Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You are attempting to go back to 2000 years to justify a genocide today. Do you not see how incredibly stupid that sounds?
Killing children and women - blowing up schools and hospitals - raping prisoners - stealing their houses and land and you try to justify it by suggesting 2000 Israelis lived there? Astonishing stance. Mind you it’s what I expect from someone that’s suggests the Palestinians scurge on society. Why does a brown chap like you try harder than the Jews to be Jewish I wonder?
Once again i don't agree with the word genocide in this situation.
If israel had decided a genocide it is not 50k deads (assording to the untrustable and non contradictory Hamas data) but 2 millions so far (because Israel forces are far more potent and numerous than Hamas, and because Gaza is now surrounded by Israeli forces and the sea : no excape possible).
You seem to forget that the first mass rapes and steal in houses came 7th october by Hamas troops and supporters.

Hamas sowed the wind, it reaps the storm.
The Zionists are now killing for fun.
Don't you think they just aspire to all live in peace near their family ?

If now IDF has clearly the lead in this war, every day israeli soldiers are wounded or killed. It's not an easy and without risk ball trap.
Maybe (and probably) there are here and here some fanatics, in the 2 sides, but most of all want to have a warfree life.
Once again i don't agree with the word genocide in this situation.
If israel had decided a genocide it is not 50k deads (assording to the untrustable and non contradictory Hamas data) but 2 millions so far (because Israel forces are far more potent and numerous than Hamas, and because Gaza is now surrounded by Israeli forces and the sea : no excape possible).
You seem to forget that the first mass rapes and steal in houses came 7th october by Hamas troops and supporters.

Hamas sowed the wind, it reaps the storm.
Yet again you think the date this started on the 7th October - It didnt.

There are ex Israeli soldiers on Utube confirming in the late 40s and 50s of their systematic rape of innocent Palestinian women and children. Imagine confessing to that? 1000s of people including children being locked up without trial for decades. 1000S disappearing? Their houses and land being stolen - yet you want to make us think it all started 7th October?
7th October was the consequences of what the Israeli have done over the last 75 years plus.
Defination of genocide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Pretty much what Israel is doing.

Have come to the conclusion with you - Can take the horse to water - but you cant force it to drink. Your natural hatred for Muslims shines through my little brown friend from France ( pretending you have NOTHING to do with India - even though you live on Indian forums).
Same can be said about the palestinian people.
Is this supposed to be some kind of answer?
Let me answer for you.
Jews are like Gypsy travelers.
There are white ( all shades) , black ( various shades) , Mongoloid and everything else in between, no?
Am I lying or we can see it on daily basis?
The main thing is supposedly meant to be Thora ( original form doesn‘t exist since Babylonian sacking of Jerusalem)but it is not.
It is mumbo jumbo primitive diatribes of Talmud. Even in Talmud and your folklor the influence of the neighbouring cultures is prelevant.
In all this time, you have never been able to create something akin to any sort of culture.
Take the look at your religious people, They wear a stupid version of the European cloth.
In Bosnia, Safard lived and spoke Ladino , as soon as a few Ashkenazis came with Austria, they forgot Ladino.
Let me not be too long, basically you are the Gypos , and as the real one you are concerned with mumbo jumbo on the thieving, lying and bizzare habits
You can play with people here on this platform, because they think that all of this is about them. The only important thing that has happened to them is being black or brown.
But , this war is not about that, because it is obvious that you are the mongreles and Palestinians almost exclusively look like Middle Easterns , with blondes too , hahaha.
It just superficially looks like just mear colonialism but in the principal it isn't..
What really it is chauvinism, irredentisam, total revisionism of history etc. Since the Jews are supposed to originate from Iraq , what else can distinguish you from other Semetics and with that fact , what is your claim?
So you are inpure blood and historically vermin ,made up of the the lowest segments of the local population, which a few of the originals came across.
No soil, no common blood , no common language nor history.
You just copied, as usual, Europeans and on the basis of the European thought, you created this intellectual and moral abomination called Zionism.
Don't complain, the same thing is said by Anti Zionist Jews, no?
As I told you before, every great French man despised you, because you are vermin.
Do you get it now? Untermensch f off from Europe and be Gypo in Middle East, that would be in accordance what you profess as your center piece idea?
But, the vermin wouldn't do it , the vermin is created to stick to the shoes like a shit.
You will be destroyed vermin.
Volks Erwachen
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Yet again you think the date this started on the 7th October - It didnt.

