Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Yo, Azad, you're still hanging around here?

You know better than most that everything said and written against Israel is a lie: you told everyone months ago that all they have is the narrative and their power to repeat it over and over again. Why should people do that rather than stick to objective truths?
Said and written, what about photographed?GV_JY_7XwAAH5HF.jpeg
Israeli air strikes on Lebanon killed at least 492 people on Monday, including 35 children, the health ministry says, marking the deadliest day for the country since the Gaza conflict began.

Lebanon’s health ministry said the strikes killed 492 people, including 35 children and 58 women, and wounded 1,645 others. Health Minister Firass Abiad said “thousands of families” had been displaced.

Explosions near the ancient city of Baalbek in eastern Lebanon sent smoke billowing into the sky.

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Lebanon have had decades to prepare but their leadership is either stupid or corrupt. I still see men of fighting age running rather than fighting and instead of being trained and bearing arms they are unemployed or in meagre jobs. I have been seeing them suffer for decades with ritual slaughter by the Jews but they still haven't found a solution. Muslim world needs to take a more offensive strategy on Israel and the De-Nazification of Tel-Aviv, that is the only solution. They have been doped by the fake peace overtures and it seems they still haven't learnt their lessons. The whole world and especially the Muslim world needs to stop what they are doing and focus on the spread of Nazi ideology as it is going to spread like fire and burn one Muslim capitol to the next. This suffering on an industrial scale needs to be stopped and the Jews need to be contained.
The genocidal aspect of the Cult (Zionist) has to be erased which states genocide of Goyim is ok

  • The folks spreading the cult ideas should be treated as War Criminals
  • The core flaw in Cult is the Genocidal mindset against None Jews
  • They want to live the 5000 year old Occult life style

Jews were defeated by Romans (Roman Empire) for these same Ocult ideology , back then they also claimed Devine Power some artifact is protecting them from foreigners

If the Cult Mindset was normal , they would have long had peace with whole region
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But after so many Hezbollah rockets we haven’t seen any dead Israelis
We need to see 500 dead on their side
Even I would settle for 50
More symbolic firing of the rockets ?

The entire Israeli society has the 'bunker mentality'. Shelters, sirens, fortified rooms in residences/schools/public places. Even seen some roads with medians with shelters instead of greenery. The population is well trained to hide quickly.
How long can they hide is a different matter. Hezbollah is in a strategic bind, as is Israel. It will be who would endure longer. If you saw the Alastair Crooke video I posted yesterday, he said that the residents of Haifa are far less likely to endure restrictions on their lives for a long time then 'the Shiites' who, since Karbala, have an ingrained sense of martyrdom and sacrifice. [I am no Shia, BTW. Was just quoting Mr. Crooke].
No such thing has Shia or Sunni , the Zionist cult kills all Muslim treating them as Goyim (no human right holding objects )

I don't see follower of Ali or Ayesha different from those who respected Usman or Umar

The incident of Karbala showcases importance of standing up to Tyrants, every Muslim on planet respects Hussein and Hassan as grand children of Prophet Mohammad

In end what you should only care about is Allah and Mohammad is last prophet of Allah

Now Palestine is under siege and genocide , and Lebnoon is also being attacked , up To Muslim Leaders to act to stop it

Resistance force of Palestine is protecting the civilians and that is why they exist
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The entire Israeli society has the 'bunker mentality'. Shelters, sirens, fortified rooms in residences/schools/public places. Even seen some roads with medians with shelters instead of greenery. The population is well trained to hide quickly.
How long can they hide is a different matter. Hezbollah is in a strategic bind, as is Israel. It will be who would endure longer. If you saw the Alastair Crooke video I posted yesterday, he said that the residents of Haifa are far less likely to endure restrictions on their lives for a long time then 'the Shiites' who, since Karbala, have an ingrained sense of martyrdom and sacrifice. [I am no Shia, BTW. Was just quoting Mr. Crooke].

Yep the settlers are "soft" and remember they really have no economy as it is now on life-support and propped up by the US.

If this carries on for many months, then the settler colony will cease to function as anything resembling normal.

I really hope that the estimate someone put down yesterday of 500,000-1,000,000 rockets in the hands of Hezbollah is correct. That would be plenty for a long drawn out war that will really hurt the entity.

Once Hezbollah has totally depleted the Iron Dome and David's Sling then they can destroy any target they wish with a barrage of a few dozen rockets.

