Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Bro.. for everyone..facing Israel equals facing the US.. no one wants that.. in doing so..the region will go back 30 years back economy wise, which will affect everything else in the region.. it will be stagnation again.. while no one of them can threaten the US itself on its land per se.. it is understandable that they ought to be very prudent ..
Agree with your analysis.

Do you think if all the Arbee nations stood up and said no to this one - USA would not think perhaps Israel have taken this too far? The pressure of this united would by excruciating for the USA with the addition shooting of innocent Palestinians waving white fags and being shot whilst collecting bread is overbearing dont you think?
I know and am not naive - its all about self preservation in the middle east....
Agree with your analysis.

Do you think if all the Arbee nations stood up and said no to this one - USA would not think perhaps Israel have taken this too far? The pressure of this united would by excruciating for the USA with the addition shooting of innocent Palestinians waving white fags and being shot whilst collecting bread is overbearing dont you think?
I know and am not naive - its all about self preservation in the middle east....
Bro..the US vetoed against the whole world in the UNSC.. let alone only the Arabs!
Agree with your analysis.

Do you think if all the Arbee nations stood up and said no to this one - USA would not think perhaps Israel have taken this too far? The pressure of this united would by excruciating for the USA with the addition shooting of innocent Palestinians waving white fags and being shot whilst collecting bread is overbearing dont you think?
I know and am not naive - its all about self preservation in the middle east....

Chances of this happening is next to zero.

Some of the Arab governments owe their very existence to the US. Trump even said that without US support and protection then the Saudis would not even last 2 weeeks.

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said Canada supports the court and is "watching carefully" as it deliberates on the allegation — but he would not indicate whether Canada agrees with the allegation, or even if Canada would recognize the ICJ's ruling if it does find Israel to be guilty of genocide."

So the "rules based" gang are already indicating that they may ignore their own rules.

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said Canada supports the court and is "watching carefully" as it deliberates on the allegation — but he would not indicate whether Canada agrees with the allegation, or even if Canada would recognize the ICJ's ruling if it does find Israel to be guilty of genocide."

So the "rules based" gang are already indicating that they may ignore their own rules.
bastards, blanket is white but we do not recognize it's color.
unbelievable how many mental gymnastic of those western idiots is imposed on rest of the world meanwhile persuading it that is correct approach and justice.
Europe and North America rejecting ICJ judgment will mark the start of the end of the Western-led world order

The facade of 'rules-based' world order will vanish for good, and people will realise it is a 'Western-imposed rules order'.
Europe and North America rejecting ICJ judgment will mark the start of the end of the Western-led world order

The facade of 'rules-based' world order will vanish for good, and people will realise it is a 'Western-imposed rules order'.

This is a "flux" decade as we move from a western-based world order to one where the Chinese and "Global South" have their own alternative economic, military and technological system. When this decade is over we will truly be in a multi-polar world.

Most countries will choose either the US-led western system or the Chinese-led "Global South" system.
Hamas affirms they will abide by ICJ ruling
  • Osama Hamdan, Hamas spokesperson: “First, if the court in The Hague issues a ruling to cease fire, the Hamas movement will abide by the ceasefire as long as the enemy abides by it. Second, Hamas will release the Zionist prisoners detained by it if the occupying state releases all the Palestinian prisoners detained by it.”

What a world where "terrorist" Hamas agrees to abide by a ICJ ruling but "democratic" Israel refuses.

‘Most transparent genocide in human history’: Analyst [Former UN Special Rapporteur]​

There is “overwhelming” evidence of genocide in Gaza right now, according to Richard Falk, former UN special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories.

“It is the most transparent genocide in human history. And for the court to back away from this, it will damage international law and the court as an institution, the highest tribunal in the UN system,” the Princeton University professor told Al Jazeera.

“If the decision is in favour of provisional measures, there will be an implementation crisis and there will be a tug of war as to whether this ruling will be implemented and enforced and complied with by Israel,” Falk said.

“If the court finds a technical or some kind of way of avoiding a position decision, that will cause so much outrage that will also activate the forces of popular opinion and create a civil society pressure to do something to stop this terrible ordeal that the Palestinian people are being subjected to,” he added.

Falk described this as “the most difficult dilemma of Joe Biden’s presidency” in the US.

I don’t think Israel want a ceasefire. Israel needed an excuse to bomb the crap out of Gaza. They got it on the 7th October.
The only way there is chance of ceasefire is the Americans force Israel. Can’t see that happening anytime soon with the delivery of another 50 planes yesterday gratis.
Today the bombardment continues. Yesterday people being shot and murdered whilst attempting to collect some bread.
This is genocide and war crimes takong
Place bro.
Everyday Israel raids Palestinian homes, their soldiers know no militias are in the homes but do it to spread fear, they try to humiliate the Palestinians by dragging them out, treating them like animals, they also arrest them for no reason and keep them in captives for years, even arresting minors, overtaking Palestinian land, houses, demolition of graves to built Israeli settlements, using Palestinian as a shooting practise, shooting pregnant women, 1000s have been shot like this according to human rights organisations.

Israel knows all these actions will eventually be responded by a natural response from the Palestinians and then Israel will claim to be a victim, all their propaganda machinery will start to make noise, calling for genocide of Palestinians.

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