Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You know this is funny i actually never thought about this ever ok turkey is a nato member hypothetically turkey intervenes in this war(hypothetically because it’s never going to happen another leader who talks more than acts) as a nato member can America intervene on Israel’s behalf or is America obligated to stay out of it. This is a real question for someone who thinks they can actually answer it.
Netanyahu accuses Erodgan of committing genocide, claims IDF is "most moral army in the world"

"Erdogan, who is committing genocide against the Kurds and who holds the world record for imprisoning journalists who oppose his regime, is the last person who can preach morality to us.

The IDF, which is the most moral army in the world, is fighting to eliminate the most abhorrent and brutal terrorist organization in the world, Hamas-ISIS, which has committed crimes against humanity, and which Erdogan has praised and whose leaders he hosts."

It is strange to me that the Israeli PM can publicly say these things about Erdogan, but Turkey will maintain full diplomatic and economic relations with Israel.
If Erdogan holds the record for imprisoning the most journalists, Netanyahoo, you hold the record for killing the most. What is worse, imprisonment or murder?

These Zionist genocidal maniacs will do anything to justify their murder. Zionist IMO has become more and more like Nazism.

You know this is funny i actually never thought about this ever ok turkey is a nato member hypothetically turkey intervenes in this war(hypothetically because it’s never going to happen another leader who talks more than acts) as a nato member can America intervene on Israel’s behalf or is America obligated to stay out of it. This is a real question for someone who thinks they can actually answer it.
They'll bend the rules for Israel. For a war with Israel you need a end game. And you need clearly defined objectives. I'm talking about nations states here. For example, doing a war to enforce a no-fly zone over Gaza or forcing Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the West Bank. And defining victory over after achieving said objective. Gaza is very tiny and not expected to take on this burden.

Did anyone in the region ever have a plan for Israel? Doesn't appear so. Israel meanwhile has a plan for Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and more. Despite having peace treaties with some of these nations.
You know this is funny i actually never thought about this ever ok turkey is a nato member hypothetically turkey intervenes in this war(hypothetically because it’s never going to happen another leader who talks more than acts) as a nato member can America intervene on Israel’s behalf or is America obligated to stay out of it. This is a real question for someone who thinks they can actually answer it.

Any agreement western countries have with Muslim countries is voided the second it does not benefit the west. America will tear up any NATO agreement if its master Israel is threatened.
And cockroach is a bird.

I wonder if inside they feel like laughing out loud as they spew their garbage in public.
Offensive to cockroaches
Benefits of the American CockroachRecycling: Cockroaches eat just about anything, including garbage and dead plants, and animal waste. Composting: These cockroaches are natural composters. They play a huge role in the process of decaying organic matter to produce soil rich in nutrients
Any agreement western countries have with Muslim countries is voided the second it does not benefit the west. America will tear up any NATO agreement if its master Israel is threatened.
And I take it the White House told you what it will do ?
Any agreement western countries have with Muslim countries is voided the second it does not benefit the west. America will tear up any NATO agreement if its master Israel is threatened.
Again I don’t think it’s that easy I’m sure it’s a process a real answer.

Here is a free lesson.
What I know is the IDF does not have magical Satellites that see into buildings or underground where most of the the defenders of Gaza are moving men and equipment.

The Russian just demonstrated how hard it is to clear a city that has been prepared for defense in dense urban areas.
THe Gaza problem is Mariupol x10.
Mariupol had no where near the defensive underground tunnel network that has been built into gaza for DECADES.
off topic here but I just noticed this whoever decided to takeoff the emoji thing other than the like is a genius 👏🏻
And I take it the White House told you what it will do ?

Based on the very long history of US and western powers violating its treaties, backstabbing allies, and overthrowing democracies to install tyrannical dictators (current example Pakistan, long history in South America, Asia, etc), I don't think it is much of a stretch to say the US would bomb Turkey to protect Israel.

The US has ignored Israel selling US military tech to China, the intentional bombing of USS Liberty, giving billions in tax payer money, and ignoring Israeli human rights violations and military crimes against civilians, plus many more things. US can kick out Turkey from NATO and bomb it in a single day or completely pretend NATO does not exist.
Seems like the first hit set a light off on the tank

The guys inside then tried to escape and were hit again

Unfortunately we can’t ask for a clear video as he is already doing a outstanding job

But the way he shouted Allah O Akbar after the second shot shows how satiated he was with his hit

And his prayer before the attack definitely helped him

If after 80 days these guys are defeating USA is only by the will of Allah

God is with these men


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