Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Even this war, the liberal secular cucks don't have much of a leg to stand on
Where was your international law
Where was all the liberal crap that they push

You know, this is not something to be debated.
Whatever is not Islam is not worth our attention. This is a refutation to people who believe that Islam and Western ideologies/order can coexist.

they cannot, one has to simply surrender to the other one.

Muslims fooled themselves when they believe that solution can be found in something that our prophet has forbidden, things like secularism, liberal order etc.
There is an endless list of replacements and martyrs.

But do they have the skills, experience to do the job? The list of senior leadership that has been lost is significant and their plans, skills went with them. This has massivley hurt hezb for sure.
But do they have the skills, experience to do the job? The list of senior leadership that has been lost is significant and their plans, skills went with them. This has massivley hurt hezb for sure.
They will grow into the shoes they wear.
I don't understand why people get into breast-beating and defeatism over the deaths of a few thousand Hezbollah fighters and a few dozen commanders. I don't think Hezbollah has lost too much. Plus there are reportedly hundreds of thousands of fighters from Yemen, Iraq and even as far as Pakistan and Afghanistan ready to join a regional war if that happens. In 2006, Hezbollah suffered even more casualties but is widely thought of as having 'won'. Yes, they have suffered recent setbacks; but they will regroup, change strategies and resume bleeding Israel. They win by not losing. Israel loses but not having a total victory; and Israel needs the total victory asap. Remember the old Afghan Taliban saying about Watch and Time.

All Israel and its allies have is sabotage and aerial bombardment. They are not substitute for ground invasion and occupation. American firepower--which was much more powerful in early 2000s--could not tame the resistance in Iraq and so the ground forces had to go into places like Fallujah.
So Israel has defeated Lebanese from the core of their spirit.

TBH, Iranians have destroyed the internal fabric of governance in these countries.
There are proxies acting as states within states and what not.

So no country (Syria,Iraq or Lebanon) have been left with any capacity to pack any credible punch against Israel .

Egyptians well learnt their lesson
Had their society been infiltrated with Iranian Proxies,they would have been in same boat today as are Lebanese & co
Has Hezbollah really not been in a battle formation this whole time or is this just a case of waiting for orders from the top? That's extremely dangerous to not be in a battle formation at all times. Hamas learned the hard way in 2009 and ever since everything changed.


India exports rockets, explosives to Israel amid Gaza war, documents reveal​

As New Delhi attempts to walk a diplomatic tightrope, documents seen by Al Jazeera and company statements suggest Israel is receiving Indian weapons as it wages war on Gaza.
Hezbollah does not have the capacity to engage in open war with Israel
This is exactly the problem
Lebanese need a credible conventional national military force to save her people from Israeli Terrorism.

This secterian based foreign proxy force is only adding miseries to Lebanese.

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