Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

They must be counting all fighting age males killed as Hamas to get such a high number!
This is what it is. Hamas did not lose 9,000 soldiers. They're counting every male over 18 that was killed, despite the majority being civilians. Remember we have also 13,000 children killed. And 7,000 women.

Hamas is taking into account post-war Gaza. And the threats to Gaza. This is a existential threat against Palestine. Thus, Hamas is not deploying all it's forces. It cannot when there aren't guarantees this genocide campaign is going to end and with threats and US backing to allow it to go on for years.

Hamas has to take into account securing Gaza post -war as well.
Make no mistake, the EU and US are fully backing this genocidal far right maniac and enabling him the ability to wage war on multiple fronts. Israel lacks this capacity on its own. It needs a sustained supply of funds, weapons, and intelligence. The US and EU have likely spent over $100 billion on Israel so far. And this will not show up on actual budgets. They are giving everything to Israel and decreasing to Ukraine. They tell us they oppose Netanyahu's far right government but continue to supply and fund it. He cannot make statements like this without enormous US and EU backing and funding. And he will ultimately try to pin responsibility on the rehabilitation of Gaza on them as well.

Netanyahu: I will continue to reject the establishment of a Palestinian state despite enormous international and internal pressure

Netanyahu: Gaza must be demilitarized and subject to full Israeli security control

For the second time in a few days.

Israeli F-16 planes throw their bombs into the sea, causing powerful explosions.

Military ambiguous behavior.

even Palestinian fish aren't safe

are American taxpayers happy their tax dollars are being wasted like this? when they are not being used to slaughter children, that is

EDIT: they are bombing the fish so Palestinian fisherman can't eat so more Palestinians starve. the inhumanity of these bastards knows no limits
The zionist apologetics can be summarized as follow:

- Jews holocaust therefore Israel ethnic cleansing is OK
- You are anti-semite
- Jews was here 3000 years ago therefore its OK to genocide palestinians (btw dont matter if palestinins are genetically more jewish than zionst jews)
- Hamas Oct. 7, 2024 (knowing Palestine been ethnically cleansed since end of WW2)

Use those points in perpetual circle argumentation. Dosent matter if none of them actually makes any sense to any normal thinking person.
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The zionist apogetics can be summarized as follow:

- Jews holocaust therefore Israel ethnic cleansing is OK
- You are anti-semite
- Jews was here 3000 years ago therefore its OK to genocide palestinians (btw dont matter if palestinins are genetically more jewish than zionst jews)
- Hamas Oct. 7, 2024 (knowing Palestine been ethnically cleansed since end of WW2)

Use those points in perpetual circle argumentation. Dosent matter if none of them actually makes any sense to any normal thinking person.

Jews holocaust therefore Israel ethnic cleansing is OK - Give away a part of the Nazi Duo Germany-Austria who were responsible in this case.

You are anti-semite - What a load of rubbish as this logic means a Jew can do anything and never be called to account.

Jews was here 3000 years ago therefore its OK to genocide palestinians (btw dont matter if palestinins are genetically more jewish than zionst jews) - There is no validity in religion for land but only ancestry. Anyway even if these Jews had ancestors that lived on the land 2000 years ago, they have forfeited by being away for so long. The Palestinians are genetically closer to ancient Jews than most Jews living in Occupied Palestine.

Hamas Oct. 7, 2024 (knowing Palestine been ethnically cleansed since end of WW2) - Every oppressed and colonised nation has the right to resist violently. An occupier cannot claim self-defence in this case.
Make no mistake, the EU and US are fully backing this genocidal far right maniac and enabling him the ability to wage war on multiple fronts. Israel lacks this capacity on its own. It needs a sustained supply of funds, weapons, and intelligence. The US and EU have likely spent over $100 billion on Israel so far. And this will not show up on actual budgets. They are giving everything to Israel and decreasing to Ukraine. They tell us they oppose Netanyahu's far right government but continue to supply and fund it. He cannot make statements like this without enormous US and EU backing and funding. And he will ultimately try to pin responsibility on the rehabilitation of Gaza on them as well.

Netanyahu: I will continue to reject the establishment of a Palestinian state despite enormous international and internal pressure

Netanyahu: Gaza must be demilitarized and subject to full Israeli security control

Dosent take many braincells to see this.
Israel is NOTHING without US and European support.

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