There are ex Israeli soldiers on Utube confirming in the late 40s and 50s of their systematic rape of innocent Palestinian women and children. Imagine confessing to that? 1000s of people including children being locked up without trial for decades. 1000S disappearing? Their houses and land being stolen - yet you want to make us think it all started 7th October?
7th October was the consequences of what the Israeli have done over the last 75 years plus.
Defination of genocide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Pretty much what Israel is doing.

Have come to the conclusion with you - Can take the horse to water - but you cant force it to drink. Your natural hatred for Muslims shines through my little brown friend from France ( pretending you have NOTHING to do with India - even though you live on Indian forums).

I really cannot understand why people talk about 7 October 2023 as the starting point of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Yet all the issues which you mentioned in your post (which are actually extremely limited instances of the human rights abuse of Palestinians by Israel) seems to be forgotten as if never occurred. The western news channels all seem to point to 7 October almost indicating that prior to that there was no extermination of Palestinians, no Zionist settlers forcibly taking land from Palestinian farmers and no mass imprisonment and torture of Palestinians. As we say in South Africa, the right of Israel to exist as a nation, but subject to the creation of a sovereign and independent Palestinian state, is beyond debating. The right of Israel to commit genocide, hate a people for being a different religion, take land by force of neighboring farmers, torture Palestinians and kill them with advanced weapons is inhumane. The news channels (sometimes Al Jazeera as well) gives space to all the Israeli apologists to discuss how shattering it was to Israel on 7 October forgetting that it is human nature to fight back when you are being systematically tortured and murdered as a people
Yet again you think the date this started on the 7th October - It didnt.

There are ex Israeli soldiers on Utube confirming in the late 40s and 50s of their systematic rape of innocent Palestinian women and children. Imagine confessing to that? 1000s of people including children being locked up without trial for decades. 1000S disappearing? Their houses and land being stolen - yet you want to make us think it all started 7th October?
7th October was the consequences of what the Israeli have done over the last 75 years plus.
Defination of genocide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Pretty much what Israel is doing.

Have come to the conclusion with you - Can take the horse to water - but you cant force it to drink. Your natural hatred for Muslims shines through my little brown friend from France ( pretending you have NOTHING to do with India - even though you live on Indian forums).

There is nothing to discuss with such people. When people don't flinch after 40000+ deaths nothing will move them.

Many Arab nations also don't seem to care. There is a lethargic response. Not my problem. I want to trade with Israel.

That only leaves the non-Arab Islamic countries with a few exceptions like Yemen. There should be separate bloc that has one voice.
There is nothing to discuss with such people. When people don't flinch after 40000+ deaths nothing will move them.

Many Arab nations also don't seem to care. There is a lethargic response. Not my problem. I want to trade with Israel.

That only leaves the non-Arab Islamic countries with a few exceptions like Yemen. There should be separate bloc that has one voice.

Anyone that can say Palestinians are a plague for everyone on open forum - shows us the cloth he is cut from. A raging nut job that tarnishes all Muslims with the same brush - A hater of extreme - someone that has this level of hatred is difficult to comprehend the mindset.
I dont see the difference between a Muslim Hindu Jew kid. Anyone suffering or deprived of basic necessities to live - i hurt. This person celebrates death because of ethnicity or religion. You decide the cloth this brown gentleman (desperately trying to convince us hes white ) is cut from............
That's where we don't agree.
There are proof of jude on this land 1st century befor Jesus Christ, ie more than 2000 years ago.

Buddy those Jews were local Hebrews

The Jews today are NOT from Palestine

They all foreigners and occupiers

Even if a new is from the wider middle east, you cant just turn up in Palestine to steal the land and homes from the Palestinians
It's even worse when they are scum from Europe or America, literal white people pretending to be middle Eastern

These people are cancerous, they cannot remain in the middle east

The middle east needs peace and the Jews are horrible,
Europe managed to kill or kick out the majority of their Jews and the middle east got stuck with them
Don't you think they just aspire to all live in peace near their family ?

