Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Urgent| The Pentagon announces the sending of an aircraft carrier and US military frigates to territorial waters in the eastern Mediterranean

Everything Israel does is a crime. America sends its aircraft carrier as part of a deterrent equation for any response to crime and bullying.


Israel: "Mommy I committed another war crime, oopsiee"

US: "oh am so sorry, take another aircraft carrier “
Hezbollah has lost many of its top commanders and I think its close to 500

they have lost the core leadership and now after the pager and walkie talkies the situation has taken a turn

another important thing is that Hezbollah didnt realise this war was going to go on for so long and they have fired so much over 8,000 rockets and missiles

they are running low on ATGM ( and less and less videos are coming out) and switched to drones I think they had over 2,000 ATGM missiles in total

even drones are now low and the are lighting off the 122mm rockets

Hezbollah has a lot of weapons including longer range ones but those are for the REAL war not this war

it will take years for Iran to resupply Hezbollah with weapons and a armoured thrust by Israeli heavy armour will probably be tough for Hezbollah to stop since those ATGM have been used as sniper rifles to hit the cameras and communications equipment on the border

Hezbollah is low on men + materials and even Iran knows it and this is why they are now taking a step back

Israel will continue to make the life of Palestinians hell in Gaza until eventually they leave

Houthis have also quietened down after their port was hit and also they are low on missiles too

Resistance has fought hard for the last 12 months but who can match the industrial strength of the US, these are just resistance groups and not exactly fully fledged nations with military industrial bases

even the shipments coming through Iran and Syria to Lebanon are being hit and resupply to Hezbollah is difficult

it is sad it is just very sad
The deathcult is at its weakest point right now it can not survive a regional war, stretched on multiple fronts. The only elephant in the room is Super Goy coming to save judeo-christian values
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Israel can't invade and hold Lebanon. It just honestly doesn't have a large enough man power to fight in by inch village by village mountainous terrain against I am told Hizbollah 100k dug in, well armed, fighting on their home turf and Zionists to maintain the occupation of West Bank and Gaza. same time Israel really can't afford to lose 20% of their young men considering their low birth rate on a mission that might not even work. Pathetic Zionist's invaders are still fighting in Gaza after 11 months. Big mistake by Hizbollah leadership to-ignore Zionist’s aggression on their organisation in the last 72 hours will only encourage further attacks on their people from the Zionists!!!

Hezbollah is a resistance group not a nation which is free to manufacture weapons around the clock

even the shipments from Iran are being hit by Israeli Air Force in Syria

Hezbollah thought that the war would end in Gaza in early 2024 and were not prepared for this long war

Western nations have intelligence, surveillance , eavesdropping, communications , code breaking , jamming and whole array of other deceptive methods to hit their enemies

I mean look at Russia a few days ago the warehouse 900km from the Ukraine border went up with 30,000 tons of ammunition, real time surveillance provided by US + NATO

they can see and track containers from Iran to Astrakhan and trains from North Korea along the Siberian railway the Americans have Satellites all over the place

its hardly a fair war

I think honestly only China can take these guys for the rest its just a long slow defeat
Hezbollah has lost many of its top commanders and I think its close to 500

they have lost the core leadership and now after the pager and walkie talkies the situation has taken a turn

another important thing is that Hezbollah didnt realise this war was going to go on for so long and they have fired so much over 8,000 rockets and missiles

they are running low on ATGM ( and less and less videos are coming out) and switched to drones I think they had over 2,000 ATGM missiles in total

even drones are now low and the are lighting off the 122mm rockets

Hezbollah has a lot of weapons including longer range ones but those are for the REAL war not this war

it will take years for Iran to resupply Hezbollah with weapons and a armoured thrust by Israeli heavy armour will probably be tough for Hezbollah to stop since those ATGM have been used as sniper rifles to hit the cameras and communications equipment on the border

Hezbollah is low on men + materials and even Iran knows it and this is why they are now taking a step back

Israel will continue to make the life of Palestinians hell in Gaza until eventually they leave

Houthis have also quietened down after their port was hit and also they are low on missiles too

Resistance has fought hard for the last 12 months but who can match the industrial strength of the US, these are just resistance groups and not exactly fully fledged nations with military industrial bases

even the shipments coming through Iran and Syria to Lebanon are being hit and resupply to Hezbollah is difficult

it is sad it is just very sad

And this is important, I keep pointing this out Hezbollah is a IRREGULAR force

It is not a state military, Israel is not pulling off some magic trick by targeting Hamas and Hezbollah

They don't have air defence, they don't have jets or tanks, they have rockets and some heavy missiles

How difficult is it for Israel to fly over areas without air defence to target a building with a big bomb???

