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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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This should be happening in every Muslim country. Where are the Pakistanis, Egyptians and Turks? Seems like they are more beaten than the Palestinians.

These countries that you mention are dead and useless. Pakistan? LOL Egypt? A little poodle of the Western powers. Turks really don't care.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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The house of Palestine has a variety of subdivisions, and each unit comes with its own specialities and on-the-ground tactics.

But there is consensus in that the homestead needs quite a bit of freshening up because its currently inundated by specimens of the pernicious Jewish variety, a highly toxic and environmentally unfriendly life form, destructive all the way to its core being.

Many, many dead Jews are a necessary component in keeping the house squeaky clean and making it shine again.


Mr. Green

Feb 4, 2024
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What is the catalyst that will make Israel attack Hezbollah or vice versa?
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Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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These countries that you mention are dead and useless. Pakistan? LOL Egypt? A little poodle of the Western powers. Turks really don't care.

Let's not put all those countries in the same category as it allows the worse to get away with it by saying "we are just as bad as each other".

The positions with worse at top:

1. Turkey - recognised the entity in 1949 when it could easily pretend it does not exist due to lack of border. Still supplying oil with its Azeri buddies to kill Gazans.

2. Egypt - Messed up in 1967 badly and so lost Sinai. They recognised the entity in 1978 as a way to get Sinai back which was crucial for their economy. Still the level of collaboration is above the minimum as per 1978 agreement.

3. Pakistan - By far the best as they have no recognition of the entity and they should not even be on this list as they are doing what ALL muslim countries should be doing as a minimum. NO RECOGNITION and a TOTAL SIEGE on the entity by the neighbours that has stolen Palestine.
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Nov 3, 2008
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The UAE and Saudi Arabia are two devils. I would rank these two asshole nations even worse than Israel. UAE and Saudi Arabia should ideally be boycotted by all Muslims. We won't die if we miss a Hajj or Umrah. Punish these two devils.

I will go one step further and try to liberate two holi masjid from Munafiqeen entity. They have no moral rights to be custodian of those two Masjids.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Arabs have pathetic leaders. I am also very badly disappointed by the Arab neighbours and yes the peoples. Don't judge or blame me. I reserve the right to condemn cowards who don't come to the aid of their brothers and sisters. Don't get just angry at me though. The whole world has put question marks at the Arab response. The Arab response has been beyond disgraceful.

I am not anti-Arab. We Pakistanis aren't anti-Arab generally speaking. We are not ethnically Arab and we have no beef with Arabs. We have no motive for being anti-Arab. However, we will call out Arab leaders for abandoning their own kind. It is the elephant in the room.

Your leaders are supporters of the farcical Abraham Accords. Your leaders lied about the prospects of peace through Abraham Accords. Abraham Accords only brought misery. Arab countries and Arab leaders are only interested in appeasing the Americans and trading with Israel. The Arab leaders have proved that they don’t care about the plight of the Palestinians.

Your dictator El-Sisi is a sellout. His statements tell everything. He doesn't care about Palestine. Don't tell me that you support Sisi.

Like I said (which went right over your head as well as those cheering you on) the problem isn't the criticism, it's the fallacy you're using for the criticism. That shows nothing but the fact you have blind disdain and will use anything, even if it's totally irrelevant and doesn't even support your argument and then lie about it.

Bringing in an article on the signing of an agreement with the European Union (which interestingly enough is where you live) to open up investment opportunities for the country makes it a beggar nation and because of that, said country is a traitor and would never help the Palestinians? That's one of the most absurd fallacies I've read on this forum to date. It's not the worst, but it's right up there.

At least bring something that supports your anger, your disdain for Muslim countries not doing enough. Something that justifies your beef which you seem to be super obsessed about. Don't use a fallacy and lie about it. You brought in something completely irrelevant -- it's the opposite which is actually a good and noble cause for the country -- and only used that to defame and insult it and make it appear that's it's the reason there isn't support for the Palestinians. My goodness, the level of absurdity in that. Looking out for its own interests AT NO RELEVENCE to the Palestinians WHATSOEVER and yet you're using that to insult it & defame it to make it appear as if there is some correlation to being treacherous? Ridiculous. But that's fine, like I said it'll only give me more incentive to call you out every time you use fallacies and lie about them to deceive those who don't know any better. Instead of finding actual things that support your anti-Arab crusade. And like I said before, this does NOTHING to further the cause of the Palestinians, except create divisiveness which not only has ZERO benefits to the cause that we're ALL here for, but actually does the opposite and plays right into the hands of the enemy.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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(NOTE: this is not a declaration of who is in the right or wrong, merely noting the status quo),

No worries about that. That wasn't my intention either so that's a good thing. It's much more of a discussion to learn and share, even by disagreement which actually teaches more than being in agreement.
Look at it this way: if a two state solution is regarded as impossible, what other solution is there that will allow both sides (NOTE: this is not a declaration of who is in the right or wrong, merely noting the status quo), each one millions strong and overzealously inflamed, to live side by side in peace? Each side cannot kill all of the other, and neither can each side remove each other or even wish the other one away. That much is indeed clear.

What she is referring to as impossible is the only solution possible. Her assessment is more an indication of just how much more difficult this solution is being made from a combination of hardening attitudes within each side, given present events, aided by outside forces trying to create the most adverse situation they possibly can, for their own geopolitical advantages.

While I do see what you're saying, naturally most would welcome a 2-state I don't think there really is much argument with that. But that seems to be the opinion of those outside of the conflict itself because if you ask those Palestinians who just endured these last 8 months of massacring, or the ones in the West Bank to honestly tell you if they would be ok with living side by side with two separate states (forget about the details of that setup for now, that's a whole other ballgame but let's assume they're each about as independent as could possibly be) and see what they would say? Then ask the other side, the Israelis if they would be ok with that and I can guarantee you the answer is an unequivocal no. That's the problem.

And what I've been saying is the sooner everyone comes to that realization, the sooner there will be a realistic outlook to shape a solution. If neither can sustain having two independent states side by side where then you have to really start plugging in the brutal details of what is to be shared (Jerusalem, settlements etc.) it'll be even more difficult.

So what happens now? That's really the million-dollar question and impossible to answer if you're looking for a satisfactory resolution to both parties. That means the worst, it's one or the other. Sad reality, but THE reality nonetheless.

I could go into more detail as to how to make possible the only solution possible, but there is simply no chance of doing that in this thread, or indeed even in this forum, given the environment that is actively encouraged here, to its own detriment.

Agreed but are you kidding! This is a GREAT discussion worthy of opening a dedicated thread in the ME section and raise the bar for in-depth discussions on this ever so larger than life topic. I bet you'll get all sorts of fellas like @Falcon29 , @FuturePAF & @Meengla @PakFactor and many others who would be very interested.

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