of Israel') prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.​
The common term used to refer to the Jewish communities of Ottoman Syria during the 19th century[1] and British Palestine prior to the 1948 establishment of the State of Israel[1] is Yishuv (lit. 'settlement'). A distinction is drawn between the "New Yishuv", which was largely composed of and descended from Jewish immigrants who arrived in the Levant during the First Aliyah (1881–1903), and the "Old Yishuv", which was the pre-existing Jewish community of Palestine prior to the consolidation of Zionism and the First Aliyah.​

In fact Palestinian Jews has been existant since Rome empire rule Palestine (Judea & Samaria) 19 centuries ago.

You can't push your (false) rhetoric as reality to people.

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