Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Can the great nation of Israel bring peace home in less than another 3 years?
When will northerners go back home? When?
It's not the number of pager affected, but question like

How long ago the comm network was compromised?

Was there anything other than Comm network that had been compromised?

Did the IDF did anything to the Comm network other than the pager or explosive?

How extensive the effect was and etc

In the field of intelligence, anonymity is key, I don't show you my hand unless I need to, so you don't know my capability. And when you enemy is doing the opposite, then you need to think about why they are showing your hand now, because that's actually more dangerous than not showing you anything, because they are showing you what they can done without. The pager thing is a "Throw Away" they can do without, by exposing to you they can do this. And if they throw away that capability without losing a heartbeat, then you need to think, real hard, real deep, what they have on you and you don't know.

The alternative is IDF is just a giant moron and throw away their trump card and that's the best they can do, well, if you are comfortable to believe this is the case., then I don't have anything more to say.
Can the great nation of Israel bring peace home in less than another 3 years?
When will northerners go back home? When?
sure, you can say that, meanwhile no where in Lebanon is safe for Hezbollah, are we expecting another batch of exploding pager? Or are we expecting more assassination? Or exploding Teapot? Toaster? where can they go back to then?
I think I said multiple time , even before the IDF operation in Gaza begin that Hezbollah does not want an engagement with Israel.
Israel also didnt want any engagement with Hezbollah- hence why it has threatened to invade Lebanon for over 6 months but only started taking real steps to do so about now.

Israel saw the 100s of thousands of displaced citizens from northern Israel not being able to go back to their homes (because Israel's threats and strikes on Hezbollah didnt stop Hezbollah from attacking northern Israel).

SO no, based on the current war results in Gaza, you are STILL putting Israel's military on a high horse when it has been exposed as a bloated, corrupt, misadjusted, genocidal military.

Why did you come back to this thread? either way, several people will correct your bias and misunderstandings about Israel's current war.
And it takes a lot more than just thousands of rocket to go to war with Israel. And whoever cross the line first probably loses.
1. Hezbollah has 100s of thousands or rockets, so according to your logic, they are ready to fight Israel. next point?

2. Gaza proves this to be false- small Gaza with limited capabilities has essentially handicapped the ISraeli military, or almost. recruitment for IDF is harder now, soldiers dont want to go to the frontline, Israel's IAD isn't performing well anymore, Hezbollah's rockets are landing at their targets like Christmas gifts, so NO, miss me with all your false information despite reality on ground saying the opposite.

What military aims has Israel achieved since Oct 11? with all its support, equipment, money, resources, even Israel's allies admit the wars aren't going well for Israel, but its too late, Iran can't "turn off the cooker" on Israel's aZZ, not after genociding Gaza in front of the world.

Victory over Hamas in Gaza hasn't been achieved, but it's within reach - opinion​

The continuation of fighting until Sinwar is eliminated, the hostages are freed, and Hamas is defeated—will constitute a total victory, and this is within reach.​


Many of the same military officials and commentators who previously claimed that "Hamas is deterred" now assert that Hamas has been defeated.

According to them, its brigades, commanders, and parts of its leadership have been eliminated, and its "military" structure has ceased to exist.

At the same time, they do not deny the reality that our forces encounter armed terrorists daily and that rockets are still occasionally fired, including at Ashkelon. However, they firmly state that if we can create a political alternative to Hamas, the mission will then be complete.

This week, the IDF published a document sent by the Khan Younis brigade commander to Yahya Sinwar and his brother Mohammed in May of this year.

The letter indicated that although Hamas is in severe distress, it is still functioning at various levels and is working to recover and rearm.

Channel 11 reported earlier this month that the pace of Hamas's recovery in Gaza, especially in the northern part of the strip, is "faster than the dismantling of its capabilities." What is clear from the letter is that Hamas has not yet been defeated.

The letter describes the organization's dire situation: "We have lost 90-95% of our rocket capability; we have lost 60% of our personal weapons; we have lost at least 65%-70% of our anti-tank capabilities; and most importantly, we have lost at least 50% of our fighters, and now only 25% remain."

A complex reality on the ground

While the document seems to show that the organization's forces are in crisis, possibly on the verge of collapse, the reality on the ground is more complex:
  • Hamas continues guerrilla warfare, operating from command and control centers disguised as civilian institutions such as humanitarian shelters, schools, and hospitals, which they have set up in the heart of civilian areas.
  • The organization tirelessly works to refresh its ranks and recruit new activists, especially youth. Crime families and clans collect taxes, distribute humanitarian aid, and work for "public order" while receiving salaries from Hamas in return.
  • Hamas is recovering, primarily in areas where the IDF is not currently operating, including the northern Gaza Strip, Khan Younis, and Mawasi. Additionally, the organization has returned to the Shifa Hospital.
  • Hamas continues to exploit the residents of Gaza, charging them about 20% of the humanitarian aid that enters the strip. According to estimates, Hamas has accumulated about half a billion dollars in this manner.
  • Hamas uses brutal force on the population to instill fear, including public executions of thieves or those suspected of collaborating with Israel, as well as Gazans who dare to protest against Hamas rule.
In May 2005, then-Brigadier General Gadi Eisenkot wrote in his end-of-duty report as commander of the Judea and Samaria Division that "it is appropriate to remove the concept of strategic and systemic defeat from the terminology of the conflict."

