Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

The point of the flood, was to have Hamas go in from the South, Hezbollah from North, and some party form east (from Syria and West Bank ), to potentially rile up other parties in region to help with supply reinforcements while all parties pushed Israelis towards center and far south of country. US would intervene but would struggle badly in such a intervention. People of region weren't ready for a big war with high casualties.

I believe if Hezbollah went in before end 2023 then it would have been possible to put the entity under so much pressure that it would have been forced to end the genocide on Gaza.

While Hamas was still a massive threat entity could not have responded with such force in Lebanon as we saw over the past 2 weeks.

Now with Hezbollah meekness, the entity is able to take on each member of the Axis of Resistance one by one and at this stage it looks like the Zionists have the upper hand. Hezbollah entire senior leadership is killed and they still have not fired missiles in the quantity to destroy anything really meaningful that severely hurts the Zionist entity.

Hamas created a unique opportunity and Hezbollah just did not take advantage and piled in.
I believe if Hezbollah went in before end 2023 then it would have been possible to put the entity under so much pressure that it would have been forced to end the genocide on Gaza.

While Hamas was still a massive threat entity could not have responded with such force in Lebanon as we saw over the past 2 weeks.

Now with Hezbollah meekness, the entity is able to take on each member of the Axis of Resistance one by one and at this stage it looks like the Zionists have the upper hand. Hezbollah entire senior leadership is killed and they still have not fired missiles in the quantity to destroy anything really meaningful that severely hurts the Zionist entity.

Hamas created a unique opportunity and Hezbollah just did not take advantage and piled in.

I would say same is applicable when you put Hez in place of Hamas and Iran in place of Hez and trust me still you will see no difference. Israel destroy resistance forces one by one at his convenience and in the last people ask why not all resistance forces fight together?
The Jews returned to their home after 2,000 years - and not all willingly, either. You're aware that just a year before Israel's independence that Pakistan and India started a massive exchange of populations and properties? By contrast, Jews were tossed out of Arab countries with nothing but clothes on their backs while the Palestinian Arabs who revolted against Israeli rule and departed gained little in exchange, not even citizenship from their fellows, primarily support to maintain the anti-Jewish hatred for themselves and their descendants.

The crusaders could go home. In the end their rulers valued access to their holy sites more than conquest. By contrast, Israelis are home.
If you tell a false enough times - it becomes the truth in your head. Not on PDF.
Yet again bringing Pakistan and India into this. Stop going off topic - last warning or I might have to remove you from this land.
The Jews returned to their home after 2,000 years - and not all willingly, either
Jews origin is NOT historic Palestine.
For historicity it should be mentioned that according to the jewish scriptures, the place we call Palestine was inhabitated by Cananites, who which present day Palestinains share ancestry with.

Second, Ashkenazie jews dont have a claim to anything as you are of EUROPEAN ORIGIN. Its obvious, even a baby can see that European Jews bare no ethnic reseblance to Jews from ME.

Even if you were, claiming something so stupid will mean a Nigerian or Namibian by virtue of being Christian can claim any European or US land. Which would sound ludicrous. But yet no different from what you and other European jews claim. Heck mot of earths nationstates would had to dissolved and reorginized of every litttle Tom Dick and Harry claimed some land somewhere by virture of religious or ethnic affinity somehwre through time.

Truth is you get away with something so disturbing because you bethren has the influence and $$$ to play this silly game. And i would actually respect ashkenazie Jews if you just said it plain honest way, instead of all that mumb jumbo mental gymnastics.
By contrast, Jews were tossed out of Arab countries with nothing but clothes on their backs while the Palestinian Arabs who revolted against Israeli rule and departed gained little in exchange, not even citizenship from their fellows, primarily support to maintain the anti-Jewish hatred for themselves and their descendants.

It all started with the betrayl by Jews, and inserting that colonial semen called Zionism, into historic Palestine. Rest was just a domino effect. Novody would accept a colonial entity gaining footground in the heart of their territory. Try make the Chinese to give back Hong Kong to UK and Macao to Portugal. Or let Russians try set up a colonial entity like Kaliningrad in the heart of wedtern Europe forexample whete Switzerland or Belgium is and start see the reaction of Europeans. It would piss me off seeing a hostile infection being injected into center of Western Europe.

