Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Most of Israel common people would be happy of a new safe life in USA, but they can't.
USA is not interested in peaceful solutions.
Israel state is the tool of USA to bring mayhem to the richest oil zone in the world.
USA will keep giving Israel all kind of weapons, because that is what they want from Israel: endless wars and division in the zone.
Problem here is people trend to believe USA endless lies, main thing someone must keep in mind to understand current world: USA always lie, it's the most liar empire in mankind history and it's not interested in development and richness far from their borders when energy resources and raw materials start to run out. It's a natural, they just protect their own interests, but for reason, people thinks USA is a kind of NGO :ROFLMAO:.

I think what you are saying here was the dominant policy of America for the Middle East. The same policy still remains but I also think, with the growing threat/competition from China, the American policy is shifting--you know, the 'Indo Pacific Pivot'. Even America can't fight in Ukraine, in Middle East and in the Pacific at the same time.
So, yes, Israel, Jordan and some European vassal states are still the 'useful idiots' for the American Neo Con Empire, China is a big threat to the Empire.

Going forward, I believe, if the Israeli Lobby allows American policy makers, then Americans would rather expand the Abrahamic Accords, create a token Palestinian State, and largely leave the Middle East alone. The Israel Lobby is working directly against American interests!! And I dare say: Against the interests of Israel itself. It is not for no reason that Trump said something like 'If Kamala Harris wins the Presidency, Israel may not exist after 2 years'. I strongly believe the influence of the Israel Lobby is becoming less and less on the Democrats while a large part of the Republican 'base' is very pro Israel even if we remove the Lobby as a factor.

But you, as a Eurasian knows well, how Americans are ruining it not just for the Middle East but also for Europe!
The USA exemple is cruel, indeed. A point for you.

Israel will not leave this land. It's a fact. They will never been scratched. In case of, the 21st century Massada will occur : all the neignbors and Iran will be nuked before diying themselves.
If palestinians only solution is to take all (form the sea to the river) they will have... nothing !
Sole solution is a dual state. Palestinians missed several opportunities. But if they stand in a "full land" or nothing solution, they will stand with nearly nothing.

We don't have agreement on this BP2
"Israel will never be scratched"

This can only be possible , if they had a forcefield, Magic lamp , or mystical power. We don't live in Holywood
  • Israel is being given a jolt every day by Resistance force of Palestine

On Diplomatic Front:
1- Genocide International case against them
2- Daily losses Personal and Property (Seem like losses)
3- Loss of vital Military assets
4- Economy destruction 40,000-60,000 businesses closed

The neighbours have not even started a war on it

Imagine what would happen if they declared war on Tiny Israel
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That's where we don't agree.
There are proof of jude on this land 1st century befor Jesus Christ, ie more than 2000 years ago.

The problem is not Jude on land , they also lived in Muslim nations, in fact Iran has lot of Jude as well doing just fine

The problem here Genocide and a Maniac force attacking Humans

Only a True maniac force attacks unarmed United Nation workers
Doctors and Medics , or attacks unarmed civilians

Recently the Maniac force killed a Turkish -American peace activist

The jude (Settler) is not native to Palestine , it was transported by Ship

It's like lets say , Eygpt filled up a large ship of Migrants from other part of world and dropped it on French Door step

Also the world generally has requested a two State solution , because that is generally the wish of World
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The problem is not Jude on land , they also lived in Muslim nations, in fact Iran has lot of Jude as well doing just fine

The problem here Genocide and a Maniac force attacking Humans

Only a True maniac force attacks unarmed United Nation workers
Doctors and Medics , or attacks unarmed civilians

The jude (Settler) is not native to Palestine , it was transported by Ship

It's like lets say , Eygpt filled up a large ship of Migrants from other part of world and dropped it on French Door step

Also the world generally has requested a two State solution , because that is generally the wish of World
No , their mere existence is the problem. Anywhere and everywhere.
Israel is just safe heaven for these creatures.
The problem which they have kept making, is not much different then they have been doing for millenia, shall reference even that? Is it necessary?
Vermin , which spreads any kind of social or somatic deasise.
They were killed The Prophets?
" Oh people of Israel, We saved you from Firaun and his army, which was killing your boys and leaving the girls, you watched the miracle yet you denied it" is something like that in Qur'an?
Or Hadith " Even the trees will say, come Oh Mumineen , a Jew is hiding behind me , come and kill him"
Isn't my thinking aligned with Qur'an and Sunnah?
What we should follow and strive for ? " Humanitarian " thinking or
" We hear and obey"????
No weakness, no mercy, no hesitation in fight vs the people who openly rebelled against Allah SWT and his Prophets.
Any thought of pity doesn't occur to me.
The problem is not Jude on land , they also lived in Muslim nations, in fact Iran has lot of Jude as well doing just fine

