Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Don't you think they just aspire to all live in peace near their family ?

If now IDF has clearly the lead in this war, every day israeli soldiers are wounded or killed. It's not an easy and without risk ball trap.
Maybe (and probably) there are here and here some fanatics, in the 2 sides, but most of all want to have a warfree life.

Buddy they can live in peace outside of the middle east, the Jews can't live in the middle east, they are a cancerous people and they have committed massacres and genocide against the Palestinians for decades

For peace to occur the Jews need to leave
You are attempting to go back to 2000 years to justify a genocide today. Do you not see how incredibly stupid that sounds?
Killing children and women - blowing up schools and hospitals - raping prisoners - stealing their houses and land and you try to justify it by suggesting 2000 Israelis lived there? Astonishing stance. Mind you it’s what I expect from someone that’s suggests the Palestinians scurge on society. Why does a brown chap like you try harder than the Jews to be Jewish I wonder?
A wannabe that can never be.
Thank you, really ;)
I simply just don't have the same reading of these same facts.

Main of you, on this thread, seem to be muslim. This a bias in the reading of this facts because it hurts you (I understand that).
I'm not muslim, not jew, just an atheist from christian roots. Maybe my readings of facts is not to be thrown away....
Of you are an atheist of the Christian background, then why were you offended, as you started, by my statements?
I didn't say anything negative about the Christians nor Europeans , a contraire.
If you're a classic and intellectually motivated atheist then why do you signal out only Islam?
If you are atheist of Christian background then why not be uncharitable against both Islam and Judaism? Why feel sympathy for your chosen " underdog " ? Muslims didn't play with much before you played with them???
But Jews did, doesn't Disputation of Paris ring a bell???
What the f you actually want to achieve here?
As far as I am concerned, whatever you say is easily debunked.
Yes, people can be a tad biased but why are you totally biased?
I don't see the rationale behind it.
Of you are an atheist of the Christian background, then why were you offended, as you started, by my statements?
I didn't say anything negative about the Christians nor Europeans , a contraire.
If you're a classic and intellectually motivated atheist then why do you signal out only Islam?
If you are atheist of Christian background then why not be uncharitable against both Islam and Judaism? Why feel sympathy for your chosen " underdog " ? Muslims didn't play with much before you played with them???
But Jews did, doesn't Disputation of Paris ring a bell???
What the f you actually want to achieve here?
As far as I am concerned, whatever you say is easily debunked.
Yes, people can be a tad biased but why are you totally biased?
I don't see the rationale behind it.

That person is not worth debating. I am not a Muslim. The humanity in me awoke me to the suffering of the Palestinian people. It led me to actively join pro Palestinian support groups in my country. Just witnessing the daily bombings on Gaza post 7 October made me sick to my stomach. With the current social media and news outlets, if those images of genocide cannot make any person realise the suffering of the Palestinian people, then that person needs to question their humanity. Whilst we do have pro Israeli supporters here, there are a recognizable number of Jews in our country who standing up and condemning Israel for the genocide. Yet this BP2 character wants to be an unapologetic Zionist apologist
That person is not worth debating. I am not a Muslim. The humanity in me awoke me to the suffering of the Palestinian people. It led me to actively join pro Palestinian support groups in my country. Just witnessing the daily bombings on Gaza post 7 October made me sick to my stomach. With the current social media and news outlets, if those images of genocide cannot make any person realise the suffering of the Palestinian people, then that person needs to question their humanity. Whilst we do have pro Israeli supporters here, there are a recognizable number of Jews in our country who standing up and condemning Israel for the genocide. Yet this BP2 character wants to be an unapologetic Zionist apologist
Thank you very much, the thing which annoys me is the fact , that there is just primitive hate in that discourse. I can't detect anything but absolutely anything more than that. If they push me , I can hate too buy I explain myself.
I clashed here with fellow Muslims more than I did with the Zionist and I had my reasons.
But this empty hate, tedious, relent, hysterical is deplorable.
I don't mind that people dislike me but as we say in Bosnia " You can call me a glass but don't break me".
If he is French patriot, fine , if he is a true atheist fine also. If he is religious Christian fine too. Even the Jew, why should I care.
But the primitive hate, resentment and idea that we must see the logic behind his thinking, that irritates me.
Oh yes , during the Bosnia war a Jew was comrade.
It is all very very sad that the world has come to this.
The things which I say sometimes, do not make me very happy alas I am compelled
That person is not worth debating. I am not a Muslim. The humanity in me awoke me to the suffering of the Palestinian people. It led me to actively join pro Palestinian support groups in my country. Just witnessing the daily bombings on Gaza post 7 October made me sick to my stomach. With the current social media and news outlets, if those images of genocide cannot make any person realise the suffering of the Palestinian people, then that person needs to question their humanity. Whilst we do have pro Israeli supporters here, there are a recognizable number of Jews in our country who standing up and condemning Israel for the genocide. Yet this BP2 character wants to be an unapologetic Zionist apologist
A guy that lives on Indian forums and says Palestinians should be removed from society speaks volumes of his credentials. A person embarrassed by his skin colour - but hates Muslims to the extent of wanting all of them to be exterminated?
Bro he is of Indian heritage and offering his phull shappport to Israel.

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