Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We have more than 150 Nukes only one would suffice to eliminate your entire hate-mongering breed from the face of the Earth,you Bastward.
God forbid if they do something like this, which they are very capable of doing. What would be the world's response or Pakistan's response??

Can our leaders give just one statement that if there is a Nuclear attack on any Muslim country, then Pakistan will retaliate with Nukes on that country??
Egypt decided to become a "cuck' nation by signing up to the peace agreement with the occupied entity in Palestine.

I do not want to make a judgement on whether they were right or wrong but they literally totally gave away their foreign policy to the Zionists in return for getting the Sinai back and 2 billion US dollars of aid a year from the US.

Most of this aid is in the form of downgraded weapons and US gives them both downgraded F-16s and Abrams tanks. The F-16s do not even have any version of the AMRAAM missile and so no match for the planes from the Zionists.

If Egypt wants to be able to take on the Zionists then it needs to get the best export model planes from the Chinese - J-10Cs now and J-35s in a few years.

PS - The Rafale that France sold them did not get the Meteor missile in order to retain the Zionist military edge.
This is true the Egyptian air force lacks massively in long range air to air missiles;

U.S. agrees not to sell AMRAAM to Egypt​

The United States was said to have agreed to an Israeli request to restrict the capability and use of advanced air-to-air missiles to Jordan and ban their sale to the rest of the Arab world.

The London-based A-Sharq Al Awsat reported that Israel persuaded the Bush administration to impose a set of restrictions on the sale of the AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile to Jordan. Earlier, the administration had agreed in principle to a Jordanian request for the AMRAAM for the kingdom’s F-16 fleet.

The newspaper asserted that Israel agreed to an arrangement in which the AMRAAM would be sold to Jordan. But the agreement included a U.S. commitment to ban the export of the air-to-air missile to other Arab states.

Earlier this year, the administration relayed an informal request to Congress to sell the AMRAAM to Egypt. Several senior House and Senate members expressed their opposition to the proposed sale.

For decades, the US has refused to sell Egypt AIM-120 BVRAAMs, forcing it to rely on inferior missiles. The US and Israel also pressured France not to sell its Meteor BVRAAMs. That was one reason Cairo opted for Russian fighters.

Urgent || international justice Court :
We will issue a decision on South Africa's case against Israel for genocide next Friday.

Red Cross: Less than 20% of Gaza’s territory now shelters 1.5 million people living in miserable conditions.
This is true the Egyptian air force lacks massively in long range air to air missiles;

U.S. agrees not to sell AMRAAM to Egypt​

The United States was said to have agreed to an Israeli request to restrict the capability and use of advanced air-to-air missiles to Jordan and ban their sale to the rest of the Arab world.

The London-based A-Sharq Al Awsat reported that Israel persuaded the Bush administration to impose a set of restrictions on the sale of the AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile to Jordan. Earlier, the administration had agreed in principle to a Jordanian request for the AMRAAM for the kingdom’s F-16 fleet.

The newspaper asserted that Israel agreed to an arrangement in which the AMRAAM would be sold to Jordan. But the agreement included a U.S. commitment to ban the export of the air-to-air missile to other Arab states.

Earlier this year, the administration relayed an informal request to Congress to sell the AMRAAM to Egypt. Several senior House and Senate members expressed their opposition to the proposed sale.
For decades, the US has refused to sell Egypt AIM-120 BVRAAMs, forcing it to rely on inferior missiles. The US and Israel also pressured France not to sell its Meteor BVRAAMs. That was one reason Cairo opted for Russian fighters.

Egypt got BVR missiles from Russia and France.. in both the Mig-29 M/M2 and the Rafale deals..

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