Hangor Class Submarine | Updates & Discussion

you are aware the entire point of a sub is to be able to get up close right
Anti-sub warfare has transformed exponentially, however the subs are still the same lumbering, strategic assets that need to get close, if they intend for a torpedo kill. I doubt PN or any sane Navy would want that in the coming conflicts. I believe close quarters combat against ships would see heavy usage of expendable drones like we see in the Ukraine conflict.....
Anti-sub warfare has transformed exponentially, however the subs are still the same lumbering, strategic assets that need to get close, if they intend for a torpedo kill. I doubt PN or any sane Navy would want that in the coming conflicts. I believe close quarters combat against ships would see heavy usage of expendable drones like we see in the Ukraine conflict.....
it’s a mix - missile launches are easily spotted from the surface and immediately puts the sub at risk.

However, missile defenses mean that 1-2 systems unless launched against a isolated target will likely not succeed.

A volley of Torpedoes has a greater chance in causing a lot more destruction and while countermeasures exist for both - there are no mass active hit to kill systems against Torpedoes.

You either avoid them or they hit you.
Submarine launched torpedo is and will remain the most lethal arsenal of PN sub fleet.

Heavy torpedo can break the ship into two, sinking is inevitable. Destroyer size ships can take hits from anti-ship missiles and still afloat or remain in fight. Plus ships have more number of mechanisms to defeat the incoming missile for obvious reasons as its above the sea. (Electronic warfare, CIWS, long range missiles, short range missiles, chaffs / flares ....) In contrast defeating a torpedo is more difficult. Modern torpedoes have the capability to distinguish between a decoy and the ship.

An incoming torpedo is a nightmare for any ship. Single hit from the torpedo is a death sentence.
50 km at 100 kmph is a decent distance to deny adversary naval vessels from operating in your AOR.

Given the peril of ASW assets, a successful torpedo kill against a well armed and alert opponent is improbable. A sub cannot run away once a vengeful enemy seeking retribution unleashes the dogs. If we want to pit a sub against a combat ready surface task force by itself then we need something like the Russian Oscars , packed with AShMs , to unleash at safe distance and still have chance to slip away. Otherwise better not expose them actively to the enemy, and utilize them for their primary role, surveillance......
Given the peril of ASW assets, a successful torpedo kill against a well armed and alert opponent is improbable. A sub cannot run away once a vengeful enemy seeking retribution unleashes the dogs. If we want to pit a sub against a combat ready surface task force by itself then we need something like the Russian Oscars , packed with AShMs , to unleash at safe distance and still have chance to slip away. Otherwise better not expose them actively to the enemy, and utilize them for their primary role, surveillance......
Not improbable but surviving what comes next will be difficult. Unless its a coordinated attack with multiple subs - a lone SSK has a chance of killing a high value asset but then its dying as well.
Not improbable but surviving what comes next will be difficult. Unless its a coordinated attack with multiple subs - a lone SSK has a chance of killing a high value asset but then its dying as well.
Yes, a lone sub won't survive, so in PN's case, these new subs would be well suited to track and report on the enemy combatants, co-ordinate Zarb and P-282 strikes, and slip away....
Yes, a lone sub won't survive, so in PN's case, these new subs would be well suited to track and report on the enemy combatants, co-ordinate Zarb and P-282 strikes, and slip away....
They’re also good to lay mines - pick off any radar pickets , launch strikes against land targets and hunt other Indian subs.
Given the peril of ASW assets, a successful torpedo kill against a well armed and alert opponent is improbable. A sub cannot run away once a vengeful enemy seeking retribution unleashes the dogs. If we want to pit a sub against a combat ready surface task force by itself then we need something like the Russian Oscars , packed with AShMs , to unleash at safe distance and still have chance to slip away. Otherwise better not expose them actively to the enemy, and utilize them for their primary role, surveillance......
I ask about torpedos and not the subs because there are subs in the works that are unmanned and can be controlled from a safe distance.

These unmanned subs could be considered “attributable” and spend most of their time lying in wait in the EEZ. Platforms that could be discreetly (no visible sign on the surface) dropped off by ships with a large enough “moon bay” as on the Glomar Explorer


PNS Tasnim ( Designated)

The first four Hangor Class Type-039B AIP Attack Submarines of Pakistan Navy️ namely are in china ...
1-PNS Hangor
2-PNS Ghazi
3-PNS Shushuk
4-PNS Mangro
Sr 2,3&4 are at advance stages; with PNS Hangor slated for delivery by end 2024.
while the 5th Sub PNS Tasnim had its Keel Laying in Dec'2022.
6th just started.

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