The problem here Genocide and a Maniac force attacking Humans

Only a True maniac force attacks unarmed United Nation workers
Doctors and Medics , or attacks unarmed civilians

Recently the Maniac force killed a Turkish -American peace activist

The jude (Settler) is not native to Palestine , it was transported by Ship

It's like lets say , Eygpt filled up a large ship of Migrants from other part of world and dropped it on French Door step

Also the world generally has requested a two State solution , because that is generally the wish of World
We do not and will never agree.
Have these people laughed off even here any appeal for humanity?
They argued and lied ? Them and their leaders talked and did a lot of bestialities , no?
People with a minimum of minimum of decency wouldn't at least mock and openly enjoy the Genocide.
This is not the first time that, they are doing this, is it or not.
So , they, by the Muslims signed for their punishment.
Am I here to say " You are this and that and why " ? No.
They know it already.
So nothing what i saying here is out of the natural order of things
Social media is toxic at moment with respect to making fun or mocking mockery of Genocide

It is truly worrisome, but I also see images of support for people of Palestine , specially from Spain/Ireland /South Africa , which is admirable. May South American Nations openly support Palestine which is again admirable. Also African nations etc

For me a mere mortal , the images and scenes are quite disturbing

The folks who are active on Social media (Not necessarily here on forum) , they have their own demons to slay , in afterlife

However I do feel in order to stop an evil killer , The Muslim Nations need to step up a bit and take responsibility for protection of Unarmed Civilians in Palestine
Please educate yourself of the facts!
Thank you, really ;)
I simply just don't have the same reading of these same facts.

Main of you, on this thread, seem to be muslim. This a bias in the reading of this facts because it hurts you (I understand that).
I'm not muslim, not jew, just an atheist from christian roots. Maybe my readings of facts is not to be thrown away....
Mr Bp
Recently a maniac force killed 1200 (mainly civilians) 7th of october 2023.

Let me do the math , 40,000 Killed in Palestine , 200,000 possibly real figures , under the rubble.

To me Maniac force of Israel has gone beyond any understanding

Beyond doubt falls under war crime (below items)
  • Attack on hospitals
  • Attack on medics
  • Prisoner abuse
  • Attack on safe ground , survivors , civilians of war
  • Destruction of water wells and water infrastructure
  • Destruction of food sent for war victims
To me these are grave grave crime

I am convinced it is War Crime , as such it is Up to Muslim Nations in region to declare war, in order to control this Evil emerging in shape of this Maniac force
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Mr Bp

Let me do the math , 40,000 Killed in Palestine , 200,000 possibly real figures , under the rubble.

To me Maniac force of Israel has gone beyond any understanding

Beyond doubt falls under war crime (below items)
  • Attack on hospitals
  • Attack on medics
  • Prisoner abuse
  • Attack on safe ground , survivors , civilians of war
  • Destruction of water wells and water infrastructure
  • Destruction of food sent for war victims
To me these are grave grave crime

I am convinced it is War Crime , as such it is Up to Muslim Nations in region to declare war, in order to control this Evil emerging in shape of this Maniac force
Who was in these Hospitals, medics, schools?
Not a single one ask Hamas to stop voluntarily hide itself among their civilian people?
Why a Hamas main head quarter was built exactly under a Hospital?
The last 6 dead hostages were found in a tunnel whose entry was inside a kid chamber. I have no doubt this tunnel was defended by Hamas. Do you think it was possible to came in the tunnel without bombing that house ?
Food : I hope you know that part of the UN food is preempt by Hamas... as part of the UN funds for years to built tunnels instead of schools, hospital or civilian factories. I hope you know that Hamas dig up water pipes to built rockets. After that israel is accused of stoping the water delivery to Gaza....
Who was in these Hospitals, medics, schools?
Not a single one ask Hamas to stop voluntarily hide itself among their civilian people?
Why a Hamas main head quarter was built exactly under a Hospital?
The last 6 dead hostages were found in a tunnel whose entry was inside a kid chamber. I have no doubt this tunnel was defended by Hamas. Do you think it was possible to came in the tunnel without bombing that house ?
Food : I hope you know that part of the UN food is preempt by Hamas... as part of the UN funds for years to built tunnels instead of schools, hospital or civilian factories. I hope you know that Hamas dig up water pipes to built rockets. After that israel is accused of stoping the water delivery to Gaza....
Why Bernstein is Trotsky?

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