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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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How many tanks have been damaged and disabled, I wonder. I don't believe Israel releases that info.
The bravery of Palestinians with very limited resources and operating against a vastly superior enemy that abides by no rules and has no limits to its barbarity has been astonishing. We have seen numerous instances of lightly armed Palestinians running up to armoured vehicles and placing explosives on the vehicle then leaving.

Hamas is operating with limited resources. Hezbollah on other hand can overwhelm trophy system on these tanks. By firing multiple projectiles from different directions. Israeli army is exhausted but Netanyahu wants to drag this on with his fanatical and unrealistic goals.
Hezbollah doesn't need to overwhelm the Trophy system with saturation ATGM strikes. The "Thrallah" dual-Dehlavieh (Iranian version of Russian Kornet ATGM) system is designed to fire two ATGMs in quick succession, the second one being fired quicker than the reload time of the Trophy system. In addition, the top-attack Iranian Almas ATGM is a game changer, and can likely evade the Trophy system altogether.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Israeli media:

The commanders of the divisions fighting in Gaza sent a letter to Netanyahu in which they confirmed that the soldiers were exhausted after 9 months of fighting.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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One of the main differences between Hezbollah and Hamas weapons is Hamas' lack of effective ATGMs and SAMs (even MANPADs).

Hamas has mass produced the Yasin-105 and they use it frequently with decent results, but it clearly lacks the destructive power of a large ATGM and has to be fired from very close proximity to have a chance of success. ATGMs like Dehlavieh and Almas can be fired from much further away (safer for the operator, and increases danger zone for Israeli APCs/tanks) and have much more powerful warheads (Almas even has a thermobaric warhead variant).

Additionally, Israel routinely uses helicopters to evacuate injured/killed soldiers. These are easy targets for MANPADs / basic SAMs. Unfortunately, Hamas is unable to capitalise on this. Hezbollah possesses the Iranian 358 SAM, which would be perfect to target Israeli helicopters in these scenarios.



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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One of the main differences between Hezbollah and Hamas weapons is Hamas' lack of effective ATGMs and SAMs (even MANPADs).

Hamas has mass produced the Yasin-105 and they use it frequently with decent results, but it clearly lacks the destructive power of a large ATGM and has to be fired from very close proximity to have a chance of success. ATGMs like Dehlavieh and Almas can be fired from much further away (safer for the operator, and increases danger zone for Israeli APCs/tanks) and have much more powerful warheads (Almas even has a thermobaric warhead variant).

Additionally, Israel routinely uses helicopters to evacuate injured/killed soldiers. These are easy targets for MANPADs / basic SAMs. Unfortunately, Hamas is unable to capitalise on this. Hezbollah possesses the Iranian 358 SAM, which would be perfect to target Israeli helicopters in these scenarios.


If you saw the John Elmer video which I posted in my last message above, you would have noticed that Gazans made a 'strategic' decision many years ago to not go for Kornet because of the weight and because Yasin would be more easy to manufacture. Elmer said it would be recorded by 'history', implying a very clever move and as Aziqbal said above, using the unexploded Israeli ordnance, many Yasin could be made.


Apr 14, 2024
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One of the main differences between Hezbollah and Hamas weapons is Hamas' lack of effective ATGMs and SAMs (even MANPADs).

Hamas has mass produced the Yasin-105 and they use it frequently with decent results, but it clearly lacks the destructive power of a large ATGM and has to be fired from very close proximity to have a chance of success. ATGMs like Dehlavieh and Almas can be fired from much further away (safer for the operator, and increases danger zone for Israeli APCs/tanks) and have much more powerful warheads (Almas even has a thermobaric warhead variant).

Additionally, Israel routinely uses helicopters to evacuate injured/killed soldiers. These are easy targets for MANPADs / basic SAMs. Unfortunately, Hamas is unable to capitalise on this. Hezbollah possesses the Iranian 358 SAM, which would be perfect to target Israeli helicopters in these scenarios.


I would largely agree! Hamas has MANPADs and ATGMs but in limited supply. I wonder why Hamas didn’t prepare these weapon systems before oct 7th. Also Hamas could of hade more drones, they would have been perfect for this battlefield to surprise drop bombs in idf positions, imagine what a dozen such drones armed with 2 grenades each could do to a command center.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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If you saw the John Elmer video which I posted in my last message above, you would have noticed that Gazans made a 'strategic' decision many years ago to not go for Kornet because of the weight and because Yasin would be more easy to manufacture. Elmer said it would be recorded by 'history', implying a very clever move and as Aziqbal said above, using the unexploded Israeli ordnance, many Yasin could be made.
Doubt it. Yasin-105 is very limited compared to modern ATGMs so that was a decision made out of necessity.

I would largely agree! Hamas has MANPADs and ATGMs but in limited supply. I wonder why Hamas didn’t prepare these weapon systems before oct 7th. Also Hamas could of hade more drones, they would have been perfect for this battlefield to surprise drop bombs in idf positions, imagine what a dozen such drones armed with 2 grenades each could do to a command center.
They have used quadcopters a fair amount but the damage even a few grenades can do is fairly limited. Large stockpiles of larger attack drones would be useful but not feasible given the tiny area available in Gaza and terrain that is flat and doesn't offer easy hiding places (in contrast to south Lebanon, which is full of forests and large hills).


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Israeli estimates of full scale war with Hezbollah in Lebanon to weaken Hezbollah by '10 years':


-Goal to kill 3,000 Hezbollah fighters
-1,000-2,000 civilians killed, 5,000 if they don't leave areas Israel tells them to
-5-8,000 Lebanese killed total


-200-250 civilians killed
-600-800 soldiers
-Around 1,000 Israeli's killed total

@Persian Gulf


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Israel commits yet another war crime. Targeting the home of a health official, deliberately, in order to exterminate his whole family along with him. Execution of whole families. Barbaric Jewish terrorism:

Dr. Hassan Hamdan, consultant and head of the burns and plastic surgery department at Nasser Medical Complex, was martyred, along with all his family members, as a result of a bombing on a house in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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This is from a pro Israel channel. In this part of the video, the guy is accusing the Biden administration of not supporting the 'sovereign' nation of Israel and that Israel is fighting with its hands tied.
Amazing sophistry!! But the guy is milking the stupid Christian Evangelicals via his channel.



Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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As I said, Israeli terrorists aren't actually ending their terrorist genocide. And won't until people start taking it up with the terrorist Jews.

All the 'phase 3' and 'imminent Lebanon war' talk is a lie. They will escalate attacks on Gaza in remaining 4th quarter of year. Here is their army chief saying this:

Chief of Staff of the occupation army from Rafah:

We assassinated 900 fighters, including at least one battalion commander.

The war will be long, and we will use many deceptive methods, and we will exhaust our enemy. We killed a battalion commander, company commanders, and their deputies in Rafah, and we will work in other areas.


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