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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Israel might use several neutron bombs to take out Hezbollah hideouts.

Any analysis on whether this will be a winning tactic?

I'm >50 % we are going to see some nuclear escalation soon.

Just no.

That will be the end of the entity as otherwise there will be all-out war.

Iran has already said that if there is a full scale war in Lebanon, then it would be fully involved and it will then be a "war of annihilation".

Too many people think the Zionist entity will be able to get out of the hole it is in now - no as the noose will be slowly tightened around it till it eventually suffocates.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Israel might use several neutron bombs to take out Hezbollah hideouts.

Any analysis on whether this will be a winning tactic?

I'm >50 % we are going to see some nuclear escalation soon.
Israel does not actually seek to have Hezbollah to 'move back behind Litani'. Until they declare a operation with such a stated aim, then they have no intention to fight even a limited skirmish with Hezbollah.

They'll only do a limited skirmish if Hezbollah fires on any major cities like Nahirriya, Tiberias, Haifa, and Tel Aviv with susitained barrages. Not a one off thing. If they keep firing restricted to furthest north, Israel will not launch a operation.

I do not see any serious signs of Israel preparing for even a limited skirmish with Hezbollah. And Hezbollah also does not seek a intense skirmish either. Otherwise it would regularly fire on Haifa which is close to Lebanon. Like what Ashkelon is to Gaza.


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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Israel does not actually seek to have Hezbollah to 'move back behind Litani'. Until they declare a operation with such a stated aim, then they have no intention to fight even a limited skirmish with Hezbollah.

They'll only do a limited skirmish if Hezbollah fires on any major cities like Nahirriya, Tiberias, Haifa, and Tel Aviv with susitained barrages. Not a one off thing. If they keep firing restricted to furthest north, Israel will not launch a operation.

I do not see any serious signs of Israel preparing for even a limited skirmish with Hezbollah. And Hezbollah also does not seek a intense skirmish either. Otherwise it would regularly fire on Haifa which is close to Lebanon. Like what Ashkelon is to Gaza.

Israel has 8 of 11 brigades in the north. They are currently trying to calm things in Gaza before they hit Lebanon, but let's see as France and others are trying to pick up activity to avoid the conflict in the north.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Israel has 8 of 11 brigades in the north. They are currently trying to calm things in Gaza before they hit Lebanon, but let's see as France and others are trying to pick up activity to avoid the conflict in the north.
Macron might be about to lose power, and the Lebanese could remind his Far Right French successors, that the last time a war kicked off in the region, millions of people started coming to Europe. Turkey will probably not stop them, and let them pass on through, so does France really want to back further destabilizing of the Middle East?


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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Israel does not actually seek to have Hezbollah to 'move back behind Litani'. Until they declare a operation with such a stated aim, then they have no intention to fight even a limited skirmish with Hezbollah.

They'll only do a limited skirmish if Hezbollah fires on any major cities like Nahirriya, Tiberias, Haifa, and Tel Aviv with susitained barrages. Not a one off thing. If they keep firing restricted to furthest north, Israel will not launch a operation.

I do not see any serious signs of Israel preparing for even a limited skirmish with Hezbollah. And Hezbollah also does not seek an intense skirmish either. Otherwise it would regularly fire on Haifa which is close to Lebanon. Like what Ashkelon is to Gaza.
Honestly at this point I don’t know what’s going to happen if there is a ceasefire tomorrow or never but if Israel did attempt even a small incursion I highly doubt if Israeli forces got hit hard they would say okay we did limited incursion that’s the end of it, if Israeli forces decide to enter Lebanon even if they tell the world it would be “limited” like it rafah it would signal the start of the real war………..if it ever happens either way hezbollah is destroying a lot of valuable equipment and having the Israelis maintain 24/7 vigilance one thing this has proven Israel’s vaunted military has been brought down several notches by Gaza forces and Hezbollah in the north and now each day for better or worse West Bank resistance.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Entity's forces simply would not be able to enter Lebanon for 2 reasons:

1. Any massing of terrorists and vehicles would be taken out by Hezbollah heavy mortars and rockets.

2. Hezbollah infantry would pick out even the heaviest armoured vehicles by its demonstrated advanced ATGM capability.

This will not be anything like Gaza as Hezbollah is much better armed and has far better terrain in Lebanon than Hamas has in Gaza.


Jul 1, 2024
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I think Palestine has played to one of the reasons why Labour has come back in full force let’s see if they actually hear the will of the people stop defending Israel, recognize a just Palestinian State and honestly worry about their own home affairs Britain used to be a world power now they’re third tier at best they let themselves be made this way by following instead of being a leader

I think powers like France, UK and United States should review its foreign policy priorities. Which in my opinion is still stuck the post WW2 era in many cruicial ways.

If not then China, Russia and other emerging countries will eventually attract more and more non-NATO countries into their orbit. The recent genocide of Gaza is not helping in any substantial way to break that trend.

The baby-boomer generation have to take a backseat and allow younger generation of leaders to create new policies.

One of the reasons why the west is stagnating economy is because the hyper-capitalist class have managed to take full control of both economic and
Foreign policies. The west needs a New Deal.

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