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Egyptian Mukhabarat

We've seen all this live on TV..lol..

Exactly and if they're worried about influencing the next generation (which is exactly what they're worried about), is banning it going to prevent them from seeing it? They obviously have no idea how powerful the internet is which is absurd in of itself.

Honestly, bro, this is the kind of thing that gets me more embarrassed about this particular mindset is that they see the cracking down of the social communications factor as a way of self-preservation when it couldn't be more the opposite of that, and that it would actually benefit them even more if they didn't show how paranoid they are, but they don't realize it. That's the sad & shameful part.
Egyptian art is unique.. it truly has an absurd scene for every absurd situation in life


Ashraf Marwan: Death of a Superspy​

British Intelligence decides to burn the Brotherhood and reveals secret documents revealing their employment with the Sixth Office

So speaking of Egyptian Mukhabarat, has anyone seen the recently leaked videos of Morsi engaging Tantawi & Sisi prior to the announcement of his presidential election victory?

If anyone has the video, pls post it. I will try to do it myself also. There seems to be a 3-part series of that specific meeting and it is REMARKABLE to say the least! Fantastic stuff and shows how the intelligence apparatus works in Egypt and who really holds the cards to the entire power structure even back then when SCAF was in charge of everything and had the responsibility of making or breaking Egypt. And Sisi's presence at the meeting is phenomenal, just his aura and how quiet he was taking notes and only speaking when needed. Tantawi carried the entire discussion and it actually got quite heated at one point between him & Morsi.

Sisi coming from not only a significant military background but being the minister of Intelligence (essentially El Mukhabarat) just shows how powerful, enigmatic and intelligent on another level the man is. His only limitation is he never spoke English very well.

Tantawi, on the other hand, his aura is even scarier. It's on another level entirely. His command of the meeting (which BTW, was obviously quite secretively at the time) and Morsi has nooooo idea he was being recorded lol. To watch it, listen to the dialogue and the specific topics being discussed and the way it was recorded gives you an entirely clear view into the Egyptian intelligence.

Is the arab language spoken in Egypt closer to Gulf or Maghrib?
More like Tantawi speaking to Morsi about how he recognized Sisi's potential as a young man and took him under his wings and Morsi agreeing with him. That just goes to show you the power Tantawy yielded & wielded and really was the main figurehead behind SCAF of course and the head boss if you really think about it. Hence when he passed, it was only a matter of procedure that Sisi would become bossman.

Too bad many of the fellas on this forum and all the outside critics of Sisi don't understand Arabic and can listen to what is being said and how mischievous -- not so much Morsi, he just peddled the MB line of thinking -- those Brotherhood gangsters are/were. Then they would understand why many of us have no problem with the coup, takeover, dictatorship whatever they want to call it. Getting rid of those mobsters who were intentionally taking the country down was the best thing that happened and what saved Egypt from becoming an extremist disaster. We don't want that for our country anyone who has a problem with that can eat it.
Take your poison

Noone ctitizes Eygpt what it did, it did what it was thought was good for the it based upon camp David agreement but hypocrisy going on here.

We just point out that Morsi was risk for Israel Eygpt friendship and his disposition was purely done for that purpose

For some reason when we bring up how Eygpt Israel has one of the greatest friendship so Great that Eygpt is ready to assist in because and slaughter all Arabs across the street in Gaza you guys get upset

Sisi will be remembered by eygptians as a great leader who strength the united cause of combating Palestine terrorists, Hamas, the brotherhood and destroying Islamic extremist who are against Zionism, certainly I don't think Morsi or any extremist will "destroy" the other economy any further..you can't do worse then what Eygpt is already doing

Long life sisi long life Israel

As to what he has done for eygptian economy..I don't think anyone needs to add anything to the misery of Pakistan and eygptians imf based economy
Nop, none of them. Egyptian dialect is more closer to the Palestinian, Jordanian and Syria/Lebanon

A arab friend once told me the dialect closest to the ancient Quraish is the Palestinian dialect. Dont know if its true.
More like Tantawi speaking to Morsi about how he recognized Sisi's potential as a young man and took him under his wings and Morsi agreeing with him. That just goes to show you the power Tantawy yielded & wielded and really was the main figurehead behind SCAF of course and the head boss if you really think about it. Hence when he passed, it was only a matter of procedure that Sisi would become bossman.

Too bad many of the fellas on this forum and all the outside critics of Sisi don't understand Arabic and can listen to what is being said and how mischievous -- not so much Morsi, he just peddled the MB line of thinking -- those Brotherhood gangsters are/were. Then they would understand why many of us have no problem with the coup, takeover, dictatorship whatever they want to call it. Getting rid of those mobsters who were intentionally taking the country down was the best thing that happened and what saved Egypt from becoming an extremist disaster. We don't want that for our country anyone who has a problem with that can eat it.
So the Egyptian intelligence is also like our ISI? having all the power over politicians and running the country instead of focusing their energy and skills on the enemy next door?
So the Egyptian intelligence is also like our ISI? having all the power over politicians and running the country instead of focusing their energy and skills on the enemy next door?
You should know that the enemy next door's state was established by its intelligence service.. to the contrary of every state in the world where its the latter who establishes the intelligence service..

So you really think that the Egyptian Mukhabarat and ISI aren't focusing on their respective enemies next door!?
Is the arab language spoken in Egypt closer to Gulf or Maghrib?

Like the other fellas said, it's really it's own. So no like Ghost said and in-between like SC said.