Really want to see what Houthis will do as they have promised a new kind of attack on the entity coming soon.
I really hope that the estimate someone put down yesterday of 500,000-1,000,000 rockets in the hands of Hezbollah is correct. That would be plenty for a long drawn out war that will really hurt the entity.
Once Hezbollah has totally depleted the Iron Dome and David's Sling then they can destroy any target they wish with a barrage of a few dozen rockets.

Per A. Crooke, the terrain in southern Lebanon provides a lot of advantages. Hezbollah had already demonstrated using the terrain in 2006 and since then they have only entrenched themselves much more firmly. Per Crooke, there are missile sites as deep as 90 meters under ground with just enough opening to fire the rockets/missiles.
Unless Israel launches a ground assault and flushes out every inch of the vast area in S. Lebanon, the air-campaign won't stop Hezbollah. The only other option is using tactical nukes and starting a civil war in Lebanon by taking advantage of the divides in Lebanon.
Israel's prospects don't look good AT ALL!
Per A. Crooke, the terrain in southern Lebanon provides a lot of advantages. Hezbollah had already demonstrated using the terrain in 2006 and since then they have only entrenched themselves much more firmly. Per Crooke, there are missile sites as deep as 90 meters under ground with just enough opening to fire the rockets/missiles.
Unless Israel launches a ground assault and flushes out every inch of the vast area in S. Lebanon, the air-campaign won't stop Hezbollah. The only other option is using tactical nukes and starting a civil war in Lebanon by taking advantage of the divides in Lebanon.
Israel's prospects don't look good AT ALL!

I think that now this has gone too far and could result in the destruction of both Lebanon and the Zionist entity.

Note the entity itself may not have as much physical damage compared to Lebanon but it could be "decapitated", as it loses all vital infrastructure like gas platforms, water and power and there is a mass exodus of anyone who has options, which would be pretty much anyone with high-level skills vital to run a modern economy.

Hezbollah now seem to be "opening up" and it is just a question of depleting the ABM interceptors and so that may be why they are not using their most powerful rockets as they could be saving them for when there is a "free fire" zone across the entity.
The major operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance groups on Monday, September 23, are as follows:

Al-Qassam Brigades' operations:
  • Ambushed a convoy of Israeli military vehicles in a planned operation along the supply line of the invading Israeli forces east of Rafah city, southern Gaza Strip.
  • Targeted three Israeli military bulldozers of the D9 type and 2 Merkava tanks as they passed through the eastern George intersection in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, using Al-Yassin 105 shells and guerilla-explosive devices.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades' operations:
  • Carried out an artillery and missile fortification operation on the supply line and positions of Israeli soldiers on the "Netzarim" axis with mortar shells and K-132 rockets.
  • Targeted the "Kochav Ya'akov" settlement north of the occupied Al-Quds with a barrage of bullets.
Al-Quds Brigades' operations:
  • In a joint operation with the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces, targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers and military vehicles with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells.
  • Engaged in fierce battles with Israeli forces that stormed the Balata camp in Nablus, occupied West Bank, using a heavy barrage of bullets and explosive devices.
Al-Asifah Forces' operations:
  • Targeted the "Netzarim" axis with a barrage of 107mm rockets.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces' operations:
  • In a joint operation with Al-Quds Brigades, targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers and military vehicles at the "Netzarim" axis with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells.
Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades' operations:
  • Targeted a gathering of Israeli forces north of the central governorate with regular 60mm mortar shells.
  • Targeted a gathering of Israeli forces north of the central governorate with 60mm mortar shells.
But after so many Hezbollah rockets we haven’t seen any dead Israelis

We need to see 500 dead on their side

Even I would settle for 50

More symbolic firing of the rockets ?

There is a strict censorship on the "Israeli" side where if people report the casualties, they face a longer sentencing. This is how they try to control the narrative in the war.
I think that now this has gone too far and could result in the destruction of both Lebanon and the Zionist entity.

Note the entity itself may not have as much physical damage compared to Lebanon but it could be "decapitated", as it loses all vital infrastructure like gas platforms, water and power and there is a mass exodus of anyone who has options, which would be pretty much anyone with high-level skills vital to run a modern economy.

Hezbollah now seem to be "opening up" and it is just a question of depleting the ABM interceptors and so that may be why they are not using their most powerful rockets as they could be saving them for when there is a "free fire" zone across the entity.

Can't disagree with a single word!

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