Breaking News: Saudi Arabia won't recognize Israel without Palestinian State says Crown Prince

You make valid points. Those who still hold onto this view of a two-state solution are akin to a druggie taking LSD to have good feel hallucinations. Devoid from the ground realities.

The Israelis have never shown much interest in working out a two-state solution, and when one party has no motivation to sit at the table, then discussing it is pointless. Neither can 1.5 billion Muslims force it to sit either.
It really are the Israelis, as they moved away from their leftist founding cover to their naked selves; a colonial state with genocidal intent from the beginning, that tried everything they can to undermine even the idea of a two state solution. The way they have been killing, especially in the past year, means they themselves have put their state on what Sun Tzu calls “Fatal Terrain”. Their proxies are working to hid the origin of settlement products to counter the BDS movement, and are working on long term strategies to counter the narratives online that have only shared what they themselves have exposed of their own beliefs and plans.

They have revealed to the world their state is beyond the pale, the way apartheid South Africa was.

Lips service for own citizens and Muslims abroad that hey look we doing something.
Sadly Arabs have given up on Palestine and even on other Arabs. The chosen few only trying to stay in power any way possible so people don't over throw them.
It really are the Israelis, as they moved away from their leftist founding cover to their naked selves; a colonial state with genocidal intent from the beginning, that tried everything they can to undermine even the idea of a two state solution. The way they have been killing, especially in the past year, means they themselves have put their state on what Sun Tzu calls “Fatal Terrain”. Their proxies are working to hid the origin of settlement products to counter the BDS movement, and are working on long term strategies to counter the narratives online that have only shared what they themselves have exposed of their own beliefs and plans.

Since its birth, the state of Israel has been on fatal terrain. It either fights with intensity or perishes.

The fate of Palestinians was sealed at the Camp David Acords by none other than one of their own, Mr. Arafat. Was there no one with a functioning brain to gameplay the acords criteria to see what it would lead to? That CDA should have crystallized the American intentions, and to continue hoping the Americans would intervene as a neutral mediator is lunacy.
Lips service for own citizens and Muslims abroad that hey look we doing something.
Sadly Arabs have given up on Palestine and even on other Arabs. The chosen few only trying to stay in power any way possible so people don't over throw them.
Saudi Arabia would recognize Israel. BUT there needs to be an independent Palestinian state first side by side with Israel.

Two State Solution based on Pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

That is Saudi Arabia's position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Saudi Arabia would recognize Israel. BUT there needs to be an independent Palestinian state first side by side with Israel.

Two State Solution based on Pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

That is Saudi Arabia's position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
People tend to forget this when you are the one holding the stick its hard to say NO.
At this time. US holds all the cards.
And Israel thanks to AIPAC and similar other investments hold US Congress.
Why would Israel give anything when they know they are the stronger in the regions, Arabs wont fight them. They have been holding this land with power so why would they give up. Loss of life on Palestinian side doesn't matter to them and loss on israeli side is manageable, Western Countries will only provide LIP SERVICE TO THE PALESTNIAN DEATHS.
and happily arm them so they will never give up anything. Instead it will be the arabs who are bowing down to the masters.
People tend to forget this when you are the one holding the stick its hard to say NO.
At this time. US holds all the cards.
And Israel thanks to AIPAC and similar other investments hold US Congress.
Why would Israel give anything when they know they are the stronger in the regions, Arabs wont fight them. They have been holding this land with power so why would they give up. Loss of life on Palestinian side doesn't matter to them and loss on israeli side is manageable, Western Countries will only provide LIP SERVICE TO THE PALESTNIAN DEATHS.
and happily arm them so they will never give up anything. Instead it will be the arabs who are bowing down to the masters.
True, Israel won't give up anything, because they are stronger, agreed.
Still however, Saudi Arabia won't recognize Israel until there is two state solution implemented.
It really are the Israelis, as they moved away from their leftist founding cover to their naked selves; a colonial state with genocidal intent from the beginning, that tried everything they can to undermine even the idea of a two state solution. The way they have been killing, especially in the past year, means they themselves have put their state on what Sun Tzu calls “Fatal Terrain”. Their proxies are working to hid the origin of settlement products to counter the BDS movement, and are working on long term strategies to counter the narratives online that have only shared what they themselves have exposed of their own beliefs and plans.

They have revealed to the world their state is beyond the pale, the way apartheid South Africa was.

It was a colonial project from the start.

