Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Seems like the first hit set a light off on the tank

The guys inside then tried to escape and were hit again

Unfortunately we can’t ask for a clear video as he is already doing a outstanding job

But the way he shouted Allah O Akbar after the second shot shows how satiated he was with his hit

And his prayer before the attack definitely helped him

If after 80 days these guys are defeating USA is only by the will of Allah

God is with these men

This is one of things you either have to believe Hamas that they destroyed a merkava tank or that explosives made a nice light show Hamas has shown plenty of evidence of lightly armored vehicles being destroyed but I have yet to see any merkavas videos actually destroyed many being hit not the aftermath.
This is one of things you either have to believe Hamas that they destroyed a merkava tank or that explosives made a nice light show Hamas has shown plenty of evidence of lightly armored vehicles being destroyed but I have yet to see any merkavas videos actually destroyed many being hit not the aftermath.
Haven't you seen them being towed away? Plenty of videos about showing disabled tanks and destroyed ones. Most obvious one was when a Mujahadeen ran up to an active tank and set explosives on it which then exploded and the tank went up in flames. The brave Palestinian soul was lucky to survive the explosion as he ran for his life. May Allah give victory to the Palestinians and defeat these Nazi Jews.,
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Haven't you seen them being towed away? Plenty of videos about showing disabled tanks and destroyed ones. Most obvious one was when a Mujahadeen ran up to an active tank and set explosives on it which then exploded and the tanbk went up in flames. The brave Palestinian soul was lucky to survive the explosion as he ran for his life. May Allah give victory to the Palestinians and defeat these Nazi Jews.,
no I didn’t say their weren’t ever,yes disabled and destroyed are two different things you can damage tracks or hit another vital piece of the tank to take it out action.I definitely believe the tank was destroyed when the fighter ran and threw mine under it, yes several were destroyed at the beginning. I am sure quite a few have been destroyed but Hamas seems to make statements as if they are knocking them out like nothing, do I believe sinwar claim 1500 soldiers of the idf has died if you include since the start of the event on the 7th and you go by every Israeli over 18 will receive military training than I guess his math is correct several thousand wounded again same scenario, I’m not big on propaganda videos that can’t be fully verified sorry Hezbollah on that makes propaganda videos that can be verified. It’s like when iAf releases aerial footage saying they killed a guy with rpg you find out the next day it was a journalist.
Based on the very long history of US and western powers violating its treaties, backstabbing allies, and overthrowing democracies to install tyrannical dictators (current example Pakistan, long history in South America, Asia, etc), I don't think it is much of a stretch to say the US would bomb Turkey to protect Israel.

The US has ignored Israel selling US military tech to China, the intentional bombing of USS Liberty, giving billions in tax payer money, and ignoring Israeli human rights violations and military crimes against civilians, plus many more things. US can kick out Turkey from NATO and bomb it in a single day or completely pretend NATO does not exist.
Excuse me but your biases are showing. 😁
Haven't you seen them being towed away? Plenty of videos about showing disabled tanks and destroyed ones. Most obvious one was when a Mujahadeen ran up to an active tank and set explosives on it which then exploded and the tanbk went up in flames. The brave Palestinian soul was lucky to survive the explosion as he ran for his life. May Allah give victory to the Palestinians and defeat these Nazi Jews.,

آمين يا رب العالمين

What I noticed is the resistance in the West Bank don't even have RPGs. I can understand Hamas didn't have big presence there, but PIJ and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades were there for a while. So smuggling must be very difficult, especially the fact that such tunnels would not be tolerated on the Jordanian side.
This is one of things you either have to believe Hamas that they destroyed a merkava tank or that explosives made a nice light show Hamas has shown plenty of evidence of lightly armored vehicles being destroyed but I have yet to see any merkavas videos actually destroyed many being hit not the aftermath.

Satellite Imagery Reveals 88 Israeli Tanks Wrecked by Gaza Anti-Tank Fire​

As per international defense media reports, this statistic of losses attained by Israeli armored vehicles signifies a significant development, accounting for 23 percent of the 383 tracked Israeli military armored vehicles currently deployed in operations within the northern Gaza Strip.​

In the northern Gaza Strip, satellite imagery reveals a significant blow to the Israeli military, with reports indicating that around 88 armored vehicles and main battle tanks have been rendered inoperable or extensively damaged.

The cause of this destruction is attributed to targeted anti-tank weapon fire by small units of Palestinian fighters.