This did not prevent Benny Gantz from declaring that "Hamas has been defeated" just before he and Eisenkot left the cabinet and before the IDF entered Rafah and the Philadelphi Route.

In contrast, the war cabinet takes a different approach—a perspective aligned with the philosophy of the late Professor Yehoshafat Harkabi, former head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, who defined defeat as "a state in which the enemy's capability has been eradicated, leaving him in a state of helplessness, and he surrenders" (War and Strategy, 1990).

General Douglas MacArthur, commander of US forces in World War II and the Korean War wrote about abandoning the idea of defeat: "There is no substitute for victory. Defeating the enemy is a moral and military necessity in which we must bring the enemy to a state of utter despair."

Yehoshafat Harkabi was right: Despite the IDF's impressive achievements, as long as Hamas retains the ability to harm Israel and hold our sons and daughters hostage, Hamas has not been defeated.

At this point in time, it is impossible to determine who might serve as a governmental alternative to Hamas.

What must be clear to whoever follows Hamas—and to any future governing mechanism, whatever it may be—is that the trauma and memory of the destruction caused by those who challenged our very existence and massacred our citizens and all their accomplices must be ingrained for generations to come.

The reality test proves that there will be no alternative—local, regional, or international—to Hamas until it is first defeated.

After Hamas is defeated, a worthy alternative can take shape. The defeat of Hamas (and Islamic Jihad), the only branch of the Muslim Brotherhood still in power in the Arab world, will strengthen the Abraham Accords, which are successfully passing the test of war in Gaza. Defeating Hamas will provide a crucial foundation for their expansion.

It is important to emphasize that military defeat alone is insufficient for Hamas. A psychological component must be added, in which Hamas loses both the ability and the will to continue the struggle.

Replacing the regime requires a complex and broad process incorporating elements of security, society, and economy. Only after these two goals are achieved can a stable and significant outcome be ensured, one that will affect the regional environment for many years to come.

The continuation of the fighting until Sinwar is eliminated, the hostages are freed, and Hamas is defeated—will constitute a total victory, and this is within reach.

Moshe Pozailov, Misgav Institute for National Security. Former senior Shin Bet official.
We are coming up on Jimmy Carter’s 100th birthday. Something occurred to me. Perhaps Allah gave him a long life so Carter can see the results of his actions and leadership failures, and what he will be held to account for by Allah. The failure of the Camp David Accords that Carter brokered are becoming all too clear for everyone to see. He may look like a vegetable now, but his failure to reign Israel in when he was president is just one of his many many failures.


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sure, you can say that, meanwhile no where in Lebanon is safe for Hezbollah, are we expecting another batch of exploding pager? Or are we expecting more assassination? Or exploding Teapot? Toaster? where can they go back to then?

True. They will embrace the pain associated with inferior technology and intelligence.

Yet who has more faith, patience, tolerance for pain and readiness for never ending wars?

A soldier loses an eye after a pager attack.
Will he complain to the superior and leave the fight or will he fight back with a single eye?

I think we are both in agreement.
Israel also didnt want any engagement with Hezbollah- hence why it has threatened to invade Lebanon for over 6 months but only started taking real steps to do so about now.

Israel saw the 100s of thousands of displaced citizens from northern Israel not being able to go back to their homes (because Israel's threats and strikes on Hezbollah didnt stop Hezbollah from attacking northern Israel).

SO no, based on the current war results in Gaza, you are STILL putting Israel's military on a high horse when it has been exposed as a bloated, corrupt, misadjusted, genocidal military.

Why did you come back to this thread? either way, several people will correct your bias and misunderstandings about Israel's current war.

First of all, I probably am the only person here comment on this issue without Bias, and I have been correct for several issue, including this war will lead to hundred of thousand of Palestinian Casualty, which when I said that, the Idea of IDF will simply destroy Gaza seems like a funny idea for you and a lot of people.

The issue here is you are talking about some remotely tangible thing that can't compare, sure, 100 of thousand of Israel left their home in Northern Gaza and don't know when they will be back, but then is it the same as hundreds of Israeli Iphone being booby-trapped and multiple IDF high echelon being assassinated. That's what the IDF is doing even before any hostility.

As I said before, a South Lebanon conflict is no good for either side, but then that doesn't negate what had happened.

