Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It is Hamas and Hezbollah who wanted this to happen.they attacked Israel on the 7th of October (Hamas) and 8th of October (Hezbollah)..The aim was the talk about the two state solution..Which is now a fact in the UN and supported heavily in the region and across the world..
UN support is pointless tbh. As long as US veto it (or any of the p5) it wouldn't make anything.

And also it wouldn't be anything at all if Israel does not respect that, you need Israel, the one of the 2 states to respect that 2 states solution. Otherwise again, it's pointless.
You're a good guy, and you've done well to decamp to Australia. Unfortunately, the US is totally controlled by the Zionist Jews and needs to be liberated as much as Palestine. That's for Americans to do.

The Anglo-Zionists have been making non-stop war on the Islamic world for the last 30-40 years, wars that have killed 10+ million people and destroyed most of the Middle East. The televised genocide in Gaza is just the latest example and may be the last straw that broke the camel's back. The vast bulk of 2 billion Muslims of the world are fed up and want retribution. Whoever wins the current battle, the war won't stop until the extermination of the Zionist entity, something that is clearly stated in Islamic prophecies. They can kill millions more Muslims, but the Zionist entity will be gone at the end of it.
As I said, I am pro-fact. I said that many months ago, this is NOT AT ALL how I would be doing in a war like this. And I too am surprised that many countries literally don't care about it and let Israel go this far.

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