Whilst iran can keep supply lines open, in the midst of a war or period of high use like this last year, everything is limited

And Hezbollah cannot afford to go over the top and shoot off everything, leaving limited stocks if Israel is not invading Lebanon

It's not too difficult to understand, as harsh as it is, Hezbollah has to soak up some of the pain it's getting from these constant attacks and use any excess of rockets wisely

The easiest rockets to make or obtain would be the good old Katusha rockets, but they have limited effect

This is why even after a year, Israel hasnt pushed into Lebanon, but a tipping point is reached where if Israel keeps the targeted attacks, then more important targets in Israel must be hit
Hezbollah has lost many of its top commanders and I think its close to 500

they have lost the core leadership and now after the pager and walkie talkies the situation has taken a turn

another important thing is that Hezbollah didnt realise this war was going to go on for so long and they have fired so much over 8,000 rockets and missiles

they are running low on ATGM ( and less and less videos are coming out) and switched to drones I think they had over 2,000 ATGM missiles in total

even drones are now low and the are lighting off the 122mm rockets

Hezbollah has a lot of weapons including longer range ones but those are for the REAL war not this war

it will take years for Iran to resupply Hezbollah with weapons and a armoured thrust by Israeli heavy armour will probably be tough for Hezbollah to stop since those ATGM have been used as sniper rifles to hit the cameras and communications equipment on the border

Hezbollah is low on men + materials and even Iran knows it and this is why they are now taking a step back
Lol, this is not true. They're not low on men or materials. It's just orders from the top not to engage Israel. But if Israel is forcing a war. Then you may as well use your weapons to make them never wanna go through such a war again. Since war is coming either way without total capitulation to Israeli demands. Then make them regret the war. Sitting back, letting weapons rot, never having them deployed while Israeli takes over entire initiative is a moronic.
Lol, this is not true. They're not low on men or materials. It's just orders from the top not to engage Israel. But if Israel is forcing a war. Then you may as well use your weapons to make them never wanna go through such a war again. Since war is coming either way without total capitulation to Israeli demands. Then make them regret the war. Sitting back, letting weapons rot, never having them deployed while Israeli takes over entire initiative is a moronic.
100% agree, furthermore the deathcult can not stomach losses. Demographics do not favour them. They resorting to African refugees and asylum seekers and western mercs
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Hezbollah has lost many of its top commanders and I think its close to 500

they have lost the core leadership and now after the pager and walkie talkies the situation has taken a turn
it's almost 500 martyrs in total, not 500 commanders

for context, Hezbollah has 100,000 total soldiers it can call on.
US officials expect major escalation between Israel and Hezbollah

Israel to the United Nations: We do not intend to go to war with Hezbollah


I suppose dropping 100 pound bombs on buildings and , attacking civilians of Lebanon with Explosives' in phones is not act of war

Perhaps someone should ask them , what do they consider

  • "War"
  • "Act of War"
Vs what they do ?

Most likely they are just waiting for ground troops from Gaza to make way toward North and they need bit of time to organize their ranks as there are gaps in the force just requesting exrta time
Israel to the United Nations: We do not intend to go to war with Hezbollah


Straight up lie and its purpose is that the west will use it to justify supporting their colony's actions. Like Biden states hes actively pursuing peace, yet helping Israel 100% complete its objectives.
May be one day Israel will feel , like they
  • need to do a Pre-Emptive on Egypt?
  • need to do a Pre-Emptive on Turkey?
  • need to do a Pre-Emptive on Jordan?
  • need to do a pre-Emptive on Iraq ?
  • they might even do pre-Emptive on Italy and Spain too ??

We have seen a Level of Criminality , that we have not seen since WW2 committed by Israel

1- Bombing of Hospital , marked shelters
2- Killing of Medics and Nurses , whose only role was to protect lives
3- Dropping Bombs on buildings , where civilian resided
4- Destruction of water wells and farms where crops were grown
5- Reports of Prisoner Abuse violent abuse
6- Reports of Abuse of Women and Children
7- Killing of 40,000-190,000 Palestinians
8- Attack on Religious buildings , attack on historical places
9- We have heard about Medics in Israel amputeeing Palestinians
so they can't hold a weapon
10 - Attack on Foreign Minister of Iran , General of Iran
11 - Possible attack on Head of Iranian state , he also had a pager
12- Also reports of people being kidnapped all ages
13- 85% Hospitals Bombed

Example 2

Compare to that Saddam Hussain (Iraq) only occupied the oil fields in Kuwait and 52 countries came to war with Iraq. His argument was that these oil fields were under their territories

One commits crimes against Humanity , and nothing is done because it is Israel

The other just took oil field which were in it's own territorial areas
which Kuwait was using to extract oil
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