Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

In the overall scheme of things these are all skirmishes. The real battle will happen when all Muslims of the world join in. That may seem impossible right now, but Islamic prophecies have predicted that Muslims will be united under a single leader and fight an immense war with the Jews and ‘Romans.’

Israel is a third class midget that is being supplied by the ‘Romans.’ Only when Muslims are united will they win, inshallah. Meanwhile the best of Muslims are fighting alone while 2 billion Muslims watch from a safe distance.
There is always a reason for Patience
We may not see it clearly now

Will await and see how things unfold
They know what's coming, they are waiting for the invasion to begin, they are working to a plan, whether it works or not depends

Israel is trying to clear as much as they can before they try to make a incursion

At the moment a lot of happening, everything is not as it seems
Does Iran care? Will Hezbollah wait for a ground op before using rocket arsenal to flatten Haifa? Will Hezbollah strike Tel Aviv at all? Would Hezbollah deploy cruise missiles or anti-ship missiles? Right now it seems they're placing red lines on themselves more than anything. While Israel is crossing them all.

The media begins with speculation that Hezbollah will retaliate within 24 hours.
The media begins with speculation that Hezbollah will retaliate within 24 hours.
Israel doesn't wait 24 hours. It is launching ANOTHER wave of airstrikes in Lebanon right now, moments after launching 400+ massive airstrikes.
Israel launches unprecedented airstrikes across south Lebanon, 400+ strikes in hours

Israel is many steps ahead of Hezbollah. Instead of preparing set responses ready to be activated whenever condition X is met, they seem to need days to rest and think and prepare and plan how to respond ... and in that time Israel launches thousands of strikes to disrupt anything Hezbollah is planning and Hezbollah is back to step one.

Getting embarrassing now. They should withdraw and regroup and prepare to do better in the next round, because this round is decidedly not going to plan and Israel is not going to give them space to breathe, which they clearly desperately need.

A friend who lives in Illinois, a Lebanese Christian with family in the Lebanese government, said the Israelis are knocking out Hezbollah ammo depots and other stockpiles and, in some instances, in the South with penetrating bombs to take out tunnels that are storing arms or could be used in hit-and-run tactics. He said per them; it's all direct hits as if they have a map of all facilities; their assessment is Hezbollah is being degraded at a much more rapid pace than at the beginning of the conflict in 2006.

The Lebanese government, per his relatives, will stand by and not engage Israel if a conflict breaks out; they want to limit the conflict to the border region. This assessment could change, but it is not likely to at the moment, thus solidifying the cuck status of the Lebanese military.

@LeGenD @Waz

It's possible that once a full-blown war breaks out, we could see the end of Hezbollah or degraded to such an extent it would never pose another threat again.

Israel, in my opinion, is about to change the face of the region soon.
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People who ascribed to Islam are called Islamist. And this is why it is important understand the war in the Middle East, not mainly from the lens of civilian suffering.

The Islamic military class that was there from the time of the Battle of Badr (624) and continues UNINTERUPTED until the abolishment of the Ottoman caliphate(1921) vanished from world history at the abolishment of the Caliphate until the year 1979.

Now 1979 is A VERY VERY VERY Important year had only people understand.

1979 is the year of three major events:

1. The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
2. The Iran Revolution
3. The Assault of Juhayman into Mecca

All 3 has one things in common : The return of political Islam in ME and the instrument to do so (militancy).

Only political Islam understand why Palestine is not for sale, and any form of 'normalization' is a treachery. Something that is lost to the Secular nation of for example : Egypt and Turkey.

So whenever you see wars in the Middle East, knows that for each day the war erupts, political Islam becomes more ascendant and Secularism are eclipsed.

Without Islam at heart, a Palestinian liberation is a pipe dream. Without Islam, Both Umar R.A and Salah Al Din would have never entered and liberate Palestine. Something that modern Muslims don't understand.

Lost every single battle and brought catastrophe to Middle East..
You came here from the other forum to patronise and philosophise like you did there.
In the reality , the only thing really which you want to convey here is " Islam is the best , hence I am the best".
I think that your nome de guerre on Turkish Forum was Gary. Your mechanical style is recognisable.
Even there , with discussion with you, I realised that you know very little about religion.
Here you are going to sell your tedious slogans and clichés?
You behave like typical fanatic, you think that you are saying what's unheard of?
Well, you got your answers, after the preparation which lasted for decades, islamists were beaten to the pulp in 72 hours.
I am truly sorry to say that but it is true.
You keep posting here, I hope you do , the last time, you run from Turkish Forum crying like a little girl
A friend who lives in Illinois, a Lebanese Christian with family in the Lebanese government, said the Israelis are knocking out Hezbollah ammo depots and other stockpiles and, in some instances, in the South with penetrating bombs to take out tunnels that are storing arms or could be used in hit-and-run tactics. He said per them; it's all direct hits as if they have a map of all facilities; their assessment is Hezbollah is being degraded at a much more rapid pace than at the beginning of the conflict in 2006.

The Lebanese government, per his relatives, will stand by and not engage Israel if a conflict breaks out; they want to limit the conflict to the border region. This assessment could change, but it is not likely to at the moment, thus solidifying the cuck status of the Lebanese military.
I guess we will see what they are made of in the coming days. They have been getting pummeled so far with no significant retaliation. I hope they are just waiting for the right time to attack if they are sure Israel is invading instead of cowering.
It's possible that once a full-blown war breaks out, we could see the end of Hezbollah or degraded to such an extent it would never pose another threat again.

Israel, in my opinion, is about to change the face of the region soon.
this is Zionist hopium

Hezbollah is heavily fortified not just in the south but also in the Beqaa with large borders with Syria. it will always be a threat
Gaza is contained and blocked by zionists and their slaves but Lebanon is not, so there is no excuse that all kind of weapons, materials or any other help start flowing to the Hezbollah, jews want all out war and they will probably get it, question is will it be under their terms completely or contained.
Gaza is contained and blocked by zionists and their slaves but Lebanon is not, so there is no excuse that all kind of weapons, materials or any other help start flowing to the Hezbollah, jews want all out war and they will probably get it, question is will it be under their terms completely or contained.
Doesn’t look like Hezbollah is at all prepared for an all out war. They are getting pummeled and lots of their leaders are getting taken out so easy. It looks like they were only looking for tit for tat strikes. They are going to have to look inward and figure out their true capabilities and which steps to take. Before all that, they are going to have to clamp down on traitors. They have very big problem with moles, Hamas under more extreme circumstances has held up way better with much weaker weaponry under siege.

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