Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

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2 IDF terrorists killed, 7 more injured in helicopter crash in Rafah
The rescue helicopter crashed as it was landing to evacuate another IDF terrorist seriously wounded in Rafah

1 IDF terrorist killed and 1 more injured by West Bank truck operation

1 IDF terrorist seriously injured by Hezbollah ATGM fire

Great day for the resistance

well done

What a horrible situation for Israelis to be living in between with about equal number of 'natives' where you can't trust who's going to ram his vehicle or his dagger into you!!

2 IDF terrorists killed, 7 more injured in helicopter crash in Rafah
The rescue helicopter crashed as it was landing to evacuate another IDF terrorist seriously wounded in Rafah

1 IDF terrorist killed and 1 more injured by West Bank truck operation

1 IDF terrorist seriously injured by Hezbollah ATGM fire

And I think there has to be truth in this post otherwise you wouldn't post it here; you are very careful, as any credible member here should be.
Irani Bhai
Israelis have instructed local sources to hide their loses to help boost moral

Please , double check your post , their feeling might get hurt

Meanwhile us Muslims we should act like nothing happened after 40,000-200,000 people are dead , critically injured

Lately our behaviour has become a bit rowdy
Turkish Pitch to the Arabs: more belly Dancers and huff and puff?

This is the will of the Jordanian truck driver who killed 3 Israeli police officers:

“To my dear mother and father.

Forgive me and be satisfied with me, for I am a martyr, God willing, and praise be to God.

I want you not to remember me, but to remember my position, perhaps it will be immortal and a motivation for the sons of our Arab nation and the sons of Jordan in particular to take a stance towards the Zionist occupiers who are committing the most horrific massacres against our sisters, children and women in Gaza and Palestine.

My brothers, sons of the Arabs, if you do not feel religion within you, then let there be jealousy [for what is happening to our people] and chivalry among you.

Your brother, Maher Thiyab Al-Jazi”
Some say Sinwar is disguised as a woman? Put the neutral source up and confirm or i will have to give you an infraction for being a liar?

"Selon des sources du renseignement israélien citées par le Daily Express, Yahya Sinwar, le leader du Hamas à Gaza, aurait adopté une stratégie de survie pour le moins inattendue. L'homme le plus recherché par Israël se promènerait dans les rues de Gaza déguisé en femme, quittant périodiquement les tunnels souterrains pour éviter d'être localisé. Shalom Ben Hanan, ancien haut responsable du Shin Bet (service de sécurité intérieure israélien), a expliqué que Sinwar ne resterait pas plus de 24 à 36 heures dans les tunnels, conscient que les technologies modernes permettent de le détecter même sous terre. Cette tactique de mouvement constant et de déguisement serait sa réponse aux efforts acharnés d'Israël pour le capturer ou l'éliminer."
"According to Israeli intelligence sources cited by the Daily Express, Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, would have adopted a survival strategy that was unexpected to say the least. Israel's most wanted man reportedly walks the streets of Gaza disguised as a woman, periodically leaving underground tunnels to avoid being located. Shalom Ben Hanan, a former senior official of the Shin Bet (Israeli internal security service), explained that Sinwar would not stay more than 24 to 36 hours in the tunnels, aware that modern technologies make it possible to detect him even underground. This tactic of constant movement and disguise would be his response to Israel's strenuous efforts to capture or eliminate him."
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