Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

These terrorists are restarting their ethnic cleansing operation of northern Gaza in a clear attempt to force people into Egypt:

A call to the residents located west of Gaza City in the neighborhoods of Al-Nasr, Sheikh Radwan, Al-Shati Camp, Northern and Southern Sands, Al-Sabra, Sheikh Ajlin and Tal Al-Hawa - for your safety, we urge you to evacuate your areas of presence immediately and move through Al-Rashid Street (Al-Bahr) towards the known shelters in Deir Al-Balah. 🔴

Israel's intention has always been to remove every non-Jewish person from Greater Israel. They found an excuse and are taking as much as possible.
I’m aware of that but I was suprised at the news because I heard they were being evacuated away from areas outside Gaza here 2 months ago.

"US Congressman Brian Mast says more should be destroyed in Gaza , and that he will not allow a single dollar to reach UNRWA, and a peace activist confronts him: You are heartless, do you realize how cruel you are?"

Scum like this one swear his loyalties to Israel than to his own country.

If the US was a normal country, people like this would be on trial for treason and either jailed for life or executed.
Anton, this is your occupied west bank and good ole secular and submissive Mahmoud Abbas... not the resistance in Gaza.
Not that I care but I want to see how you've digested west bank... because that maybe useful later.

My point of view: you will need to continue the negotiation with Israel as the continuation of OSLO accord.

There is no reasoning with this guy. All he does is lie then deflects when caught, makes excuses, or tries to justify this nonsense to serve his states genocidal agenda.

Not like you I brought credible reference instead of mere claim or framing from tweeter/instagram/etc.

The liar is the one who stays in denials without proper arguments nor evidence and who like ad hominem.
My point of view: you will need to continue the negotiation with Israel as the continuation of OSLO accord.

Not like you I brought credible reference instead of mere claim or framing from tweeter/instagram/etc.

The liar is the one who stays in denials without proper arguments nor evidence and who like ad hominem.


The claim: Israeli newspaper investigation found no babies were beheaded during Oct. 7 Hamas attack​

An Oct. 28 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) shows a screenshot of a post on X, formerly Twitter, that lists the purported findings of an Israeli newspaper's investigation.

“Haaretz investigation EXPOSES all the ISRAELI LIES from October 7th just like I predicated (sic),” reads text included in the post.

It goes on to state one of the supposed conclusions from the investigation: “No beheaded babies.”...

...Haaretz said the claim is baseless. There is no evidence the news outlet conducted any such investigation. It reported the decapitated bodies of babies had been found following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. An international group of forensic pathologists also have confirmed babies were found decapitated -

All Israelis no doubt or their paid lackies:-"
An international group of forensic pathologists "
Why Public Opinion Matters for Palestinians!

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