Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Same is true for Hamas and Hizbollah supporters that they will have to learn to live with Zionist.
Now will that happen? Over the years my hopes are getting diminished.

You are drawing false comparisons in order to excuse the Zionists of their crimes. Firstly, if the militias don't resist then Palestine will be gone forever. So they must resist! Also, there is a collective Arab offer for peace led by KSA going as far back as 2002 for peaceful co-existence along the 1967 lines and once all Arab/Muslim countries would be onboard the there is not much militias can do about that.

What the militias may be SAYING is nothing compared with the Likud and most of Israelis have been actually DOING: Creating 'facts on the ground' thus showing their true intention. May these God-damn European implants be cursed and they flee back to Europe if they don't mend their ways in time.

Here, a front page article on NY Times written by the great Roger Cohen--a Jew himself-- telling about the true nature of the Zionist regime. And the Comments to that article--apparently mostly by Americans--are very harsh on Israel.

And the second highest Recommended Comment:

"What a great article, the best I've read on this subject for a long, long time. I have a couple things to say .Outside of Israel, when was the last time you heard of a group of people who lived in an area 2000 years ago, then left, and then came back 2000 years later and announced to the people living there "Get out. This land is ours." Why? "God gave it to us." So much for a fact-based negotiation. The two state solution is the ONLY answer to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. After the borders are established, US and/or UN troops should be stationed between the two sides and should be left there as long as it takes."
There is a real risk they may be found guilty of genocide ( they have done it, they are guilty etc.. no doubt about that ) but the political space to stop that ruling is decreasing. This ruling will allow the global south to apply sanctions on israel, both import and export based. BDS movement will have more weight behind it.. The global south wants to make an example out of Israel and, now, they have the means to do so. they are tired of getting beat around by the west who have weaponised these global structures for their own political and strategic ends, and now the global south have found a way of revenge ...

Even the west is saying, "they have the right to defend, but it has to be legal etc .." .. the writing is on the wall for israel. Guilty ...

What is required is a ceasefire now so that the bloodshed can stop.. and then the law of the law must take its course.

The only thing that may stop this trail is pressure on south africa from the USA/UK/EU, but if they try, it will be an interesting one for them to try.
Because everything coming out of the Israeli officials' mouths has been proven to be false, from 40 beheaded babies -

The claim: Israeli newspaper investigation found no babies were beheaded during Oct. 7 Hamas attack​

An Oct. 28 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) shows a screenshot of a post on X, formerly Twitter, that lists the purported findings of an Israeli newspaper's investigation.

“Haaretz investigation EXPOSES all the ISRAELI LIES from October 7th just like I predicated (sic),” reads text included in the post.

It goes on to state one of the supposed conclusions from the investigation: “No beheaded babies.”...

...Haaretz said the claim is baseless. There is no evidence the news outlet conducted any such investigation. It reported the decapitated bodies of babies had been found following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. An international group of forensic pathologists also have confirmed babies were found decapitated -


"A ceasefire and withdrawal from the Gaza Strip is a popular demand in Gaza, from small to large, and this is what the resistance with all its factions and organizations has adopted. Any deal that does not include this clause is worthless and a temporary drug, and after that the fighting will be more difficult and bloody.
Any deal without this demand would be a betrayal and a stab in the back against this steadfast people.

The residents of Gaza have not yielded to military pressure or surrendered to massacres and destruction since the beginning of the war on Gaza. There is no justification for surrendering to pressure or to the demands of any Western or Arab country."
Netanyahu the Messianic Satanic terrorist is dragging this conflict on. Jews are suicidal and into sacrifice if it means something they attain in the future. A small group of Jews are dragging the globe into a world war for some unknown ulterior motives. Anticipation of economic collapse + rise of authoritarianism. They want to shape the future still and see WW3 as necessary to do so. This is very dangerous if the American people don't stand up and stop enabling them.

Netanyahu is rejecting the ceasefire which all nations (Egypt, France, US, Qatar) said was agreed upon and will be implemented next week. He comes out publicly again and rejects it:

Netanyahu: “We will not end the war, we will not remove the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip, and we will not release thousands of terrorists.”

This guy is a liar. There is no source backing up his claims. He wants to see Hamas hurt more while keeping the rest of the region isolated from the conflict. Hamas agreed to the proposal. Netanyahu and Israel come out and lie and change the conditions each time or say they never agreed to one.

Bad for Israel when the wildly popular Russel Brand is starting anti-war narrative. While he had always been like that but he, like Tucker Carson, will be sitting less on the fence and more against Israel in indirect ways. You see: Israel is the one which wants a war against Iran by using the Americans and if the anti-war movement in America is too strong then Israel loses.

But of course everyone has seen that how even the mighty rich Elon Musk had to please Israel and so Western bloggers have to be very careful.


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