Govt to present constitutional amendments in next NA session

Army chief should only be for one year, instead of Politician's selecting own puppets should be based on seniority internally
One that will force the army to focus on the direction of the whole institution instead of people having unlimited power for 3 years.
Continues rotation will make the army chief focus on his own tenure and his legacy instead of doing extra adventures with limited time he will know he can be easily held accountable.
2nd Pakistan needs to set this limit after retiring Gov employees can't leave the country for atleast 5 years or work in any state institution if they do all the perks they receive will be revoked specially military men they can't leave the country either.
Pakistani people should mentally prepare for Bangladesh or Srilanka like scenes
It weakens the institution of the army if one general is leader for life, especially in peacetime. Look at the vigor and purpose new leaders come in with, and within a few years the momentum slows down and its is about codifying their rule.

It also weakens the discipline and fighting ability of the army, as junior generals and even more junior officers don’t get the opportunities to train in different areas. Will the Pakistan army become a “Palace Army” like those of the Arabs, great for the parade grounds but moth-eaten within.

It weakens the relationship with the public, as predictability goes out the window, in all things, including hope for accountability. It makes the public feel desperate to do mass popular movements rather than go through governmental procedures. Discontent and not working with the system all stays simmering below the surface. It’s a deterrent to FDI, and makes it easier for foreign adversaries to find a few malcontents to use against the state. The story of so many MENA and Eastern European dictatorships.

Only when the economy is booming and when justice and accountability at all lower levels are there, could such a dictatorship work. Look at Lee Kwan Yu of Singapore or Singman Ree of South Korea. To be fair, Rapid economic growth is the only thing that would make this palatable for most of the public, and only for as long as the economic growth (8+% annually at least) lasts. Look at the growing discontent amongst many youth in China, now that growth has slowed. Not regime ending, not even by a long shot, but it leads to non-cooperation by the youth; lie flat and let it rot. Look at the youth in South Korea and Japan, not looking to be as ambitious because growth is limited. Look at what the Indian people tolerated done by Modi, just because he got the economy going, and now enough voted against him because the economy slowed. People are people, everywhere in the world, and human nature is the same the world over.

With the rise of the internet, smartphones, and social media, the public knows their lives can be so much better and won’t have the same patience or tolerance for this kind of “inefficiency”, as they once did when they didn’t know better. Pakistanis are watching Bangladesh on social media, and the powers that be don’t think that will have an impact. It was literally a matter of the removal of one or a few people that made the difference. Those that can will flee, like the 1.6 million (16 Lakh) Pakistanis that fled Pakistan last year, and those that can’t will drop out of society, avoid taxes, and become non-cooperative as much as possible (people may not be able or want to leave, but their money will leave).

In the late Soviet period, there was a saying, “they pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work”. If the state refuses to work, don’t be surprised the consent of the governed will go away in ways big and small.

My post was written in sarcasm..

Apologies for the confusion
Mr.x …hmm… patwari in disguise…
I don’t care who is in power anymore.

All I care about is the prosperity for my country. To be honest we don’t have any leadership in the country. Our establishment never allowed to plant the seeds of democracy in the country.

They are all the same, anyone who work to improve the lives of Pakistan is good for me
I don’t care who is in power anymore.

All I care about is the prosperity for my country. To be honest we don’t have any leadership in the country. Our establishment never allowed to plant the seeds of democracy in the country.

They are all the same, anyone who work to improve the lives of Pakistan is good for me

Anyone who worked to improve the country over the last several decades has been tossed, killed, or run out of the country. In his last days, Abdul Qadeer Khan regretted and reminisced about how he could have had an easy and respectable life in Europe with his wife and kids rather than suffering in the scorching heat. Pakistan is a thankless and ungrateful nation.
Keep denying buddy… each and every news is coming true. New amendments are hidden and no one knows about them even the government ministers do not know them, but they say they’re coming. Yesterday Supreme Court judges tried to stop them.

How many times these idiots have told you brainless yo*thias that charsi khota is coming out of jail by this date or that date and all proved to lies. Keep sucking.
There can't be a bigger disgrace then a patwari.

No one gives a flying f--k to your silly comments. According to your degraded logic, Whoever talk sense or talks against open fascism, corruption and barbarism of this fake govt + a corrupt general is automatically a "click-hungry youtuber" LMAO!

You guys used to lick the a-- of same youtubers few months ago. Those upright journalists didn't changed their stance. They were anti-establishment before, and they are anti-establishment today. Salute to these few journos who talk about truth and justice.
I certainly don't give that flying f--k to you or your trash that you spread on this platform.
It is being said that a separate Supreme Court will be created for Justice Faiz Isa and Asim munier will get his five years what a joke lol banchood mulk ko lurry lag deya saloo ney

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