Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

killing people does not give you strategic gains

a state with nuclear weapons and fifth generation fighter jets and unlimited supply of 2000lb bombs can kill lots of people with carpet bombing, wow you must be so proud

War is about two things: killing the enemy and winning the narrative.

Israel can do the first easily and, with the Zionist dominance of global media, they also have an advantage in the second, unfortunately. Our only hope is that social media can educate the world about our side of the narrative.
War is about two things: killing the enemy and winning the narrative.

Israel can do the first easily and, with the Zionist dominance of global media, they also have an advantage in the second, unfortunately. Our only hope is that social media can educate the world about our side of the narrative.
no, it isn't

USSR lost almost 5x as many men as Germans in WW2 but the Germans couldn't achieve their strategic objective and so they lost
@FHN one thing to clear the "ideology" is religion.

Also, to add another perspective, after World War II.

Only 1% of Muslims have won a Nobel prize in the sciences; over 20% of Jews have won a Nobel prize in the sciences. While Jews make up only .25% of the world's population.

If you were leading the U.S., who would you keep close to? Who would give you the most edge?
The US-Israel alliance was cemented in the age of the Cold War, in which the USSR dug its talons deep into Egypt, Syria and others. Israel, having seen its neighbours arming with Soviet weaponry, became a pliable ally to the US.Israel is a convenient ally for matters of intelligence sharing. The Israelis have ample experience with CT, and can offer a significant contribution.While some would like to discount this element altogether, I don't think that's an entirely responsible thing to do. While the Jewish population in the US might number in the lower millions and certainly not all are pro-Israel, they do in fact hold substantial political clout. AIPAC (the pro-Israel lobby) has a massive budget, they have courted the favour of many politicians (more Republicans than Democrats), and have a nearly-unmatched level of attention by high-ranking political officials who attend their events.Republicans often view the Israelis as their "brothers in arms" in the conflict against radical Islam, while others sometimes take a more measured, critical view and balance it out with other parameters.
no, it isn't

USSR lost almost 5x as many men as Germans in WW2 but the Germans couldn't achieve their strategic objective and so they lost

Sadly you are proving the point that @PakFactor was making.

We seem to have little value for our people's lives. Israel and the West make a big deal about every single soldier they lose; we shrug them off in the hundreds and thousands.
I think the estimates are the entity has in the low 10s of thousands of interceptors in total and that is with what US can supply at short notice.

The resistance has 100s of thousands of rockets, missiles and drones and remember we are not even talking about saturation where the Zio-US system cannot handle enough simultaneous intercepts.

Math simply does not add up for the entity.

They did not want to accept the "new normal" that Hezbollah imposed on them and so now 1/3rd of the settlers in occupied Palestine are hiding in shelters, basements and even underground sewage pipes.

PS - Forget to mention the highly advanced missiles that Houthis possess that the entity tried to shoot down with 20-22 interceptors the other week and failed miserably.

Bro! I really hope you are right!
And your prediction isn’t off like the BD student mob.

I personally think Hisbollah’s bluff has been called.

Iran cannot get involved - as Iran is not ready for all out war. It is probably a decade away. Once Iran gets an airforce and nuclear - Zionist dream will be over.

I think Hisbollah should have been patient and let the Zionists win the current battle.

Lose a battle to win a war!!
War is about two things: killing the enemy and winning the narrative.

Israel can do the first easily and, with the Zionist dominance of global media, they also have an advantage in the second, unfortunately. Our only hope is that social media can educate the world about our side of the narrative.

Most people now get their news from independent media.

Zionists control corporate media NOT independent media.

Most people now get their news from places like this:

Sadly you are proving the point that @PakFactor was making.

We seem to have little value for our people's lives. Israel and the West make a big deal about every single soldier they lose; we shrug them off in the hundreds and thousands.

