Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Here it is this was on social media

Seems like Yamen followed general protocol for first announcing which areas of city are unsafe for Israeli/Zionist

Did not imagine they would have Hyper-Sonic missile

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The world has moved forward to response to Israel War crime
The resistance movement of Palestine is just start

We are seeing the rise of Resistance movement for Palestine because failure of world bodies to curb Israeli Maniac activities in region

Israel doesn't really know what's coming its way. Shortly after October 7, I had said that 'a regional war would destroy Israel and expel Americans from the Middle East'. And every passing day supports that outcome.
The Resistance against Israel has not even used a tenth of its resources/fighters and Israel's economy, social cohesion, international standing, political stability and its military hardware is getting depleted rapidly. Today in an Israeli site the major headline was 'Netanyahu may fire Gallant'. Do you think a winning side would fire its Defense Minister in the middle of an 'existential war'??
10th of it's potential I would say only 4-5% has been demonstrated

Would imagine other nations like Iran and Syria would also have a similar Hyper Sonic Missile

A fighter jets moves at 2.2 Mach
This thing is moving at Mach 16 !!!

It's like you are walking near a highway and then a Car speeds by you doing 100 km/hr

You can't catch it

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