Gaza proves this to be false- small Gaza with limited capabilities has essentially handicapped the ISraeli military, or almost. recruitment for IDF is harder now, soldiers dont want to go to the frontline, Israel's IAD isn't performing well anymore, Hezbollah's rockets are landing at their targets like Christmas gifts, so NO, miss me with all your false information despite reality on ground saying the opposite.

What military aims has Israel achieved since Oct 11? with all its support, equipment, money, resources, even Israel's allies admit the wars aren't going well for Israel, but its too late, Iran can't "turn off the cooker" on Israel's aZZ, not after genociding Gaza in front of the world.
I wouldn't say the 60 square mile stripe that virtually have levelled and with a few building standing is "Handicapped" Israel, how many people IDF loses? 2, 3000? How many Gazan is dead or is going to die? Let me spell this out for you, even if IDF left Gaza tomorrow, and give Palestinian their statehood, let's say this happen. Israel will care about jack all in Gaza, they won't send in food, water, fuel, electricity, they won't open their border, they are going to wash their hand on Gaza, and do you know how many % of Gaza infrastructure rely on Israel? Look at the aid distribution, you are talking about 5 to 15% of aid coming thru to Gaza WITHOUT Israel open the border, which mean if even if peace achieve tomorrow and Palestinian achieve statehood, people is still going to die from starvation, disease, wihtout access to drinking water, without access to proper medical care, until Gaza is completely rebuild, and who is going to rebuild it? And how long is it going to take?

Most estimation is saying at least 20% of the population is going to die or accelerated their death even if the war ends tomorrow, and the war is not ending tomorrow

For what? A few rocket fired into Israeli? Sure, that's handicapped the Israeli alright, you may as well line your head up to the path of the bullet to assassinate Isahell soldier...
sure, you can say that, meanwhile no where in Lebanon is safe for Hezbollah, are we expecting another batch of exploding pager? Or are we expecting more assassination? Or exploding Teapot? Toaster? where can they go back to then?
So you want hezbollah and Lebanon to bend over and surrender ? Too bad the brave vietcong, Algerians, riffians, Canadians under general brock in 1812 and even the US revolutionaries in 1776 prove you otherwise.

Israel is supported by the US and entire west but that doesn’t mean they are invincible. Hezbollah can damage their cities and infrastructure and weaken them which will cause them to think as other countries like iran and then even Egypt can attack them if they are really weakened. That is why wolfowitz, pearle, Ari fleisher, Netanyahu got bush / Cheney to illegally invade Iraq. They then took advantage of the Arab spring to weaken other Arab military powers Libya and Syria. Egypt they were hoping for civil war between Morsi and the army but Egypt somehow stabilized. Algeria too remained stable. Israel would ideally target the militaries of these two countries to weaken them so they are no longer a threat. Turkey to north is also a threat. So Hezbollah has plenty of options to escalate as well.
Moment Hizbo missile hits northern Israel in Kiryat Bialik:-

So you want hezbollah and Lebanon to bend over and surrender ? Too bad the brave vietcong, Algerians, riffians, Canadians under general brock in 1812 and even the US revolutionaries in 1776 prove you otherwise.

Israel is supported by the US and entire west but that doesn’t mean they are invincible. Hezbollah can damage their cities and infrastructure and weaken them which will cause them to think as other countries like iran and then even Egypt can attack them if they are really weakened. That is why wolfowitz, pearle, Ari fleisher, Netanyahu got bush / Cheney to illegally invade Iraq. They then took advantage of the Arab spring to weaken other Arab military powers Libya and Syria. Egypt they were hoping for civil war between Morsi and the army but Egypt somehow stabilized. Algeria too remained stable. Israel would ideally target the militaries of these two countries to weaken them so they are no longer a threat. Turkey to north is also a threat. So Hezbollah has plenty of options to escalate as well.
First of all, I never said anything about surrendering.

Second of all, are you seriously comparing Israel Government to US Government? If We did half the Israeli did in Gaza, the people are going to go out in the street and protest the crap out of it, the President would have been impeached or 25'ed a long time ago. Any President declaring a free fire zone in civilian area will not survive more than 7 days in office.......

'You are talking about Africa dictatorship level action the Israel was doing lol. They don't care as much as we do.
But then how do you know only c3000 or the new one is affected? Without knowing where the capability lead and how long ago it has started.

They show that to you by exploding 3000 pagers, that does not mean it's only that 3000 pager, in fact, the very next day they exploded some 300 (or 500, I don't remember) ICOM walkie. That show you not just one thing was compromised.

I mean sure ,if you did a full count, and make sure it just the last 5 months, but can you be sure now that it just affect the new stuff?
because Israel wanted to do maximum damage and only 3000 exploded and they can all be attributed to one shipment

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