Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I don't know if the Saudi FM really meant that or not but I think he is trying to say that phrases like 'pathway to a Palestinian State' as repeated by American officials/Biden are too vague. What he probably meant was a UNSC Resolution declaring a Palestinian State along the 1967 borders AND declaring the Israeli Settlements in West Bank illegal, along with international guarantees for the State of Palestine.

Israelis will never accept that. Not even a 'demilitarized' one. Not even one where Israel would control the borders. The Israeli stance is unacceptably maximalist.

They had the Saudi Peace offer in 2002 but Israel never ever meant to accept anything but a Bantustan at most. Israeli planners always had the whole area between the Jordan River and the Med. Sea to be part of Israel. And if/when their immigration becomes so large that they need more land then the Nile to Euphrates plan will be implemented; I have seen some Israeli analysts recently daydreaming about getting the Jewish population to 50 million and get more land.
We should not make any mistake and trust them: They will do all that if they can! Absolutely.

You have too much faith that these jokers are genuine.

They were nearly done with betraying Palestinians but Hamas put a spanner in that on October 7th.

These gulf regimes only speak for themselves and not their people and so any deal they make with Zionists is a mirage and not real.
After the rate of daily martyrs in Gaza ranged between 120 and 140 in the recent period, it rose again in the last two days, reaching 178 martyrs in the last 24 hours.

The talk of the occupation and the Americans about reducing the intensity of fighting and concentrated strikes does not mean stopping the killing of civilians...

Someone please explain this nonsense.

So politicians who are in your government and have power within your government do not stand for your country?
There you go on mentioning Hamas to justify the killing of civilians but ignore your government leaders genocidal statements.

Hamas ok is not elected let’s give you that. Your leaders are and many of them have made genocidal statements. You seem to like to dismiss them at your convenience.

indulging a hindu has its pitfalls...

to start with, is the premise itself...
The zionist will start from a legitimate zionist state and an illegitimate Palestinian one...
Once You allow him this very critical acknowledgement and consent... he controls and directs the narrative.

You have to parse his arguments to understand why he retracts to his defaults. There is very little he can defend outside of that framework.
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Yes. It's based on a just cause. Civilians are dying of famine and hunger in Gaza. They are more important than these few terrorist scumbags. That will likely be killed by Israel in coming days anyways. It's therefore logical to make use of them to be able to protect thousands of children and babies from starving to death.

Should Hamas threaten to withhold food from Israeli prisoners until the food enters Gaza and the north?

Israel has so much immunity it will actually carpet bomb southern Lebanon to minimize any offensive capabilities Hezbollah can deploy.
Hezbollah's most potent weapons are long range rockets and missiles with 100-300km range, these can be fired deep into Israel from anywhere in Lebanon

Haifa is only 35km from the Lebanese border, Tel Aviv 120km
But I don't think the global Jewish population is large enough for that kind of expansionism. The figure of 50 million I saw in an Israel daydreaming analyst post is already exaggerated--who'd want to move to that semi-arid, hostile land?
But if they can bring in a few more million immigrants then I bet they would take away even more fertile/good land in the West Bank from the Palestinians and push up to the Litani River.

The orthodox eastern need Jews are having a lot of kids, population will explode in a few generations.

They will want and need the land.

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