Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I really think Iranians are out to 'liberate' the Palestinians at least otherwise it makes no sense to risk the very existence of your country. Iran is not just facing Israel--it has been facing the most powerful military, economic block in probably entire human history. Even countries as far as Japan and South Korea are behind Israel in indirect ways. So Iran is taking a lot of risks and I think that's because of ideological reasons. It is not a surprise: Ideologies still find some presence in the world though not much. I believe capitalism/materialism is the prevalent/prevailing ideology but that's for another debate.

The war mongers in America over-estimated the Soviet threat for a long time. The Military Industrial Complex needs enemies. However, in case of Iran, it is not over-estimation. Iran genuinely pose an existential threat to Israel and so every thing has to be carefully considered. The Israeli Lobby virtually controls America.

Houthis played with the Zionist entity the other day by using a single Iranian missiles to send nearly 3 million settlers crawling into shelters.

Iran has even more advanced missiles.
Houthis played with the Zionist entity the other day by using a single Iranian missiles to send nearly 3 million settlers crawling into shelters.

Iran has even more advanced missiles.

That's what I was thinking.
And if rumors are to be true that it is Russia which is providing hypersonic missiles to Iran or even Houthis then really bad for Israel. The Russia-Ukraine war couldn't have happened at worse time for Israel. Israelis tried to be neutral about that war but then Americans expected some 'favors' in return for all the help Americans have been giving to Israel. Russians are not going to tolerate anyone's help to Ukraine when Russians have been slaughtered in such large numbers.
Believe me , when you fight for relatively short strach of land for 2500 years and already have been almost thrown out of existence then it is highly motivational to take the risks. I actually respect them for that.
One of the indicators was when, I think Le Mond Arabic channel, was interviewing in documentary interviewed its correspondent.
The guy said " When I came to Khomeini for interview and asked him the first question, he replied that he doesn't know Arabic well enough. At that moment I realised that he ( Khomeini) is an ordinary nationalist " the interview proceeded in French, Gotzadeh was translating.
Good luck to them, but the loss can bring unimaginable losses all around. At least, they are not teaching me how to take Wudhu , at least they are something to think about.
This conflic will only embolden Israel more and more.
Because they can murder anyone anywhere and get full support from zionist lapdogs and phull saapot vermins.

The conflict will end instantanously the day when thousands upon thousands of Israeli jews lifes gets terminated.
total jewish population of the world is aprox. 15.7 million.
out of these aprox. 12 million are ashkenazi jews whose ancestors never ever set foot in palestine in the entire history of humankind
the remaining 3.7 million lived peacefully in Muslim countries under the protection of Islam for centruries.
and look at USA , when they make up 2% of a population, they fully subvert it - complete political control.
The Pentagon is supposed to have done a war-game scenario with Iran many years ago and in that they predict Iranians using analog resources to communicate, the commanders on the ground to take independent actions. The scenario predict many American vessels in the Persian Gulf and nearby seas destroyed, tens of thousands of American casualties--and of course a lot of destruction in Iran.
Which American President would want that to please Israel? What is the gain seeing thousands of body bags and crippled soldiers coming to America? What is the gain seeing American assets destroyed, global economy tanking, and Americans finally showing the middle finger to the Middle East and leaving? What is in that for even Israel, having been totally destroyed and Jewish population fled in large numbers?

They control tech, there is no western tech I imagine that they cannot manipulate or control

If you start to not have a mobile phone I believe it might one day be against the law

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