Govt to present constitutional amendments in next NA session

I think Army Chief tenure should be for life. It will solve a lot of problems in Pakistan.

After every 3 years, our country is set a part in 2 pieces until the Army chief is given another extension and then everything calms down.

Musharraf was in power for 8 years and stayed COAS and so did Zia and his predecessors. It means if the Army Chief is appointed for life, hopefully the Army’s focus will move beyond seeking another extension and then everyone knows in principle that they will stay for as long as required and the priorities will change.
It weakens the institution of the army if one general is leader for life, especially in peacetime. Look at the vigor and purpose new leaders come in with, and within a few years the momentum slows down and its is about codifying their rule.

It also weakens the discipline and fighting ability of the army, as junior generals and even more junior officers don’t get the opportunities to train in different areas. Will the Pakistan army become a “Palace Army” like those of the Arabs, great for the parade grounds but moth-eaten within.

It weakens the relationship with the public, as predictability goes out the window, in all things, including hope for accountability. It makes the public feel desperate to do mass popular movements rather than go through governmental procedures. Discontent and not working with the system all stays simmering below the surface. It’s a deterrent to FDI, and makes it easier for foreign adversaries to find a few malcontents to use against the state. The story of so many MENA and Eastern European dictatorships.

Only when the economy is booming and when justice and accountability at all lower levels are there, could such a dictatorship work. Look at Lee Kwan Yu of Singapore or Singman Ree of South Korea. To be fair, Rapid economic growth is the only thing that would make this palatable for most of the public, and only for as long as the economic growth (8+% annually at least) lasts. Look at the growing discontent amongst many youth in China, now that growth has slowed. Not regime ending, not even by a long shot, but it leads to non-cooperation by the youth; lie flat and let it rot. Look at the youth in South Korea and Japan, not looking to be as ambitious because growth is limited. Look at what the Indian people tolerated done by Modi, just because he got the economy going, and now enough voted against him because the economy slowed. People are people, everywhere in the world, and human nature is the same the world over.

With the rise of the internet, smartphones, and social media, the public knows their lives can be so much better and won’t have the same patience or tolerance for this kind of “inefficiency”, as they once did when they didn’t know better. Pakistanis are watching Bangladesh on social media, and the powers that be don’t think that will have an impact. It was literally a matter of the removal of one or a few people that made the difference. Those that can will flee, like the 1.6 million (16 Lakh) Pakistanis that fled Pakistan last year, and those that can’t will drop out of society, avoid taxes, and become non-cooperative as much as possible (people may not be able or want to leave, but their money will leave).

In the late Soviet period, there was a saying, “they pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work”. If the state refuses to work, don’t be surprised the consent of the governed will go away in ways big and small.
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Why does every PA chief get an extension
Don't you have credible Gernails as core commanders, who could replace Asim Munir
They're all sold out - doesn't matter who is in power. Just the name/face change. The chief is nominated by Pentagon
Student / Farmer/ People are coming

The corrupt in Bangladesh also thought
a) They can make bogus laws​
b) They can take more share of wealth , and jobs​
c) They can force people to accept corruption laws​
d) A building of cement can rule over people and their lives​



These will be people , coming in to Shabaz Sharif's residence
Just preview dekh lo

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seems to be untrue, the tenure of the COAS can be extended merely with an Act of Parliament, it does not require a constitutional amendment. Thus, if the government wanted, they could have already done it, like the PTI did for Gen (R) Bajwa.
I think Army Chief tenure should be for life. It will solve a lot of problems in Pakistan.

After every 3 years, our country is set a part in 2 pieces until the Army chief is given another extension and then everything calms down.

Musharraf was in power for 8 years and stayed COAS and so did Zia and his predecessors. It means if the Army Chief is appointed for life, hopefully the Army’s focus will move beyond seeking another extension and then everyone knows in principle that they will stay for as long as required and the priorities will change.

This will itself have grave consequences. An army cheif for life will act as an unaccountable king of the country. Army cheif will impose his own mentality on society. A COAS like Zia is a cancer to the society. He had his own extremist ideaology. He literally created tens of thousands of madrassas with sole purpose of producing jihadis & militancy.

Instead, a better solution is to reduce tenure & powers of COAS. It should be 2 years Max in constitution. No matter what happen, extension should never be allowed. ISI should have more civilian influence than the military. ISI political wings should be finished once and for all. ISI should be outbound and operating in other countries like CIA / RAW etc. Not in the own country. All those sector commander BS and colonial style of rule must end. This alone will reduce influence & powers of COAS. Secondly, a powerful civilian run agency should be created to protect PM and the cabinet. Just like secret service in US is a civilian agency, its not a military run agency. In pakistan 111 brigade do this which is under COAS and hence imposing martial law is so easy or pressuring the govt. Lastly, size of army should be reduced, without effecting its combat capabilities. For instance, Pakistan coast guard with 10,000 members should be given to Navy. It should be under naval command anyways. All those steps will insure that army cheif remains in its limit and act as a 22 grade govt servant rather than a Goon.
1 year is too short because it expires too quickly. I have a better proposition

The Army Chief extension must be tied with the Prime Ministers tenure. If the government collapses, new Army Chief and new Prime Minister
How about merging the post of PM and the Chief. !
PDM is digging own grave (PPP and PML)

Pakistani will also stand up
Well Helmuth von Moltke served as COAS of the German Army till the age of 88 years. His magnum opus- Sedan- came at 70. I see no harm in Pak COAS serving for life if it provides stability.


@Joe Shearer
If any army chief gets 5 years, then democracy will be gone. We all know If any Army Chief gets a five-year term, democracy will be finished. We all know he controls everything. Once he gets five years straight, what's next? He’ll demand 10 years, then 15, then 30 years, like former Egyptian President Mubarak. Take someone like General Asim Munir – trust me, I wouldn't even hire him as a security guard for any of my restaurants; he might kidnap my Clint’s family and associates. He is not fit for the job. He’s far too generous for any community, let alone running a country."
The people know it means martial law without saying it openly.
We will have Haseena’s government but it’s okay for few years if it brings stability in the country.

We lack stability and everyone conspires against each other.
Mr.x …hmm… patwari in disguise…
Well Helmuth von Moltke served as COAS of the German Army till the age of 88 years. His magnum opus- Sedan- came at 70. I see no harm in Pak COAS serving for life if it provides stability.


@Joe Shearer

Authority ie Power and Responsibilities should go together

A hybrid system doesn't help the economy

The question is who is responsible for the Economy
PDM is digging own grave (PPP and PML)

Pakistani will also stand up
PPP thinks it’s being coy by letting PML-N make the visible moves but the public needs to remember how the PPP being part of the PDM coalition is what has been enabling of the last 2 years of chaos and Bilawal himself admitted on international (American if I remember correctly) media that the VONC was his personal idea.
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I m all for stability whtever it takes
Stability without justice will cause the best and brightest to flee, a brain drain, and the country will become a stagnant and permanent low wage country at the mercy of Indian hegemony.

Bangladesh was “stable” under Hasina, but the people lived without accountability and justice.

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It is govt duty to reveal the draft and let it discussed in media, public and in parliament.
Now, a 5 year tenure is a possibility as the draft is coming from the army (as in ARY news)
What are you expecting from band of thieves.

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