The crusaders could go home. In the end their rulers valued access to their holy sites more than conquest. By contrast, Israelis are home.

The crusaders in reality have as little or as much claim to Palestine as Jews have. Again using stupid claim type «My grandma used to live in this home, now i am back so its my crib now» wont work, how much you repeat it. Btw most jews in Palestine converted to Islam 1300 years ago and they are today called PALESTINIANS and its actually proven by DNA analysis.

Another fact: many crusaders brought their families and stayed in Palestine and adopted loval culture. Thats why so many Palestinians, Syriaks and Lebanese look like white western europeans.

One more thing.
YOU have to decide for yourself first on WHAT BASIS you claim Palestine;
- religious?
- secular?

Cant have both.

And frankly all the arguments you guys use can never be universialized as it would mean as i saud every nation, land and country on earth would be open for revision, dissolution, colonialization and reorganizement along som prehistoric lines. Thats a totally unresalitic thing.

I kind of feel sorry for Arab jews, because they were lured into backstabbing muslim Arabs by the European zionist pipers. But this time when Outremer V. 2.0 is dismantled no one can know or gurantee there will be a mercifull leader like Salah Ad Din who will be at helm of the muslim armies.
The Jews returned to their home after 2,000 years - and not all willingly, either. You're aware that just a year before Israel's independence that Pakistan and India started a massive exchange of populations and properties? By contrast, Jews were tossed out of Arab countries with nothing but clothes on their backs while the Palestinian Arabs who revolted against Israeli rule and departed gained little in exchange, not even citizenship from their fellows, primarily support to maintain the anti-Jewish hatred for themselves and their descendants.

The crusaders could go home. In the end their rulers valued access to their holy sites more than conquest. By contrast, Israelis are home.
Jews aren't even native to Palestine even according to their own scripture. They invaded, killed the locals, including their kings, and took over the land.

Next, the Palestinians were and are refugees, if they were given citizenship, most probably wouldn't return and be financial burdens on their (at the time) poor host nations.

Some Jews were tossed out, most traveled willingly. This is a myth perpetuated by zionists to justify their hatred of their Semitic brothers, the Arabs.

Nobody but the Europeans hated and still hate Jews.

Palestinians are being punished for European (in particular German) sins.

If the Europeans were honest, Germany should have been broken and half given to Jews as compensation.

Instead they tossed the Jews out because they may have been horrified by rhe holocaust, but even they were anti-semitic and didn't want Jews in Europe.

What a shit argument.
At this point, Iran should be flooding South Lebanon with volunteer fighters from Syria, armed with ATGMs.

I doubt it though.
At this point, Iran should be flooding South Lebanon with volunteer fighters from Syria, armed with ATGMs.

I doubt it though.
they will be picked off from the sky as soon as they try. Israel already bombed every crossing on the Lebanon-Syria border
they will be picked off from the sky as soon as they try. Israel already bombed every crossing on the Lebanon-Syria border
That should stop them from trying different routes. After all, Iran has successfully smuggled a ton of weapons into Lebanon over years, even though Israel has trying to bomb those routes.

Good. I think it was Nasrallahs last speech that he welcomed ground invasion by Israel. Thats where Hezbollah excels. Man to man combat. The zionists are drunk in their barbaric glee in light of recent tactical successes, and this is a classic overreach.
Time to settle to the score with this satanic entity, where Hezbollah actually has some advantage.

The great war of liberation is here and has expanded (started on october 7), but it is going to be a long war of attrition.
At this point, Iran should be flooding South Lebanon with volunteer fighters from Syria, armed with ATGMs.

I doubt it though.

I don't think that is required as Hezbollah has ample fighters equipped with ATGMs and heavy mortars dug into the hills and forests of South Lebanon.

It is interesting that the entity is going for a more limited operation than in 2006 and it seems their objective is not even the Litani River. This would suggest that they truly fear being cooked alive by modern Hezbollah ATGMs. They have nothing that will protect them from Hezbollah ATGMs like Almas that can fire in "dual missile mode" to defeat active protection systems like Trophy.

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