Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

They want to invade and occupy and then only withdraw if international UN forces “secure” the area so that hezb does not occupy. However, unlikely Lebanon will agree to that- so it will turn into a guerilla warfare and Israel will be driven back as they won’t be able to withstand that. The initial attack will be expensive, the ongoing occupation of the buffer zone will be even more. Lebanon will have open supply lines that cannot be interdicted that successfully.

If Israel does attack- then regular Lebanese army must get involved to try and stop that. They can’t afford to sit around with their fingers up their bums doing nothing and allow Israel to destroy the entire country.

People who say they are weak and can’t do anything, are missing the point. You have to resist with what you have to try increase the cost such that the occupation is short lived as possible and as expensive as possible. The armed forces of Lebanon have a duty to their people and country to defend Lebanon.

Countries with far less have shown more spine to resist their occupiers than the armed forces of Lebanon have. Quite shameful if they dont.

I find this entire situation ridiculous. Firstly, Israel wants Hezbollah on the northern side of the Litani River, per the UN agreement, so making a situation where Israel is engaged in combat in the north of Lebanon or in Beirut is just nonsense. Second, it is extremely unlikely that the Lebanese army would get involved, as they are pretty anti-Hezbollah. We the out siders seemed to leave out the massive strife between the Lebanese Christian and Muslim populations. LAF ( Lebanese Armed forces) doesn’t fight Israel.
Why on earth is Hezbollah striking empty Northern Israeli fields?!?!?!? What exactly are you trying to achieve? These baby killers only understand one language and their blood needs to spill as much as Palestinains- otherwise they will NOT back down!
IDF openly strikes Beirut now.

What a joke Hezbollah has become

They want Hezbollah to start firing and depleting their resources before a Israeli incursion, they are trying to goad Hezbollah into heavy action

Hezbollah knows if and when Israel does make an incursion a large stockpile, is exactly what will hurt Israeli forces the most and could even be devastating to Israeli forces with many casualties

So at the moment Hezbollah is firing it's most let's say innocuous rockets, to keep the back and forth going , but it's forced to soak up punishment because it knows a wider conflict is when those resources will be most needed and effective

Israel knows that if Hezbollah falls for the trap and starts to fire randomly, or prematurely then that's it best bet to have a successful incursion

What Israel doesn't want is to mass thousands of troops and make a big fat target that enters southern Lebanon only for Hezbollah to be waiting and to unload everything onto them alongside the rest of the resistance
If you are talking about Hezbollah, forget them.

It's a scammy rethoric group. Blame Hamas for thinking they (Hezbollah) would actually involve themselves for the sake of Palestine.

And no, being engaged in a choreographed low level conflict on the borders is not being involved, it's to keep the scammy picture alive.
I'm looking at it now from Lebanese lens. Their own deterrence and confrontation with Israel now. I think we're past point of them involving for Hamas. It's now looking like a different front in the north.

Gaza and Hamas are kind of stuck with their situation now.
I'm looking at it now from Lebanese lens. Their own deterrence and confrontation with Israel now. I think we're past point of them involving for Hamas. It's now looking like a different front in the north.

Gaza and Hamas are kind of stuck with their situation now.

On Twitter and even in Main stream media there are are Articles that Lebanon Christian Population is against this War with Israel

Just Google these Words
"Lebanon Christians Hezbollah "

Lebanon is a Divided Country
On Twitter and even in Main stream media there are are Articles that Lebanon Christian Population is against this War with Israel

Just Google these Words
"Lebanon Christians Hezbollah "

Lebanon is a Divided Country

Lebanon was always a divided country, but the west tried to set up a Christian version of Israel, except the plan was thwarted. Lebanon went from being 60% Christian to 30%-35%
Lebanon was always a divided country, but the west tried to set up a Christian version of Israel, except the plan was thwarted. Lebanon went from being 60% Christian to 30%-35%

If War with Israel intensifies who will the Christians support

They have nothing with Palestinians

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