If now IDF has clearly the lead in this war, every day israeli soldiers are wounded or killed. It's not an easy and without risk ball trap.
Maybe (and probably) there are here and here some fanatics, in the 2 sides, but most of all want to have a warfree life.
And can you document the fanatics on other side? We are waiting for that since 7th of October. All what we have gotten so far is " Trust me bro"
These people do not know how to deal with you and your kind.
I know very well, that there is no civilised debate with you that can lead to some sort of reasonable conclusion. So I never ask you why and because. I know that you're a pathological vermin and truly, you don't give and space for anything normal, so you got to be squashed.
I know it sounds cruel but what option do you leave???
Even here, when you or your Solomon brother are pressed, you pretend that actually nothing happened between us, is it true or people can't follow what has been posted on these boards???
Do you understand the necessity of putting you down as vermin?
What to do here?
Your thoths?
The USA exemple is cruel, indeed. A point for you.
Israel will not leave this land. It's a fact. They will never been scratched. In case of, the 21st century Massada will occur : all the neignbors and Iran will be nuked before diying themselves.
If palestinians only solution is to take all (form the sea to the river) they will have... nothing !
Sole solution is a dual state. Palestinians missed several opportunities. But if they stand in a "full land" or nothing solution, they will stand with nearly nothing.
You are speaking falsehood which I doubt even you believe in! The nearest to a viable Palestinian State talked about was shortly after the Camp David 2000 talks in the Taaba Conference where Israelis seemed open to a contiguous Palestinian State but Israelis didn't want to offer even that and even denied Palestinian sovereignty in East Jerusalem and suggested Ramallah as the Capital. Israelis NEVER EVER wanted to live as equals with the Palestinians and thus the conflict continues.
Please educate yourself of the facts!

Europe managed to kill or kick out the majority of their Jews and the middle east got stuck with them

Imagine some historic dates: 1492 when the Muslim rule in Spain ended and Muslims/Jews were kicked out of Europe and Muslims gave the historic, long shelter to the European Jewry. And imagine 1945 when the Europeans again kicked out Jews and forcefully dumped and supported them in the Muslim land.
Next time: No one should give shelter to such exclusionary, racist people! Maybe an island in the middle of the Pacific IF there are no natives already living there.
Once again i don't agree with the word genocide in this situation.
If israel had decided a genocide it is not 50k deads (assording to the untrustable and non contradictory Hamas data) but 2 millions so far (because Israel forces are far more potent and numerous than Hamas, and because Gaza is now surrounded by Israeli forces and the sea : no excape possible).
You seem to forget that the first mass rapes and steal in houses came 7th october by Hamas troops and supporters.

Hamas sowed the wind, it reaps the storm.

Your English has improved all of a sudden, you are letting the charade slip.
I am not convinced. I am not satisfied with the role that the Arab people have thus far played. It has been very meager. The Arab leaders that side with Israel should have been shivering with fear from the people. They haven't.
In peaceful shows of support, like donations, GCC people show massively support to Palestinian people.

Complain about their rulers is another thing, it's not safe do that there, I wouldn't do.
The USA exemple is cruel, indeed. A point for you.

Israel will not leave this land. It's a fact. They will never been scratched. In case of, the 21st century Massada will occur : all the neignbors and Iran will be nuked before diying themselves.
If palestinians only solution is to take all (form the sea to the river) they will have... nothing !
Sole solution is a dual state. Palestinians missed several opportunities. But if they stand in a "full land" or nothing solution, they will stand with nearly nothing.
Most of Israel common people would be happy of a new safe life in USA, but they can't.

USA is not interested in peaceful solutions.

Israel state is the tool of USA to bring mayhem to the richest oil zone in the world.

USA will keep giving Israel all kind of weapons, because that is what they want from Israel: endless wars and division in the zone.

Problem here is people trend to believe USA endless lies, main thing someone must keep in mind to understand current world: USA always lie, it's the most liar empire in mankind history and it's not interested in development and richness far from their borders when energy resources and raw materials start to run out. It's a natural, they just protect their own interests, but for reason, people thinks USA is a kind of NGO :ROFLMAO:.

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