Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

So what does this clown mean by "credible and irreversible" peace process?
Any promises made by the Zionists can be used as toilet paper.

I don't know if the Saudi FM really meant that or not but I think he is trying to say that phrases like 'pathway to a Palestinian State' as repeated by American officials/Biden are too vague. What he probably meant was a UNSC Resolution declaring a Palestinian State along the 1967 borders AND declaring the Israeli Settlements in West Bank illegal, along with international guarantees for the State of Palestine.

Israelis will never accept that. Not even a 'demilitarized' one. Not even one where Israel would control the borders. The Israeli stance is unacceptably maximalist.

They had the Saudi Peace offer in 2002 but Israel never ever meant to accept anything but a Bantustan at most. Israeli planners always had the whole area between the Jordan River and the Med. Sea to be part of Israel. And if/when their immigration becomes so large that they need more land then the Nile to Euphrates plan will be implemented; I have seen some Israeli analysts recently daydreaming about getting the Jewish population to 50 million and get more land.
We should not make any mistake and trust them: They will do all that if they can! Absolutely.
Many Muslim members come here supporting one ideology or another but I am sorry to say that every Muslim leader is doing things to further their agenda . They have their own national interests for which they are striving.
Many self proclaimed armies of Allah are now operating in the region but none other then Hamas has the will to fight oppression head on .
Some countries are waiting for war to end so they can recognise Israel and some are showing "restraint" because they are either afraid of death or they are guided politically not by teachings of Islam.
We are in dire need of a true leader of Islam the likes of which we haven't seen in centuries.
The Muslim world is truly without a leader.

A flock of headless chickens running around.

But tbh its not a easy situation.
Its an unofficial western doctrine to eliminate any muslim leader who try to unite.

Long time ago i came over a obscure US naval instititue paper laying out the need to eliminate «Messiah» type leaders that arise in muslim lands. Because according to the researcher himself, historically these persona have a record of successfully influencing a lot of peoole and creating large strong states in the middle east.

Its simply a geopolitical reality.
I don't know if the Saudi FM really meant that or not but I think he is trying to say that phrases like 'pathway to a Palestinian State' as repeated by American officials/Biden are too vague. What he probably meant was a UNSC Resolution declaring a Palestinian State along the 1967 borders AND declaring the Israeli Settlements in West Bank illegal, along with international guarantees for the State of Palestine.

Israelis will never accept that. Not even a 'demilitarized' one. Not even one where Israel would control the borders. The Israeli stance is unacceptably maximalist.

They had the Saudi Peace offer in 2002 but Israel never ever meant to accept anything but a Bantustan at most. Israeli planners always had the whole area between the Jordan River and the Med. Sea to be part of Israel. And if/when their immigration becomes so large that they need more land then the Nile to Euphrates plan will be implemented; I have seen some Israeli analysts recently daydreaming about getting the Jewish population to 50 million and get more land.
We should not make any mistake and trust them: They will do all that if they can! Absolutely.

Fools in SA and UAE thinks Israel will stop when whole of historic Palestine is ethnically cleansed and annexed.

Mark my words they wont stop til entire ME is under jewish zionist thumb. I saw a clip where a american zionist brazenly said Makkah and Madinah will be purified after being taken over.

This is pure neo-colonialism under the guise of Zionism.
Fools in SA and UAE thinks Israel will stop when whole of historic Palestine is ethnically cleansed and annexed.
Mark my words they wont stop til entire ME is under jewish zionist thumb. I saw a clip where a american zionist brazenly said Makkah and Madinah will be purified after being taken over.
This is pure neo-colonism under the guise of Zionism.

But I don't think the global Jewish population is large enough for that kind of expansionism. The figure of 50 million I saw in an Israel daydreaming analyst post is already exaggerated--who'd want to move to that semi-arid, hostile land?
But if they can bring in a few more million immigrants then I bet they would take away even more fertile/good land in the West Bank from the Palestinians and push up to the Litani River.
Something is off. US and EU are fully backing Israels every move. US is now supposedly prepare a large aerial campaign against Yemen which may coincide with a large aerial campaign by Israel in Lebanon in beginning weeks of February.

What they're saying is different than what they're doing on the ground. Israel sees this as the right time to tackle Hezbollah threat as their society has been through the shock of a few hours of real war where Palestinians broke out of the siege of Gaza. And Israeli government believes they're mentally prepared and supporting such a campaign against Lebanon at this time.
is the world going to sit and watch until every single Palestinain is going to be killed?

the Mujahideen need fresh fighters and suppliers

someone needs to take action against the injustice to the Palestinians

more people are going to die from disease and hunger
Something is off. US and EU are fully backing Israels every move. US is now supposedly prepare a large aerial campaign against Yemen which may coincide with a large aerial campaign by Israel in Lebanon in beginning weeks of February.

What they're saying is different than what they're doing on the ground. Israel sees this as the right time to tackle Hezbollah threat as their society has been through the shock of a few hours of real war where Palestinians broke out of the siege of Gaza. And Israeli government believes they're mentally prepared and supporting such a campaign against Lebanon at this time.

Netanyahu is knows if he stops the war he is going to jail

he is trying to keep this conflict going

he is killing civilians for his own benefit
Something is off. US and EU are fully backing Israels every move. US is now supposedly prepare a large aerial campaign against Yemen which may coincide with a large aerial campaign by Israel in Lebanon in beginning weeks of February.

What they're saying is different than what they're doing on the ground. Israel sees this as the right time to tackle Hezbollah threat as their society has been through the shock of a few hours of real war where Palestinians broke out of the siege of Gaza. And Israeli government believes they're mentally prepared and supporting such a campaign against Lebanon at this time.
Israel has so much immunity it will actually carpet bomb southern Lebanon to minimize any offensive capabilities Hezbollah can deploy. This is setting a dangerous precedent around the world. It's military is not effective and it lacks a effective ground force. It can only destroy from the air and resort to genocidal destruction and democide to appear like it is a effective army.

This may force players to deploy non-conventional means against Israeli terrorist facists if they resort to genocide against civilians. They have been hinting long ago that they'll resort to carpet bombing entire villages in southern Lebanon.

That's why Hezbollah should be on alert in coming days and consider a pre-emptive strike. Israel will resort to carpet bombing and a rapid deployment of ground forces to neutralize Hezbollah's offensive capabilities. That way even with all their weapons, they won't have opportunity to deploy them. Unless they've prepared for this scenario and have large stockpiles of longer range rockets, as well as prepared scenarios for strikes on Israeli airbases, and potential AA use.

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