Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It seems to me that Hezbollah ain't any worse than Iranians?
But anyway, let's not dream the dreams here. Isreal run this show completely from day 1.
And us here or unfortunately those who are in command can't even guess what's coming. Oh yes , I believe that Shin Bet had prior knowledge of 7th October. But I have to give credit to Hamas , they showed themselves magnificently.
Maybe I might sound silly but when I see those faces of Hezbollah or Iranians, none of them look like the soldiers or particularly intelligent people
They look like Sawarma joint owners. Even their body language is like that.
Anything that they say and the way they carry themselves, doesnt inspires any confidence
Hezbollah is not stupid and neither is the resistance

They won’t fall for the Israeli trap and go to war

They have survived before and will survive again
I think you're coward but idk yet if Hezbollah is. There's no trap or trying to draw into war. They're doing a war on Lebanon since few days ago and every day there are hundreds of strikes.

Today so far over 100 airstrikes. Meanwhile the weapons in stores are just rotting or being destroyed. While ground invasion may be on the way. So you amass 150,000 rockets so they can rot while your enemy destroys you, doesn't make any sense unless cowards like you and Meengla are decision makers in Hezbollah.
So its quite clear that HZ cannot deter Israeli terrorism against Lebanon

It's time for the people of Lebanon to throw out this foreign state within state proxy and build an actual military force that can actually deter Israel from violence

May be like Egypt.
That wont work as no countries especially western will provide any decent arms to protect Israel. Also Lebanon is in an economic crisis and probably have little ability to pay add to the fact there is still some division internally, not everyone backs Hezbollah. This is likely a factor helping israel with intelligence.
They can not and those systems are siting ducks without air fighters to fend off SEAD missions.

These systems are more effective when not used, with the enemy not knowing how good or bad they are and just leaving them in areas to deny airspace because the fact that AA systems are there is enough to deter the enemy.
@Mehmed Beg

I guess strategy is to allow Israel to destroy any anti-Israel capabilities and do nothing about it. But just keep their ones for local power/businesses and for internal business with Iran.

One thing you are wrong about is Israel did not about October 7. But otherwise agree with your assessment.

I don't understand why people get into breast-beating and defeatism over the deaths of a few thousand Hezbollah fighters and a few dozen commanders. I don't think Hezbollah has lost too much. Plus there are reportedly hundreds of thousands of fighters from Yemen, Iraq and even as far as Pakistan and Afghanistan ready to join a regional war if that happens. In 2006, Hezbollah suffered even more casualties but is widely thought of as having 'won'. Yes, they have suffered recent setbacks; but they will regroup, change strategies and resume bleeding Israel. They win by not losing. Israel loses but not having a total victory; and Israel needs the total victory asap. Remember the old Afghan Taliban saying about Watch and Time.

All Israel and its allies have is sabotage and aerial bombardment. They are not substitute for ground invasion and occupation. American firepower--which was much more powerful in early 2000s--could not tame the resistance in Iraq and so the ground forces had to go into places like Fallujah.

Wars are painful,

The Zionists have targeted civilians on purpose to try and get them to run out of Palestine, when that didn't work, they doubled down on trying to create as much destruction as possible but the Palestinians still still leave

That left the Zionists stuck, they took a lot of pain and decimated their own international standing and the end result will be a aftermath where multiple nations and the world will push for a Palestinian state

The amount of deaths of actual fighters has been limited

Israel has a state military backed by the U.S
Tens of billions of U.S tax payers money has been spent to keep Israel afloat
Billions more of constant supply of weapons
Massive diplomatic costs and coverage for the entity
They were even willing to pull the rug from underneath them and destroy international law to save Israel

Israel won't go over night, it's a process of constant pressure and it's essential we ensure Muslims and people states across the middle east find it impossible to deal with Israel
Wars are painful,

The Zionists have targeted civilians on purpose to try and get them to run out of Palestine, when that didn't work, they doubled down on trying to create as much destruction as possible but the Palestinians still still leave

That left the Zionists stuck, they took a lot of pain and decimated their own international standing and the end result will be a aftermath where multiple nations and the world will push for a Palestinian state

The amount of deaths of actual fighters has been limited

Israel has a state military backed by the U.S
Tens of billions of U.S tax payers money has been spent to keep Israel afloat
Billions more of constant supply of weapons
Massive diplomatic costs and coverage for the entity
They were even willing to pull the rug from underneath them and destroy international law to save Israel

Israel won't go over night, it's a process of constant pressure and it's essential we ensure Muslims and people states across the middle east find it impossible to deal with Israel
One thing that Isreal has done is the fact that they things without presedan. Hence in future, to annihilate them InshaAllah, won't cross anything legal nor it should be looked upon disapprovingly.
Other thing , as thing stands now , the biggest threat for Jews are western extreme right. Jews know that very well.
Jean Marie Lepen was Jew hater , it is not that strange that Erbakan was on friendly terms with Lepen..
As of the people of Middle East etc , I don't count on them for the last 20 years
Might is right, it has always been like that.
What's the alternative,, allow a rabid apartheid colonial State to endlessly force brutality and occupation upon the people???

Or you endlessly harass the entity, target it across the world, use laws, boycott, protest to keep it in a constant state of conflict and let demographics do its job
The "harassing" part fits entirely into the concept of wearing down the Israeli army.
The major operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance groups on Friday, September 20, are as follows:

Al-Qassam Brigades' operations:

  • Targeted a D9 military bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell near the eastern George junction in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
  • Targeted a Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell east of the Al-Tanour neighborhood in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
  • Attacked a group of Israeli forces barricaded inside a house east of the Al-Tanour neighborhood in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, using a TBG anti-fortification shell and an anti-personnel shell.
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces east of the Al-Tanour neighborhood in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
Al-Quds Brigades' operations:

  • Fired a heavy barrage of bullets at a bus carrying Israeli settlers near the "Dotan" settlement in Jenin, occupied West Bank.
  • Destroyed a Merkava tank with a Thaqib explosive device during its incursion into the Al-Jeneina neighborhood, east of Rafah city, southern Gaza Strip.
  • Engaged in intense clashes with Israeli forces at the Al-Rawdah College front in Nablus, occupied West Bank, using bullets and explosive devices.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades' operations:

  • Detonated an anti-armor shell on an Israeli armored vehicle in the Al-Tanour neighborhood, east of Rafah city, southern Gaza Strip.
  • Targeted Israeli forces' supply lines in the “Netzarim” area in north-central Gaza with a barrage of 107mm Aqsa rockets.
  • Targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers at the “Fajjah” military site with an Asif missile, 122mm caliber.
  • Bombarded Israeli forces' supply lines in the "Be'eri" settlement with a barrage of 120mm mortar shells.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces' operations:

  • Detonated an explosive device on a "Namer" armored personnel carrier near the Return Roundabout in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
Israel won't go over night, it's a process of constant pressure and it's essential we ensure Muslims and people states across the middle east find it impossible to deal with Israel

You are the 'demographics' guy here. You might find this part of Scott Ritter's video interesting. Scott has some times carried away with hyperbole but he is mostly right and is a far better analyst than the likes of Col. Macgregor.

But useful.

long wars in the middle east actually reversed the secularization that was embeded to the region after the fall of the Caliphate.

Almost all protracted wars in the Middle east resulted in :

1. The collapse of the secular army
2. Adoption of Islam as the main raison d'etre of struggle and abandoning of Western ideolgies (ex : democracy)

Believe me, you wouldn't want to go fight israel with secularist at the helm of your country.

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