Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

So the revenge for 100’s of Palestinians in jail and displaced refugees is to give Israel the excuse to massacre 10’s of thousands of civilians and make the entire Gaza population refugees ?

What are you trying to say?
Did anyone tell Israeli leadership and its nazi soldiers to bomb, murder and maim all those tens of thousands women children and civillians?

What a twisted logic.

The choice for Palestinians were simple:
-Continued slow genocide, or
-Fight back and MAYBE win, even though chances are slim, knowing fully the cost.

It is Israel who is the vile criminal here. Not Palestinians who resist.
Netanyahu: I will continue to reject the establishment of a Palestinian state despite enormous international and internal pressure

Netanyahu: Gaza must be demilitarized and subject to full Israeli security control

This was Israel plan all along, at times it may seem like they want to negotiate but then Israel will create such a situation that the Palestinians will have to react, they will then use that excuse to delay talks on Palestinian state. Finally they are clearly showing their true colours.
WestBank is already under Israeli control, with 700,000 settlements, with Israel controlling all border areas next to Jordan, the same will be done for Gaza, next will be Lebanon or parts of Jordan.
Many Muslim members come here supporting one ideology or another but I am sorry to say that every Muslim leader is doing things to further their agenda . They have their own national interests for which they are striving.
Many self proclaimed armies of Allah are now operating in the region but none other then Hamas has the will to fight oppression head on .
Some countries are waiting for war to end so they can recognise Israel and some are showing "restraint" because they are either afraid of death or they are guided politically not by teachings of Islam.
We are in dire need of a true leader of Islam the likes of which we haven't seen in centuries.
The Muslim world is truly without a leader.

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