Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


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Sep 14, 2022
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Israel can't and will never attack Iran. You keep giving these Jewish mafia terrorists too much credit. They're trying to get US forces and Arab forces deployed in Gaza to fight their war for them. They want to draw US in to get US in conflict with Palestinians to have US help them annex Palestinian territories.

That's what will start a world war. Any US or Arab forces on the ground in Gaza. And the continuation of the Gaza genocide. Netanyahu is trying to drag this conflict into the next year as Jewish lobby will begin attempts to force US into occupying Gaza for Israeli supremacist agenda, under Trump.

I think your giving this current Israeli to little credit they can attack iran not saying a sustainable long term bombing but if they hit a nuclear site or sites all bets are off iran will attack American assets as well as Israeli sites everything will be fair game……….it’s always been the Israeli plan to force Americas hand can’t you see the headlines Israel attacks iran 1 week before the elections, if there aren’t new Israeli elections and Iranians think their safest way of protecting themselves from an attack or invasion is the BOMB that’s actually a pretty reasonable scenario.


Jul 25, 2013
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How many times did they have a United Arab Republic?

All of them failed. Muslims right now are more divided than ever.

The Gulf monarchies were closer back in the 90s to the 2010s. Remember what happened then? Qatar blockade,war on Yemen,some supported it,some didn't. Saudi Arabia and UAE now getting closer with Israel. Qatar getting closer with Turkey.

Jordan was very close with Iraq,then Saddam was toppled and now Iraq is mostly a Shia Iranian protectorate.

Pakistan and Bangladesh are supposed to be friends now,but how close are they really?

Pakistan and Afghanistan,how close are they? Morocco and Algeria against each other. Half of Libya is pro-Turkish and the other half is pro-Egyptian. Morocco won't recognize the Sahrawi Republic.

Indonesia and Malaysia,are they cooperating with each other?

Albania and Kosovo have dreams of EU. Iran and Azerbaijan are not in good terms. Turkey wants to lead the Turkic countries AND the muslim world.
Indonesia and Malaysia is generally in good term.

Muslim nations will get more united if they see common enemy, natural human behavior.


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Sep 14, 2022
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Is it me or I feel like the Israelis are attempting a fake out they have done this numerous times in the past attempting to say things In public but planning a surprise attack, Hamas figured that out long a long time ago and threw it back at the Israelis with October 7.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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but look at what a militia like the Taliban did to NATO, or that the Houthis did to Saudi Arabia. or even the carnage that ISIS caused - you're underestimating the capacity o potent militias to damage and dismantle national militaries.
But then you have the case of the Vietcong. You can bleed the enemy up to a point, but when the critical moment comes, and the enemy still has potent capabilities on the battlefield, either you continue to wear them down, like the Afghan civil war of the early 90s, or you deliver the decisive blow, like the regular north Vietnamese army, equipped by the soviets, and drive on Saigon, with your flag into the inner sanctum of the adversary.

What the Taliban did was after the major combatant had already effectively left or disengaged, and the troops of the republic saw the writing on the wall and folded city after city.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Is it me or I feel like the Israelis are attempting a fake out they have done this numerous times in the past attempting to say things In public but planning a surprise attack, Hamas figured that out long a long time ago and threw it back at the Israelis with October 7.
They are likely just waiting till after the US election.


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Mar 22, 2024
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Taliban had Pakistan support, guidance, planning etc to take out multiple enemies

Even though Taliban can be a headache for us, that's a issue between Muslims
That is correct between Muslims brothers they fight like in the family but if the fight is against infidel than it’s jihad.Taliban were protected and supported in Pakistan against the infidels for 20 yrs and never gave up the fight. Now they are an issue and Pakistan is also an issue.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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What the Nazi Israelis have been dropping (MK84) on the women and children in tents in Gaza:-



5 Weapons of Mass Destruction the U.S. Military Uses Every Day​

Michael Peck
I cover defense issues and military technology.

