Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We don't know the production capability or current the stockpile of the Iron Dome. As They planned this for years, this means they also took interceptors into consideration. Even with the price gap between Hezbollah rockets and Iron Dome interceptors, Israel, with the help of its economy and also the help of US aid, can afford that price gap.

Keep in mind that this Iron Dome allows them to somewhat keep their people working and economy going. With a productive enough economy, this might make it economically better off buying stupid amounts of interceptors, perhaps as many as Hezbollah has rockets. But ff course it's not hermetic and some rockets inevitably fall through.
Kind of simple Israel has always assumed these mini wars would be won in a few month they assumed wrong you think Israel keeps 150 to 300 thousand interceptors in storage beginning cost was like 100 thousand now estimates are like 40 to 60 thousand, 10a billions of dollars in storage I don’t think so your right I don’t know but I do know the numbers are not keeping up with rockets launched against Israel
Can Iran replenish Hizbollah with new recruits from Khorasan if needed in a full blown ground conflict?
Yemen has already agreed to replenish Hizbullah with new recruits from the Arabian peninsula (Yemen) as soon as logistically possible, the offer was made by the Houthis already. Iran and resistance forces will find and deploy extra manpower in Lebanon if they are needed. Hezbollah has considerable local capacity and reserves and connections in Lebanon- it can fight Israel for months without needing external help, but in the concept and reality of "consolidation of all fronts", Hezbollah may allow Houthis enter Lebanon to fight Israel. IRGC will also send soldiers into Lebanon in considerable numbers. All/most factions will send forces in such a scenario(
Go for the gas rigs Israel has set up, they are not far from Lebanon, multiple drones backed up by missiles would destroy them causing real economic damage to Israel
Any pipelines and oil trucks heading to Israel from any country maybe legitimate targets too.
These are the kinds of statements that preceded a short but sharp war; a war with India is more likely then one with Taiwan, and with India’s image hurt by its and its public’s stance via a vi Gaza and the Palestinians as seen by the words of the Iranian supreme leader, this statement from China is but shouldn’t have been a surprise.

For China, a short and decisive war with India would give them a lot of experience, and “kill the chicken to scare the monkeys”.

P.s. India isnt a treaty ally of the US or any western country. China could attack Indian forces in parts of “Little and South Tibet” (Ladakh and Aranachal Pradesh) on some kind of pretext.

The people in India’s northeast have been alienated and now India doesn’t even have Bangladesh as its vassal.

Just like Kashmir, India doesn’t respect the local indigenous peoples.
Before you go on this tangent, do you have an official statement or just this one tweet from an unknown tweeter?

Hezbollah has at least 40,000 soldiers and up to another 60,000 people in its other wings (social wings) that can serve as reservists

Hezbollah has lost c. 500-700 soldiers so far with another 2000-3000 soldiers injured. At least half of those injured can likely return to active duty within a few months. they lost maybe 5% of their soldiers (martyred or out of service long-term due to serious injuries).

and another 2000-3000 social workers injured. this is not going to seriously degrade its capabilities

there are also small groups of Palestinian resistance groups and other Shia resistance groups in Lebanon (Amal) that can add numbers. and many resistance groups in Syria that can enter Lebanon to help add numbers in an emergency situation.
The bigger issue is that they are losing leadership and fast.

Army without leadership is a mob ready to be slaughtered.
The bigger issue is that they are losing leadership and fast.

Army without leadership is a mob ready to be slaughtered.
that situation is greatly exaggerated by Israel. I refer to you this post of mine explaining why:

Hezbollah has at least 40,000 soldiers and up to another 60,000 people in its other wings (social wings) that can serve as reservists

Hezbollah has lost c. 500-700 soldiers so far with another 2000-3000 soldiers injured. At least half of those injured can likely return to active duty within a few months. they lost maybe 5% of their soldiers (martyred or out of service long-term due to serious injuries).

and another 2000-3000 social workers injured. this is not going to seriously degrade its capabilities

there are also small groups of Palestinian resistance groups and other Shia resistance groups in Lebanon (Amal) that can add numbers. and many resistance groups in Syria that can enter Lebanon to help add numbers in an emergency situation.
You are right, but most of those soldiers and reservists are only helpful in case of an Israeli ground invasion.
Hezbollah's threat to Israel lies within their rocket and drone capability, Israel is trying to make this capability a bottleneck, by attacking stockpiles and launchers.

However it is important to look at the bigger picture, at least from Israel's and Iran's point of view, even if Israel is winning against Hezbollah, the mere act of Iran achieving a nuclear weapon or something could very quickly turn into a massive strategic defeat for Israel.
Before you go on this tangent, do you have an official statement or just this one tweet from an unknown tweeter?

I’ll be honest, perhaps it just is one tweet from the ether, but it is possible something China thinks, and may one day say publicly. The more Israel is seen as the Id of the west by the global south, the more these kinds of narratives could be sold by China, not only to woo the global south in its struggle with the west, but also one of its casus belli in a second Sino-Indian War.

China will also make sure it is seen in the rebuilding efforts in Gaza, once this war is over, with its hospital ships defended by the PLAN. Palestinians may take aid from India, because they need it, but don’t expect the gratitude considering India’s behavior in this war, including supply war material in support of Israel.

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