Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The orthodox eastern need Jews are having a lot of kids, population will explode in a few generations.

They will want and need the land.

Zionism stopped being about safe homeland for jews long ago. Its now turned into a messianic cult. Destruction of Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa compund in order to re create the third temple is perfectly in line with that.

It cannot be stated strong enough. If Palestine falls, this twisted colonial project wont stop there.

One must ask: What stops the western right wing nutters from implementing the same thing on muslims in the entire ME and beyond as they did on Natives many places around the globe. Where are the aborigines today?! It took several centuries to exterminate, but succeded by doing it piece by piece.

The western world dosent have a concept of pluralism. There is no western concept similar to millet or dhimma. Let that sink in.

The closest is liberal democracy but even that is unacceptable for the right wing racist nuts.
Zionism stopped being about safe homeland for jews long ago. Its now turned into a messianic cult. Destruction of Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa compund in order to re create the third temple is perfectly in line with that.

It cannot be stated strong enough. If Palestine falls, this twisted colonial project wont stop there.

One must ask: What stops the western right wing nutters from implementing the same thing on muslims in the entire ME and beyond as they did on Natives many places around the globe. Where are the aborigines today?! It took several centuries to exterminate, but succeded by doing it piece by piece.

The western world dosent have a concept of pluralism. There is no western concept similar to millet or dhimma. Let that sink in.

The closest is liberal democracy but even that is unacceptable for the right wing racist nuts.
A misnomer or a misunderstanding ...

What most fail to understand is that at the core of liberal democracy are in fact fascist tendencies embedded. To not only have everyone inwardly, and/or outwardly reconcile with the core "values" but also adopt them as such to be accepted as a part of the whole, the collective!... or be condemned as an outcast or ostracized.
One who doesn't "assimilate", "tolerate" or "reconcile"... with the stereotypical normal, become a caricature or the archetypal... is an outlier... an outcast.

Where a few carry the weight of the rest(the collective)... paying the real price of societal decay and collapse by continuing to do the right thing and maintain a balance. The true cost of one's actions is remiss of its consequences. The burden thus of individual choices is carried by the collective masking its true cost... Decay never becomes apparent... glossed over by the aesthetics or optics.

...Newcomers/immigrants cannot come fast enough to stave off the sinking project. Where the fools errands get subsided, subsumed and glossed over by those doing the right thing!

A price that no one ends up seeing...

It is this the drives this failing project and sets a built-in expiry date on the whole zionist project. What they cannot sustain must be accomplished by industrial scale slaughter and drawing of blood.

There is NO other way!
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So what does this clown mean by "credible and irreversible" peace process?

Any promises made by the Zionists can be used as toilet paper.
Why do you call him a clown!?

He is stating the Official Saudi Arabia's position on the issue.. it means a signed and implemented deal by both sides..
A misnomer or a misunderstanding ...

What most fail to understand is that at the core of liberal democracy are in fact fascist tendencies embedded. To not only halve all inwardly and outwardly reconcile with the core "values" but also adopt them as such to be accepted as the part of whole or be condemned as an outcast. One who doesn't "assimilate" or "tolerate"... a blend where some carry the weight of the rest and pay the real price of societal decay and collapse.

The newcomers cannot come fast enough to stave off the sinking project. Where the fools errands get subsided, subsumed and glossed over by those doing the right thing!

A price that no one ends up seeing...

It is this the drives this failing project and sets a built-in expiry date on the whole zionist project. What they cannot sustain must be accomplished by industrial scale slaughter and drawing of blood.

There is NO other way!

Liberal democracy is what the west came up with when trying to create an ideology that could fit the vast cultures it started reigning over. As it could no longer do colonialism and white supremacy overtly. But even that fails. It dosent really allow in any meaningful way to let different subgroups be themselves. And it dosent allow the rightwing nuts to assert their supremacist ideology openly.

So the right wing racist nuts simply are cameleons hiding behind «liberal democracy» and doing what they do best for centuries. To humiliate, kill and opress anyone who dare to think differently and have other costums.

The vast majority of early Ottoman Empire and The Caliphate were Christians!!! They lived according own christian costums and religious communities, without any interference from the State.

Zionism in Israel is just a mirror image of western right wing supremacist ideology. Palestinians are hated and dehumanized by zionist jews not only because they are muslims, but also because they are not white westerners.
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Citizens of Europe and the USA should know that continued support for Israel's final solution campaign means a regional war and global economic collapse + Trump victory/civil tensions in the US. Netanyahu is messaniac fanatic that should not be funded. It's clear it's Israel which is rejecting peace after it feels emboldened to commit genocide with no consequences.

If it was in my hands, I would start a campaign against Israel by avenging the Shifa hospital baby incubator massacre by flattening the Sheba Medical Hospital in Tel Aviv. Then I'd continue a series of pyschologically terror inducing strikes and campaign against them until they fully emotionally and physically surrender and experience themselves everything that they did to Gaza.

It's time to take the gloves off with Israel. Their hospitals all need to be flattened. The terrorist Jewish Satanic allegiance wall needs to be put on the table too. These terrorists have muddied the laws of war and taken us all back to medieval times. Either sanction this terrorist state or we all return to the old days.

A microcosm of the conflict, this is what happened to a Palestinian woman in the US that just has a flag on a car. The rage, the physical attack, and then the coverup with PR.

The comment at 3:08, on point.

A microcosm of the conflict, this is what happened to a Palestinian woman in the US that just has a flag on a car. The rage, the physical attack, and then the coverup with PR.

The comment at 3:08, on point.

Yeah, I don't understand how Indians can be more Zionists than Israeli occupiers. It is very embarrassing since Israeli occupiers do not even like Indians or acknowledge them lol. Their hatred for Pakistanis and Islam has them carried away considering they have also been colonized and persecuted.

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