Apr 29, 2013,10:21am EDT
Updated Apr 29, 2013, 01:10pm EDT

This article is more than 10 years old.
When most of us think of weapons of mass destruction, we think of nuclear bombs, or nerve gas, or biological agents. So it wasuncaptionedsurprising to see accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev charged with using a weapon of mass destruction after he and his brother allegedly detonated a bomb made from a pressure cooker.
Heinous as the Boston bombing is, a pressure cooker does not fit the commonly used definition of a WMD. In fact, by its own definition, the U.S. government is using WMDs every day. There appear to be two relevant laws here. The first is found in Title 18 USC § 2332a, which defines weapons of mass destruction as

(A) any destructive device as defined in section 921 of this title;
(B) any weapon that is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury through the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals, or their precursors;
(C) any weapon involving a biological agent, toxin, or vector (as those terms are defined in section 178 of this title); or
(D) any weapon that is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life;


So far, so good. Beneath the legalese, this mostly fits the common definition of WMDs. However, Section 921, the part that defines WMDs as destructive devices is where the law gets interesting. For purpose of a WMD, a destructive device is defined as a
(i) bomb,
(ii) grenade,
(iii) rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces,
(iv) missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce,

(v) mine, or
(vi) device similar to any of the devices described in the preceding clauses;

or, any type of weapon (other than a shotgun or a shotgun shell which the Attorney General finds is generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes) by whatever name known which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter.
Now we have a problem. By this standard, the U.S. military is using WMDs every day, and could be prosecuted by a foreign power if they were to adopt similar laws. Here are a few examples:
M67 hand grenade: U.S. military's fragmentation grenade is a grenade under Section 921, and it has an explosive charge of 6.5 ounces, so it qualifies as a WMD on two counts.
TOW-2 anti-tank missile: The TOW-2 is a rocket that blasts through tank armor with a 13-pound warhead, which would qualify as a WMD. Note that a U.S. Army veteran was charged [] last month by the FBI with using WMDs after he fired Russian-made rocket-propelled grenades while fighting in Syria alongside the rebels.
M795 artillery shell. The U.S. military's standard 155-millimeter howitzer shell carries 20 pounds of TNT to its target. This would appear to qualify it as a weapon of mass destruction.
PGU-14/B Armor Piercing Incendiary ammunition - These tank-killing rounds for the 30-millimeter cannon on the A-10 Warthog attack jet use depleted uranium (an extremely dense metal) to punch through armor - and releases radiation in the process. The Pentagon has maintained for years that the radiation is too small to be dangerous, but some - including Desert Storm veterans [] have argued otherwise.
Joint Direct Attack Munition: A JDAM consisting of a U.S. Mark 84 bomb [], fitted with laser guidance to act as a smart bomb, carries 945 pounds of explosives. If the Taliban were to adopt U.S. law, it could claim that U.S. aircraft are routinely using WMDs in Afghanistan.
W78 thermonuclear warhead. The standard warhead on U.S. Minuteman III ICBMs, its 350-kiloton yield (equivalent to 350,000 tons of TNT) would blast or incinerate nearly 100 square miles, according to this nuclear weapons simulation []. Just a reminder of the damage that a real WMD can do.
Federal law does specify that devices are neither designed nor modified to be weapons are not WMDs, and neither are pyrotechnics, signal rockets and the like. So those who light off firecrackers don't have to worry about being lumped together with Saddam Hussein. However, the fact remains that by its own definition of a weapon of mass destruction, the U.S. military has been and continues to routinely use them in combat.
The problem isn't the weapons themselves - hand grenades date back to the Middle Ages - but the way the U.S. government has defined WMDs such that practically any explosive device could be classified as a weapon of mass destruction. This devalues the threat. If every weapon is a WMD - I'm waiting to see knives and spears defined as such - then the threat just becomes a normal part of the environment. Are we preparing to fight a war with Iran because they have grenades and anti-tank rockets?
WMDs are an issue. They can inflict vast amounts of damage and terror relatively easily, and the effects of radiation and bioweapons can last for centuries. That's much more dangerous than an ordinary hand grenade. These weapons are not the same.
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Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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What needs to be understood is that the appeal Israel has to the gulf nations, if that is no longer of value, whatever that is, then why would they bother to support Israel?

I think it's Israel being at the centre of technology, a superpower in that sense, that's what it might be
They aren't center of anything other than lies and crimes.

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