You do what you can, sometimes victory has a high cost

The situation the Muslim world finds itself in is because of a variety of factors that have played out over centuries

But all lasting civilizations have high and low points, the Muslim world has t gone anywhere
We still control the vast majority of the lands Muslim spread to in history and our population statistically is larger then ever at over 2 billion and growing now

You are right, we are losing a lot of blood in these wars against us, but at this point in time against the enemies that we have, we have very little choice except for Do or surrender

And we need to get our populations and states motivated and moving so we can create change and build a future for the Muslim world so we can take on these common enemies
The US-Israel alliance was cemented in the age of the Cold War, in which the USSR dug its talons deep into Egypt, Syria and others. Israel, having seen its neighbours arming with Soviet weaponry, became a pliable ally to the US.Israel is a convenient ally for matters of intelligence sharing. The Israelis have ample experience with CT, and can offer a significant contribution.While some would like to discount this element altogether, I don't think that's an entirely responsible thing to do. While the Jewish population in the US might number in the lower millions and certainly not all are pro-Israel, they do in fact hold substantial political clout. AIPAC (the pro-Israel lobby) has a massive budget, they have courted the favour of many politicians (more Republicans than Democrats), and have a nearly-unmatched level of attention by high-ranking political officials who attend their events.Republicans often view the Israelis as their "brothers in arms" in the conflict against radical Islam, while others sometimes take a more measured, critical view and balance it out with other parameters.

The is no difference between Republicans and Dems. They are one and the same. Just changing hats and rotating power to make it look like its real opposition.

Dems: speakes softly but more cold calculating. Pushes muslims to becomes irreligious and LGBT which in effect would mean weakening of cohesion between muslims and death of Islamic Civilization.

Republicans: Speaks more hawkish and directly but imo slighty less cold and calculating than Dems. Want to have a Xtian vs Muslims narrative going, in order to rally for conflicts in muslim lands.

The two in tandem plays muslim countries like toys, good cop bad cop, hope followed despair followed by hope followed by despair … keep repeat
The US-Israel alliance was cemented in the age of the Cold War, in which the USSR dug its talons deep into Egypt, Syria and others. Israel, having seen its neighbours arming with Soviet weaponry, became a pliable ally to the US.Israel is a convenient ally for matters of intelligence sharing. The Israelis have ample experience with CT, and can offer a significant contribution.While some would like to discount this element altogether, I don't think that's an entirely responsible thing to do. While the Jewish population in the US might number in the lower millions and certainly not all are pro-Israel, they do in fact hold substantial political clout. AIPAC (the pro-Israel lobby) has a massive budget, they have courted the favour of many politicians (more Republicans than Democrats), and have a nearly-unmatched level of attention by high-ranking political officials who attend their events.Republicans often view the Israelis as their "brothers in arms" in the conflict against radical Islam, while others sometimes take a more measured, critical view and balance it out with other parameters.

Two things it's about accountability; the AIPAC holds the keys to character assassination if the senator who gets funding deviates. The Jews do not lower themselves in front of the politicians.

My experience, and the reason I stepped away from politicians, is that our old babus dragged our name into the dirt. They know they are only there for photo ops so that it can be published the following day in the South Asian Times. They will show it off on Devon Ave, Chicago, IL, drinking yesterday's chai. Then, when the time for re-election comes, he will not ask what was done and where the promises are, and they will not threaten to vote the other way.

Now, those same babus taught their politically active children the same garbage. Hence, no evolution has taken place.

The Muslims have enough budget in the billions in the U.S. if they get their ducks in order. But the desi mentality is only where you drag the individual down and not uplift him and those around you. They will stab you in the back and slander your name in the community.

Remember, while they are brother-in-arms, the Christians also believe in the rapture, whereas all non-Christians will be gone after the second coming of Christ, including the Jews.
Our only hope is that social media can educate the world about our side of the narrative.
As long as your "side" of the narrative is: "kill all the Jews!", the world will not buy your legitimacy. At its heart, that is your side's narrative. Hence the Jews will fight until their deaths. Of course, a lot of "martyrs" on your side will join them in this process.
As long as your "side" of the narrative is: "kill all the Jews!", the world will not buy your legitimacy. At its heart, that is your side's narrative. Hence the Jews will fight until their deaths. Of course, a lot of "martyrs" on your side will join them in this process.
The Jews are monstrous, they mischief makers and always have been

That's why they have been expelled or pogromed over 100 time's wherever they have gone

All they needed to do was end the occupation of the Palestinians and abide by international law

What they did was monstrous and evil, they have crossed a red line and the Jews must now leave the middle east

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