People tend to forget this when you are the one holding the stick its hard to say NO.
At this time. US holds all the cards.
And Israel thanks to AIPAC and similar other investments hold US Congress.
Why would Israel give anything when they know they are the stronger in the regions, Arabs wont fight them. They have been holding this land with power so why would they give up. Loss of life on Palestinian side doesn't matter to them and loss on israeli side is manageable, Western Countries will only provide LIP SERVICE TO THE PALESTNIAN DEATHS.
and happily arm them so they will never give up anything. Instead it will be the arabs who are bowing down to the masters.

Let's say if Israel captures all of Gaza and West Bank. Manages to push out all Palestinians or kill them all, what then? Will they stop having further ambitions? I suspect no. They will be hungry.

True, Israel won't give up anything, because they are stronger, agreed.
Still however, Saudi Arabia won't recognize Israel until there is two state solution implemented.

They better stop deluding themselves. The two-state solution is a myth!
Too little too late.

They will probably fudge this and say a Zio-US proposed series of bantustans is a "Palestinian State".

KSA facilitates the breaking of the Yemeni blockade that the Yemenis paid for in blood. That says it all about what they really are.

Saudi made their call years ago

We forget no one in diplomatic circles is surprised this is happening in gaza

Let me repeat, it was an open secret

It will be interesting to see who still considers them as leaders
It was a colonial project from the start.
View attachment 66302

Let's say if Israel captures all of Gaza and West Bank. Manages to push out all Palestinians or kill them all, what then? Will they stop having further ambitions? I suspect no. They will be hungry.

They better stop deluding themselves. The two-state solution is a myth!
Still, I see the two state solution the answer to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Even Spain had the Palestinian ambassador to their country.
The world is waking up now!
Who give a shit about if KSA recognise Israel or Israel recognise Palestine.

Important thing is what will happen with KSA and GCC when Israel will start a war against Iran.
People tend to forget this when you are the one holding the stick its hard to say NO.
At this time. US holds all the cards.
And Israel thanks to AIPAC and similar other investments hold US Congress.
Why would Israel give anything when they know they are the stronger in the regions, Arabs wont fight them. They have been holding this land with power so why would they give up. Loss of life on Palestinian side doesn't matter to them and loss on israeli side is manageable, Western Countries will only provide LIP SERVICE TO THE PALESTNIAN DEATHS.
and happily arm them so they will never give up anything. Instead it will be the arabs who are bowing down to the masters.

It's on the Muslim world

No one called out the Facade of a two state solution which was just giving the west diplomatic and moral cover

The USA is Israel is the USA

They are the same, they startegise together

Let's see if USA has any independence going forward
Saudi are smart, patient, and understand what cards to play in different situations.

Foreign policy is not a zero sum game. Saudi are on good terms with all and this is the best approach. This works for them.

China and Russia have their respective interests that do not necessarily align with Saudi security concerns in the region. The US has supported Saudi in ways unlike any foreign power in the region. But American support is not for granted. Trump once said that the Saudi leadership won't last 2 weeks without American support. The message was loud and clear. How many countries are willing to attack Israel? The axis of resistance is running out of options. You think this is due to Russia and China? Decisions should be rational, not sentimental. It is a mistake to assume that the US has no power and options and will allow every country to turn on it.

Bro are you Saudi?

Saudi to this day are on the hook for 911...

The USA believe Saudis will be back in the desert in 50 years time
All Saudi banks control by west , all there Petro dollars is in foreign banks. All equipment is foreign what else. Poor Salman life is under threat. These statements are only good for public consumption. Action speaks louder then words .
Still, I see the two state solution the answer to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Even Spain had the Palestinian ambassador to their country.
The world is waking up now!

The odds do not fare well for a Palestinian state.
All Saudi banks control by west , all there Petro dollars is in foreign banks. All equipment is foreign what else. Poor Salman life is under threat. These statements are only good for public consumption. Action speaks louder then words .

The deal was done after the Ottomans collapsed, to allow Saudi Arabia to be created, to lead the Muslim Ummah but as a puppet state. They removed the Ottomans and created a puppet state in order to control, so as long as Saudi Arabia remains, the Muslims will not unite, the same way as long as Israel remains, the allies will have a outpost in the middleeast. Removal of these both states will be the decline of the allies. This is why Usa sent 500,000 troops to defend SA, they continue to have great relationship behind the scenes.

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