Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

That's just Israel relaying it will continue strikes into the next 24 hours, that may be even more aggressive than what we see now. Hezbollah won't even target Haifa. Until what? Ground invasion? The ground invasion would render the rockets that reach Haifa to be useless.

Either Iran is holding them back or they're afraid. If it's Iran, then it's handing over a strategic victory to Israel.
You have been a little to much on the he criticism of Hezbollah they aren’t iran,Saudi Arabia ,uae or Egypt. I hope this ends quickly and brings about humbling experience to the Israelis and not have suffering for the Lebanese as much as the Palestinians have been through.
What has Turkey done? Thanks for supplying the oil to Israel from Azerbaijan. Your leaders barks like a dog but squirms like a kitten.

Hezbollah and Hamas have fought and are still fighting this terrorist and have sacrificed many. I have criticized Hezbollah plenty but there are many things we don’t know that are at play. They are not a state actor and fighting on their own terms no matter how we criticize them.
I didn't mention Turkey but as I can remember, Iran was big enemy of Azerbaijan even before Azerbaijan made any sort of contact with Israel.
Do you honestly think that I wouldn't do anything in my power to liberate my territories and average my people? Even the ex general secretary of Hezbollah Tufeyli agrees with this point. But if you are an Iranian or Lebanese or Palestinian, I get you. But what I don't get is the fact , that the nations who have done f all for other Muslim countries, demanding that 3rd party die for their quarterbacking? That arrogance, I truly despise.
You have been a little to much on the he criticism of Hezbollah they aren’t iran,Saudi Arabia ,uae or Egypt. I hope this ends quickly and brings about humbling experience to the Israelis and not have suffering for the Lebanese as much as the Palestinians have been through.
I don't get what your post is about?
No, my comment was about how Haifa wasn't in the crosshairs for 11 months.
Your exact quote: "Hezbollah won't even target Haifa. Until what? Ground invasion? The ground invasion would render the rockets that reach Haifa to be useless."

People can interpret this as they wish.
almost all Muslim nations are busy hosting US military bases and making friends with Israel
What would you do in their place?
Honestly and I really mean it , I rather do nothing then create problems for others and myself.
I have always personally believed that as Mamluks prepared themselves, so should todays Muslim world
Truly but truly, the victory seemed much more likely in 80s than now, even in the early 90s..
As I have said before, I don't count on other Arabs for a long time but as you have noticed I never mention them. What's the point to beat a dead horse? Maybe just maybe, if I don't bother them, maybe something would change.
At the end What's achieved?
Your exact quote: "Hezbollah won't even target Haifa. Until what? Ground invasion? The ground invasion would render the rockets that reach Haifa to be useless."

People can interpret this as they wish.
Yeah that's a normal comment. Speculation based on observation of how the front has been handled. Why are you getting on me for that ? I posted updates when I saw them.

I still believe Israel is going to escalate, and if they do replicate what they've done over the past few days, then I'm not sure where it's heading.

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