Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Saudis need to watch out now because Iran may step in to restrain or punish them militarily- the region is almost or already on fire so any wrong move could trigger a disaster in it. But i guess the US + NATO + Israeli zioNZi clique can't collapse or crack without its proxies collapsing and falling apart also- that must and will happen.
Iran punish Saudi Arabia..where did you get your day dreaming from?
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just to clarify this is not a HGV. the only Iranian missile with a HGV warhead is Fattah-2 and that is in prototype stage only
thanks, and you are correct Khyber Shekan is not an HGV, but its a quasi-HGV or pseudo-HGV, if not, how did it go so fast and not get intercepted? Lets put it this way- to Israel's integrated air defense system, that Palestine-2 missile attacked Israel just as an HGV would..
Iran punish Saudi Arabia..where did you get your day dreaming from?
Well what was this about then? Lets not even talk about some things that happened in the 90s or early 2000s...
Well what was this about then? Lets not even talk about some things that happened in the 90s or early 2000s...
View attachment 65383
Iran denied it did that..otherwise it would have been war..

Go educate yourself about the 80s and 90s you are talking about..and find out the air skirmish between 4 Iranian Phantoms and 2 Saudi F-15s.. where 3 Iranian warplanes were downed in few minutes and the fourth escaped back to Iran....this happened in the Persian Gulf..
Iran president just said that Iran does not have missiles like that..he said Houthis developed it themselves..

That comes only from that newspaper..didn't hear it somewhere else..just yellow talk..
he lied because Iran's policy is to deny these weapons exports. just like Iran denied selling Shahed drones to Russia even while everyone saw them flying into Ukraine every day
Iran denied it did that..otherwise it would have been war..

Go educate yourself about the 80s and 90s you are talking about..and find out the air skirmish between 4 Iranian Phantoms and 2 Saudi F-15s.. where 3 Iranian warplanes were downed in few minutes and the fourth escaped back to Iran....this happened in the Persian Gulf..
well firstly this was 40 years ago in 1984 during the iran-iraq war. iranian jets entered Saudi airspace to attack an oil tanker, a US AWACS jet in Saudi Arabia discovered them and directed two Saudi F-15s to intercept them. two F-4s were hit, one crashed immediately but the other survived and landed on its own. so only 1 F-4 was downed (and 1 more badly damaged but survived to land on its own), not 3.

but this is all irrelevant to this thread
thanks, and you are correct Khyber Shekan is not an HGV, but its a quasi-HGV or pseudo-HGV, if not, how did it go so fast and not get intercepted? Lets put it this way- to Israel's integrated air defense system, that Palestine-2 missile attacked Israel just as an HGV would..
the speed is impressive, it's even faster than the announced speed of Kheibar Shekan and Fattah by Iran. average speed of mach 9 is crazy fast.

2000km+ is likely pushing it to its limits though.
Can you explain what you mean by this? I mean, US and the West haven't invaded since 1979 and if Iran is weak because it lacks a huge conventional army, i dont see why US hasn't invaded already.
Easy, by the biggest ballistic and Cruise missile inventory and quality in the Middle East.

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