It's a bit more complex than that because the Arabic language withing each dialect has it's own uniqueness. For example, there is classical Arabic which is more common to all Arab-speaking people. Then there's formal Arabic which has similarities between all Arabic speaking countries & people, but is also unique to each country and lastly there is colloquial Arabic. Basically the non-formal, uniquely inherent to each people and that colloquial Arabic that is spoken in Egypt is about as unique as can be. You won't hear anything close to it in any of the other Arabic-speaking countries or people. For example, if you hear Egyptians speaking that regular, homestyle street and buddy-buddy talk, you'll recognize it instantly because no one else in the Arab world speaks it that way. It's almost uniquely slangish. What you're hearing in those leaked secrete recordings is the typical Egyptian colloquial but mixed with some formal Arabic. If you listen to Egyptians on the streets, that's the pure colloquial Egyptian Arabic that doesn't exist anywhere else.

There are actually other accents within Egypt and Egyptian Arabic such as Asyuti Arabic spoken in certain areas of the northern Nile Delta region as well as Bedouin Arabic which has certain Berberis dialect similarity to it and if there is any Arabic with Maghrebi flare, that's the one.

Palestinian Arabic is closer and part of Sham or shamy Arabic, spoken essentially in El Sham regions such Syria, Lebanon & Jordan. That's closer to Egyptian formal Arabic. Iraqi Arabic is closer to GCC Arabic which is about as traditional as it gets since that's really the birthplace of the language.

So as you can see, it's a mumbalumbgum clustermush.

A arab friend once told me the dialect closest to the ancient Quraish is the Palestinian dialect. Dont know if its true.

Well, TBH how could anyone of us know what dialect was spoken during "ancient" Quraish? 'Ancient' being the operative word since even if the language was passed down through the generations and spoken in the same manner, it would be closer to Saudi Arabian, GCC & Yemeni Arabic than anywhere near Palestine. I think your friend has an honest, loyal bias to Palestinians which is perfectly fine and might feel like giving them an honor as such, but it's inaccurate. If anything, Palestinian Arabic is closer to Shamy Arabic like Ghost was saying.
So the Egyptian intelligence is also like our ISI? having all the power over politicians and running the country instead of focusing their energy and skills on the enemy next door?

Well, like SC said, are you saying that ISI is not focusing on India?

I think I know where you're getting at and yes, there is collaboration between Egyptian Intelligence & Israeli, but all of that is within the confines of each country's internal security needs and yes, it most likely involves Hamas as well as terrorists in Sinai coming from Egypt going to Gaza and in the other direction. If they weren't having this cooperation, then they wouldn't be doing their job, simple as that. That's what intelligence is all about, you work with your potential enemy for your own interests as slimy as that is or as dishonorable as some might think it is. The safety of 1500 people praying in a Masjid or in a souk market is much more important at any time than an outsider's perception of its loyalty or even treachery.
Well, like SC said, are you saying that ISI is not focusing on India?

I think I know where you're getting at and yes, there is collaboration between Egyptian Intelligence & Israeli, but all of that is within the confines of each country's internal security needs and yes, it most likely involves Hamas as well as terrorists in Sinai coming from Egypt going to Gaza and in the other direction. If they weren't having this cooperation, then they wouldn't be doing their job, simple as that. That's what intelligence is all about, you work with your potential enemy for your own interests as slimy as that is or as dishonorable as some might think it is. The safety of 1500 people praying in a Masjid or in a souk market is much more important at any time than an outsider's perception of its loyalty or even treachery.
Still..the main focus of the Egyptian Mukhabarat is the Israel and the Mossad in particular..
Like the other fellas said, it's really it's own. So no like Ghost said and in-between like SC said.

It's a bit more complex than that because the Arabic language withing each dialect has it's own uniqueness. For example, there is classical Arabic which is more common to all Arab-speaking people. Then there's formal Arabic which has similarities between all Arabic speaking countries & people, but is also unique to each country and lastly there is colloquial Arabic. Basically the non-formal, uniquely inherent to each people and that colloquial Arabic that is spoken in Egypt is about as unique as can be. You won't hear anything close to it in any of the other Arabic-speaking countries or people. For example, if you hear Egyptians speaking that regular, homestyle street and buddy-buddy talk, you'll recognize it instantly because no one else in the Arab world speaks it that way. It's almost uniquely slangish. What you're hearing in those leaked secrete recordings is the typical Egyptian colloquial but mixed with some formal Arabic. If you listen to Egyptians on the streets, that's the pure colloquial Egyptian Arabic that doesn't exist anywhere else.

There are actually other accents within Egypt and Egyptian Arabic such as Asyuti Arabic spoken in certain areas of the northern Nile Delta region as well as Bedouin Arabic which has certain Berberis dialect similarity to it and if there is any Arabic with Maghrebi flare, that's the one.

Palestinian Arabic is closer and part of Sham or shamy Arabic, spoken essentially in El Sham regions such Syria, Lebanon & Jordan. That's closer to Egyptian formal Arabic. Iraqi Arabic is closer to GCC Arabic which is about as traditional as it gets since that's really the birthplace of the language.

So as you can see, it's a mumbalumbgum clustermush.

Well, TBH how could anyone of us know what dialect was spoken during "ancient" Quraish? 'Ancient' being the operative word since even if the language was passed down through the generations and spoken in the same manner, it would be closer to Saudi Arabian, GCC & Yemeni Arabic than anywhere near Palestine. I think your friend has an honest, loyal bias to Palestinians which is perfectly fine and might feel like giving them an honor as such, but it's inaccurate. If anything, Palestinian Arabic is closer to Shamy Arabic like Ghost was saying.
The Arabic spoken in Quraish and much before was a very sophisticated Arabic.. you can reference to the poesies written in Jahiliya..