As per international defense media reports, this statistic signifies a significant development, accounting for 23 percent of the 383 tracked Israeli military armored vehicles currently deployed in operations within the northern Gaza Strip.
However, the success of the Al-Qassam Brigades in destroying and causing severe damage to the Merkava main battle tanks and armored vehicles used by the Israeli army has been acknowledged by international defense observers.

The Israeli army has historically employed its armored units to initiate attacks.

Reports of the high destruction and damage suffered by Israeli military armored vehicles in the northern Gaza Strip align with reports of deaths and injuries to officers and members of the Israeli armored forces.

On November 10, Israeli media reported the death of Colonel Sheldag Zior, the commander of the Israeli army’s armored forces, in an operation in the Gaza Strip, making him the highest-ranking Israeli military officer killed so far.

Prior to that, Israeli media also reported the death of another senior officer, Lieutenant Colonel Salman Habaka, from the 188th Armored Brigade, in an operation in Gaza on November 2.

According to reports, Habaka, who was of Druze ethnicity, was killed in an ambush by Hamas fighters.

The primary weapons used by Palestinian fighters to attack Israeli military armored vehicles are the “Al-Yassin” 105mm Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG).

It is a self-developed anti-tank weapon based on the RPG-7VR anti-tank rocket. The “Al-Yassin” uses a Tandem Warhead, explosive material in two phases designed to defeat the Composite Armor and Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) covering the Israeli Merkava armored vehicles.

The first explosion is from a 64mm explosive before the second, larger 105mm explosion tears through the main armor of the armored vehicle.

Reports state that the “Al-Yassin” 105mm grenade launcher owned by Palestinian fighters can penetrate armor thicknesses of up to 700-750mm on military armored vehicles.

The effective range of the Palestinian fighters’ anti-tank weapons is 500 meters, but it is most effective at 150 meters from its target.

Additionally, the “Al-Yassin” grenade launcher also has a Thermobaric Anti-Bunker variant designed to penetrate fortified defense positions and is now used by Palestinian fighters facing the Israeli army. — DSA

By Admin On Nov 20, 2023

And I'd not have you call it illegal, Anton... or is it A.P Richlieu, the Swede?
You have me confused there Anton.

Anyhow it doesn't matter Indonesian or Swedish Anton. You made your ideology and of course you'll call yours legal.

Question is, what are you doing here? Converting the uninitiated into zionism?

This is more amusingly than anything I had whole day...

Yes it is ideology, the winning ideology. But zionism didn't break any law at least at that time before 1948 as far as I know.

The Central Command of the Palestinian Forces Alliance held a meeting in Beirut to discuss the developments of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle on its 82nd day:

The meeting was attended by representatives from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command, the Popular Struggle Front, the Palestinian Liberation Front, the Vanguard for the Popular Liberation War - Lighting Forces, and the Fatah Al-Intifada movement.

The participants saluted our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and all of Palestine, sending greetings to the souls of the martyrs, the wounded, and the heroic prisoners who have been confronting the ongoing zionist aggression for 82 days. This aggression targets people, stone, trees, all civil, health, and humanitarian institutions, killing children, women, doctors, paramedics, journalists, civil defense personnel, and UN staff.

They also saluted the brave resistance fighters who are engaged in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle in defense of our people, our land, and our holy sites. This battle has formed a glorious and qualitative milestone in the history of the Palestinian cause, delivering a strategic blow to the zionist entity and its functional role in the region as a protector of American and Western interests. They affirmed the right of our people to continue resistance until liberation, return, and independence.

The participants emphasized unified stance of the resistance on the necessity to first stop the zionist-American aggression and the withdrawal the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, allow the entry of humanitarian and relief aid and fuel, evacuate the wounded for treatment abroad, and conduct a prisoner exchange based on the basis of all-for-all.

They also paid tribute to the sons of our Arab and Islamic nation and the free people of the world who stand with our people and our cause, calling for more supportive steps for the steadfastness of our people and their brave resistance.

The participants stressed the importance of unifying the Palestinian position and ranks in confronting the occupation and its continuous aggression on our people in the Gaza Strip, Al-Quds, and the West Bank, and the necessity of reorganizing the Palestinian home after stopping the aggression, in a manner that corresponds with the sacrifices of our people and the heroics of the resistance.

They held the American administration fully responsible for the massacres and slaughters that our people are subjected to, affirming that the continuation of the genocide in the Gaza Strip would not have happened without the military, financial, and political American support to the zionist entity.

They called on the international community, and the Arab and Islamic countries, to pressure for the immediate cessation of the zionist aggression, allow the entry of urgent aid to our people, and evacuate thousands of wounded for treatment abroad, while emphasizing the rejection of the zionist enemy's projects to displace our people from the Gaza Strip.


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