Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Yes, I do speak Arabic. I’m not talking about that. I’m speaking to the fact he is ignoring the basic necessities that Egyptians need. He’s telling them to stop complaining about prices/food and insulting the people of Gaza in the process.

He has destroyed the economy and people are struggling to feed their families. Did he not? Don’t tell them to be happy you’re not Gaza.
Well, most nations of the planet have been affected by inflation, slow economy, these 2 new wars..etc.. even China is suffering a bit..

This is off topic in this thread.. you can open a new thread and we'll discuss that subject about Egypt economy..
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War crime committed on tape with proof with a western source.
@Antonius123 - Goebells would struggle to justify this. Are you going to justify and defend this?

Video shows aftermath of a summary execution of 15 men in a Gaza apartment | Al Jazeera Newsfeed​

Just think my friend.. there was no selling of sovereignty here.. that money is part of the peace deal.. Egypt buys US weapons with it.. it is like getting 1000 Abrams tanks and their ToT too for free.. even those 220 F-16s are from that money.. and much, much, much more..literally for free.. So it is not a big deal that the US refuses to sell some weapons to Egypt, like the F-15, the F-35 or the Aim-120.. Egypt has always a way around that.. so why loose the gold eggs from your big chick???
You raise some good points. I think Egypts main threat long term is israel. They need to supliment their weapons with more advance and better sanction resistance weapons from friendlier countries like Russia, China. Western countries like France, UK have shown they cant be trusted.

Animals are 1,000,000 times better, these are monsters.
Well, most nations of the planet have been affected by inflation, slow economy, these 2 new wars..etc.. even China is suffering a bit..
There are some things beyond anyone’s control. Don’t downplay the stupid decisions he’s making like billions of dollars of wasted money on mega projects. He’s digging Egypt a very big hole that will be hard to climb out of.
There are some things beyond anyone’s control. Don’t downplay the stupid decisions he’s making like billions of dollars of wasted money on mega projects. He’s digging Egypt a very big hole that will be hard to climb out of.
That is a big subject that needs a thread on its own..and there are conflicting opinions inside Egypt about what you are saying..
Those flowers are going to be left for you.

I tag you in the video of the unarmed civilian waving a white flag who was shot and murdered on camera by Israeli soldiers. Proof on video Israel targets civilians. Where is your reply?

Is this not a war crime?

I tagged you in this too, no reply ? They are exposing all the fabrications of 10/7. This is Israeli news.

International humanitarian law, including the Geneva Conventions, provides clear guidelines on the treatment of civilians during armed conflicts. Deliberately targeting unarmed civilians, especially those who are waving a white flag or engaging in other acts to signify their non-combatant status, is a violation of these laws and is considered a war crime.

It should be thoroughly investigated to determine the facts and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

Fair enough?
International humanitarian law, including the Geneva Conventions, provides clear guidelines on the treatment of civilians during armed conflicts. Deliberately targeting unarmed civilians, especially those who are waving a white flag or engaging in other acts to signify their non-combatant status, is a violation of these laws and is considered a war crime.

It should be thoroughly investigated to determine the facts and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

Fair enough?
I appreciate the honesty. I dont differentiate between a Palestinian or Israeli child - there is simply too much blood flowing in this conflict. We all want it to stop ASAP. Just dont think Netanyhu would even consider a 2 state solution.
Both parties have a right to exist but not at the expense of the other.
I just am shocked at the raw hatred the Israeli administration have and the way ethnic cleansing is taking place

Such a long line of Indian workers willing to go to a war zone!! What kind of desperation drives people to such extremes?! These fools will be not only at great risk due to the war but will be going to a racist society who'd think not much of them other than cheap boot polishers.

I hope the Indian govt. stops these workers from going to Israel. Not only a national shame but also risky for these Indian citizens.
You can't expect flowers from your enemy to whom you are fighting. Expect some slurs from their civilians also besides the military retaliation.

I am glad you agree that antisemitic slurs are okay because slurs are expected from the enemy, and the Jewish ethnostate has made many enemies due to their evil.
This great blogger once again mentions India as supporter of Israel: ..the only large countries where there is significant support for Israel are USA, India and Nigeria.

How shameful!


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